I don't mean to burst you guys' bubble or anything, but a kiss does not make up for the fact that Sara's f**king

I barely even noticed the kiss the first time, I had to go back and watch it again. Then I almost had a heart attack. Then I cried again and ran upstairs as fast as I could so my sisters wouldn't see me crying. I don't have any kleenex in my room... which really sucks because I'm crying like crazy here. And I have to say that it really doesn't look good for GSR... the song they used for one thing "I will remember you, will you remember me?" and "I'm worried about you." "That just makes it worse." I think that if she leaves to deal with her past but doesn't really leave Grissom, I will cry, but I can handle it. What I can't handle is my favourite character leaving
and my ship ending in the same episode. AND, to make matters worse, I have a huge test on November 16. How the hell do I study when there are tears streaming down my face?! I'll be lucky if my eyes don't swell shut and prevent me from watching the rest of the ep.