Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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I'm optimistic as well, and maybe she just needs a much deserved rest.. and has some other issues we don't know anything about!!!I think maybe she'll reconsider, and in January or whenever come back

I know you guys are upset about Jorja's leaving. Least it her decision, not the CBS or TPTB force her to leave the show. She just want to do the other that she want to do and she finally got it then if she decided to come back as a guest star, it will be CSI, not the other show.

I thought Billy will be the first one to leave, he keep said that he want to do more threater. I wondered how the teams react Jorja leaving. I would love to hear from them.
I just cannot watch the show without Sara. She has always been way more than GSR. I was sad in Season 7 when they were onlying using for GSR even though i ship it.
Sara is just the biggest force on that show and oddly enough i dont think anyone realized it until we all thought she was going to die and then leave and now she is
Sara is just the strongest most complex person on the show
CSI at its best is over.
I cannot watch once Sara is not solving cases and doing the geek mind meld with Grissom every week sorry
I don't really understand how it's supposed to console me that we'll get good GSR scenes now. Yes, I am a 100% GSR shipper, but I love Sara more.

I am glad that it was her decision and maybe she'll come back as a guest star, but I'd rather it was no one's decision and she stayed. Ah, what I wouldn't give to go back to that world.
Buwah, I feel a lot better about things now. I was watching the TV Guide Network's look inside CSI, which was, generally, a fifteen minute look inside Jorja leaving. But, NS did confirm that Sara would be back at some point. And I quote [which my parents and brother caught onto to, so shush] "It's alright, Sara will be back." and I was like, OHTHANKGOD. Yes, this is me, chicken counting. So yeah, I give JF about a year, and then perhaps a possible return to CSI. You just can't throw that away forever. She said she needed a break, and a season would be a break. Damnit, accept my totally screwed delusions, will you?

I agree with BrookeSidle, though. Despite my 1,000,000% GSR shippyness. Sara has really been the only reason I've stayed to the show for so many years.
Which I explained to my mother tonight, and she nearly cried.

I will let everybody know though, that on the TV Guide thing...The screen in the background seriously only showed pictures of GSR and Jorja.
It was a happy moment in my life.

Alright, I'm better.
Looking forward to tomorrow night.
Which, you all will be glad to know, I actually gave up a weekend of surfing for this.
I love surfing...

- Andy // Toasty
I am soooooooooo sad that Jorja is leaving the show. And like i said before it is still surreal for me, and is going to be like until 2 or 3 episode after she leaves for it to kick in that she isnt there no more. I was really sad and reading all this post and then i came across one that was really interested a page back somebody mentione a kiss! Now the only reason i wouldnt be sad or mad is if the FINALLY kiss so hoping and praying that they do before Sara leaves!!! So at least im excited about something.
I completely agree and I always thought Sara was a good role model for women definately the best one on CSI.
There was no CSI for me without Sara mainly because of Sara then GSR.
Sara is the main reason i got into this show 2 years ago
i bought the DVD's after catching an episode really alte at night when i was sick. I watch them all in order and i admit have seen most of them twice.
But i stuck with the show when there was too much Catherine drama because of SARA she is just the best
CSI at its best is over.
my word what a rollercoaster of emotions for a handful of days! first confirmation from JF herself that she's leaving then confirmation from CM that at some point she definately will be back! (though, when, they have no idea)
wow i don't think my head knows where it's at :-S

I totally adore Jorja- the more i find out about her, the more I admire her. I'll hate not seeing her on TV again for a while, but as long as she is happy, I'll be happy.

I don't think she was necessarily implying GSR would end, she was just answering the questions she was presented with. it was the question which implied GSR would be ending, NOT the answer. I mean - CM says she wouldn't count on Grissom moving on, but at no point does she say that he's going to need to have to move on- the interviewer simply assumed GSR would be ending and CM really didn't confirm or deny it, I guess they need to keep answers vague because they simply do not know what the future might bring, that and they love to keep us in suspense! lol

.... oh and re: geekbaby - i've read that this idea was presented to JF and WP but they didn't like it so the idea was scrapped, dunno how reliable that info is though, guess we'll just have to wait and see! - I still don't think they're going to end GSR - even in Jorja's absence, I struggle to believe they've strung us along for over 7 seasons just to end it as soon as it was getting anywhere. I mean, if they've known for months that Jorja would be going and that they'd be ending GSR, why go down the outing them and the proposal route?
EVERYBODY READ THIS IM NOT EVEN KIDDING, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!! IT MADE MY DAY AWESOME!! this means jorja is having a mid-life crisis and will be back for more seasons, they are also doing a season 9 despite the rumors!!! CAROL MENDELSON INTERVIEW.
my word what a rollercoaster of emotions for a handful of days! first confirmation from JF herself that she's leaving then confirmation from CM that at some point she definately will be back! (though, when, they have no idea)
wow i don't think my head knows where it's at :-S

Maybe...they are just fooling us?

Yes, I read that also about 5 minutes after I posted my first spoiler about geek!baby. I think that source is very reliable (poster was Elyse?). Since that first spoiler had been posted on the CBS site and they hadn't taken it down, I didn't completely believe it either. If it held anything true it would have been. Actually, I am both sad and happy about this news. I was getting used to the idea of geekbaby. And now that we know that the writers were considering it (?) it feels a bit sad. Because, to me, a baby would have meant about 99.999999% chance that Jorja would come back in later episodes. But after reading the CM Interview, I feel sooo much more relieved! But just think of it...geekbaby. Any kid of Sara and Grissom would take on the entire world with its prettiness and superubraawesome brains.

Jorja got herself some attention in the Swedish newpapers today. Okay, it was a short notice in Stockholm City (think of it as Metro), but still ! Anyways it said:

The American actress Jorja Fox has done "a Persbrandt" (Note: Mikael Persbrandt is a Swedish actor (who sucks BTW) who suddenly left the play he was working on for a movie career in Germany. Caused a huge debate since he left them about a month before the premiere and the director is now being forced to take his place as leading actor). She has left her role in the enormously popular criminal investigation-serie 'CSI' with short notice, states Entertainment Weekly. Jorja Fox says to the newspaper that the defection did NOT have to do with money, but rather her wish to take some time of and get away from the hard work that comes from record a TV-serie.

The only vital thing they forget to put into that notice, is that she is currently doing S8 in the States. Now, everybody will think that she is going to leave in the next episode which airs this Monday (Leapin' Lizards). *headdesk*
ElinWaffle said:
my word what a rollercoaster of emotions for a handful of days! first confirmation from JF herself that she's leaving then confirmation from CM that at some point she definately will be back! (though, when, they have no idea)
wow i don't think my head knows where it's at :-S

Maybe...they are just fooling us?

lol quite possible! wouldn't be the first time that's for sure. I'm starting to lose track of the number of times they've claimed not to know what's going on when they've known all along :p I swear TPTB delight in watching us squirm! :lol: :devil:

it's a shame that article you've quoted is so inaccurate, I mean TPTB have known since Jan that she didn't want to sign on for another full season, I hardly call that short notice! doesn't exactly portray Jorja in the best light, does it? :( It's not like she just suddenly refused to go in or stormed off the set or anything, which is what that article makes it sound like.

after today I'm going to take a break from the board for a bit, being in the UK it'll prob be saturday or sunday before I get to see tonight's ep and I want to keep some of it a surprise! lol but i'll be back after that :D

at the bottom of part one it says about part two they will talk about what will replace the GSR void, just wanted to say now DON'T PANIC, with Sara offscreen I guess there will be a void in terms of an on-screen relationship, doesn't mean their relationship is ending!

anyone ever get a feeling we need a GSR support ribbon? lol
My head is exploding.
And I'm so full of emotion from all of this, I just wanna cry.

Has anybody else felt like this has been the longest week in the history of man? All in like three days, we've had dashed hopes and rekindled dreams. It's freaking insane.
Insane, I tell you!
Like my super-secret boyfriend Michael Myers.
And, oh, by the way, I've named my lovely guitar Gilbert.
They [meaning both Gilbert's] are now Gillykinns.
Be proud.

You know what else I just realized? In order to fix my mustang, I have to get under it. Oh shizzle.

You know, since day one I've made it a big thing to hate CM, but now. Omg. I think I might actually love her. After all the "GSR is not the be-all-end-all", she really kind of pulled through in that interview. Especially when she was asked if Grissom was going to move on. She didn't confirm or deny that he was going to have to move on, which I love. I also love that Jorja is coming back. Buwah. I can do a few episodes without her, knowing that she will be on the return at some point. Yeah.

I'll think of something else to say in a minute.
Oh yeah, the best part!

What are all these rumors about a geekbaby? Woah. You know, I always thought that'd be cool, but I couldn't really picture them doing it. With the current situation though, it seems like an awesome idea. My mother [Sara hater #2 who is on the verge of liking her] also talked about this, actually. I was all, "omg, here's the deal. She's quitting, to spend more time with her husband and the super-secret baby!" and mum was all..."If you say so." But no, seriously, leaves the perfect window for JF's return. By next season, buwah! Season 9 is now on my 'must watch' list. And I'm happy about it.

BabyBunting said:
anyone ever get a feeling we need a GSR support ribbon? lol

Let's do it. It can be that bright, attention grabbing green that they always make the fingerprints on the front of game and DVD boxes. That way, nobody misses it.

And, for the non-spoiled...
I watched Manhunter last night.
That movie is beautiful.
Especially in, like, these five scenes where he...
Watch the movie...

- Andy // Toasty
cool - anyone any good with paint or some other daft art programme so we can have a GSR support ribbon that we can stick in our sigs???
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