Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Heeheehee! You guys are so cute! XB "More than a kiss"... yeah, fanfic stuff. Herm... what to do until next week... (Well, there is work to keep me preoccupied. 9.9 OMG! I hope I don't have to work (or at lest get an opening shift.)) x.x
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I don't know about that. God knows we've seen Catherine have WWWWAAAAYYYY too many sexual encounters. Plus we saw Nick and that former prostitute girl (what was her name?) Once we even got to see a private moment with Warrick and his wife, so I think that we could definitely get (a little) more than a kiss, as long as it was written well, and it would totally fit the show. I would love to see flashbacks of them in some private time. They don't have to throw in smut, that's what Cath is for :devil:, sorry, but you get my point. We could have some intimate moments without it destroying the show. I think it would make it more watcher friendly. Maybe pull some of the people who watch GA back, ya know?

I have more to say on the premiere, but I have to wait for 40 more min so it isn't a spoiler.

Tru-while you are camping, if the trailer shows up, will you let me know, please? you can either post it or PM me...Thank you if you're saying yes right now!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

First promo is up on the grissomsararomance news page.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Yeah well, I guess that's true.
However, as I've said, I just can't picture them making out...
But hey, if that happened... oh God would I ever squeal!

Seriously, if there's no kiss for us, then what shall we do? Cry? Well, that's what I'll do! ;D

(OT: Yes Bengali13, I'll PM you!)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

yes I noticed the promo too, but I can't watch it yet. Probably a lot of people watching it right now, no biggie.

Just one thought, what's your favorite GSR moment?
Mine is when they're talking about sex without emotions, and Grissom says that it makes him sad. And Sara says "I don't think I make you sad" Or something like it, and he goes "No, you make me happy."
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

he had better say i love you and we sooo have earned a kiss after the nerve racking summer!!!

GSR Rules and CSI Rocks in that order!!!

Squeeeeee! Sara said Hello Gilbert. He so just wanted to go home with her. Geek love rules! you got to wonder if they heard us all complaining that she never called him Gil, although now i think Gilbert is sexier! Jorja Fox so deservs an Emmy! it was in character and moving when she talks of her father. I love that they showed us how Sara was taken and our sara kicking butt. Gilbert should be a little scared don't you think and Catherine don't you ever piss Sara off, cause she would so win in a fight! This episode is just a glowing example of how Jorja Fox is the best part of the show. I have said it before but i will say it again Sara Sidle and Jorja Fox are the the ehtereal breathing heart and soul of CSI. Squeeee!!! Everyone thinks the forensics is the best part of this show, but I have to say i think the writers have proved that they can do the characters beautifully. I love that Sara does not respond until she seees Gilbert's name tag. Although i really get the feeling they shot this episode with Living Doll which is why they were able to keep it hidden so well
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

TruSidle said:
yes I noticed the promo too, but I can't watch it yet. Probably a lot of people watching it right now, no biggie.

Just one thought, what's your favorite GSR moment?
Mine is when they're talking about sex without emotions, and Grissom says that it makes him sad. And Sara says "I don't think I make you sad" Or something like it, and he goes "No, you make me happy."
Yes! That is my fave! It only ties with the "pin me down" scene. >:3 The tension... <3 Or... maybe the letter... Ugh! There's SOOO many!!! XD
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan


Guys. I was so drunk. lol.

I mean I had to have been drunk. "Hello Gilbert." o_O I looked at my sister and was all like "Gilbert? GILBERT? *snorts* " Then I choked on my Pina Colada. And Hodges is in the thinger? You know what I mean. I should have stopped drinking awhile ago. xD She's ALIVE! And she's ALIVE! And he held her hand and smiled and she was so strong because Sara is strong and that's why I love her so much. "He loved me more then Grissom could ever love you." I almost peed my pants. Seriously. The FLASHBACK to the chalk scene? omg! I was like sqeeeeeeeing my brains out. Then I remembered she could still die and controlled myself a little. But a real life honest to God Canon Flashback to a moment that WE considered to be HUGE? TPTB are edging their way off my shitlist. I love CSI. BEST.EPISODE.EVER.

9 years? That's so cute. I giggled. I love Grissom. Can you say a possible timeline? Oh yay! 9 years. Oh, Gilbert - how you make me love you. *squees*

I'm so mother lovin' glad that CSI is back. I just cannot even define how excited I am that another Season is underway. Yay!

And now, I'm gonna go drink some water and pop some asprin so I don't feel like death tomorrow when I get up at 5am to go to work. Boo!

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

yeah I like the pin me down scene as well.
however, the 'since when are you interested in beauty' scene is a great moment too!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Was I the only one who thought the whole "hello gilbert" was a bit saucy sounding? Hmmmm? Thoughts!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

It really sucks that we still have to use these! But the premiere, OMFG, I was biting my finger. No, I don't mean my fingernails, | mean my FINGER. I was chewing on it like a dog with a bone. Yay, Sara got out. She's so strong. Haha, the "Hello Gilbert" thing was so great. But I wish we had got a kiss or "i love you"*sigh* maybe next week. She did say she knew what it was like to be in love, but that's it. At least they held hands. That was so sweet, like, she opened her eyes and saw his vest. Then she looked up and they smiled at eachother. They were just looking at eachother for like three minutes. Can't wait til next week! I'm going to be driving my friends up the wall tomorrow.

aww, that was so sweet, she says 'two years' he says nine. and Ecklie "You two need to get your story straight." I guess we will get a timeline after all. Maybe it'll be sort of like dead doll was, with the flashbacks. Except these will be scenes we've never seen before. It'll be like.. him asking her out, their 'first kiss', them getting a dog. Stuff like that. GSR 4evar!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

BrookeSidle said:
aww, that was so sweet, she says 'two years' he says nine. and Ecklie "You two need to get your story straight." I guess we will get a timeline after all. Maybe it'll be sort of like dead doll was, with the flashbacks. Except these will be scenes we've never seen before. It'll be like.. him asking her out, their 'first kiss', them getting a dog. Stuff like that. GSR 4evar!
I know, wasn't it just the sweetest thing ever?! I was like, "Awww!" Anyway, yeah, I was saying earlier about how Gil was probably counting from when they first met. ^_~ What and why do y'all think he said that?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

It's finally after 1 so no more spoiler boxes YAY!!!!

Was I the only one disappointed that Nick found her and not "Gilbert"? I loved most of the episode, but why, why, why couldn't Gil have found Sara? The end was soooo sweet though. I could watch that look/hand hold over and over(and prob will :lol:)

Oh and I got to see the trailer for next week, thank you. Stupid Ecklie GRRRRRR (hate him) I hope that him telling them they need to get their story strait means that he doesn't believe them!!! Wouldn't that just rule!! God I would LOVE that!!

And I have a question for all of you in the know, was Hodges always in the opening credits? Was Sophia? I noticed tonight and wondered if I just never paid attention.

My fav. GSR moment? I'm not ready to say goodbye,intimately, and the butterflied speech. In that order.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Last year hodges was a special guest star & Sofia was in the opening credits.
This was friggin' great.
Next week looks friggin' great.
I'm working on uploading tonights video in segments onto badango & will link it here for those of you not in the US.
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