Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Woot woot! :lol: New thread peeps. :D How on earth have we got to #29?

You want to know something funny? I nearly did the title wrong. :lol: I'm destined to mess up. :rolleyes:

Anywho, here's the old thread: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight. Did I get the punctuation right? :p


*raises... orange juice* Here's to getting some of this and this in the near future. :devil: Well assuming that she's gonna survive of course. GO TEAM SO! :D

Oh, and how about some rules, we're good girls really. :p

Yay! *throws toy mustang car at Choco's head*
Yay! I've been waiting all day for this thread. Go GSR! Go team SO! Go anything else remotely connected to Grissom or Sara!

::Throws Honey Roasted Peanuts:: I'm always out of beads when we do this... "Cheers Eggy" Good job with the thread :)

Since I have nothing more to WOOHOO!!!

Go Team SO!!
*stocks up on duct tape*

I needed a refill : )

LOL egg, I was wondering the same thing, how did we ever get to 29 threads? .. That is a LOT of posts...

We should have an anniversary when we get to #30. Cause 30 is a nice even number. : )

I'd like to see, a long time down the road, Grissom and Sara having an anniversary. I think that would be sweet. I think I'd only like it if it wasn't really included in CSI though, cause I don't want to see them get married until the end, but then that would make the whole 'my way of their anniversary' thing not possible... oh well, I'll dream.

I made something for the new thread:

Congrats guys' on the new thread!! *throws confett*

29 threads? You guys are some real gsr-holics, suffering from post-gsr-syndrome, praying for the coocoo, and drooling over the love letter.


GO SUPERMAN GRISSOM, who will save Sara from under the car.

Boo on Lady Heather, because I dislike her.

And say good bye to Natalie because she's a horrible person for messing with our good ol' gsr.
finally~~ LOVE this title~~
from his own lips.. so you other ships :confused: 'bite me' :D and to get started, as coming up in S/8.. when he finds Sara alive and well~

ohmygod, pictures.
I'm fine.
Right. Kay. Hmm.

29 threads? Holycorn, dudes. I wish I still had some nuts to throw, but I gave them all to Willy Wonka and the White Bitch.
I can say that, right? Are we rating today's PG-13? 'Cause people are amazingly mouthy now. Things just slip on by.

Anywho, wow, I remember when we were still trying to get up to #13. That was a hekka long time ago, and that makes me feel kinda old. Sorry even older kooks. :p
No seriously, how crazy are we? Without the help of this thread, I swear, I wouldn't be able to count to...29.

As all three persons have died lately, I have a few more months of health and happyness.
And yes, September does in fact fall into that section. Except, I'll be living with my grandmother in September, so she's finally gonna catch up. YES!

Go Brandon and all your Disney Channel games amazingness.

- Andy // Toasty
Yay for the new thread.

I wish I could be more excited for you. It's been a amazingly long week that hasn't ended yet.

Don't want to bore you with details. I know how ya'll hate that.

I bought new socks today in an attempt to cheer myself up. They are white and pink and grey and have little butterflies on them.

And I bought a pair with chickens all over them. Remind me to post pictutes later.

Ok, so I was feeling so bad that I bought ten pairs of socks.

Didn't help. So I ate some Dibs.

Didn't help. So I watched CSI.

Fell asleep during 'Butterflied'.


GSR is awesome. I love GSR. GSR is wonderful and great and will still be living many many years in the future.

Yes. G'night ya'll. If I didn't have to go BACK to work again, I'd go to sleep. *cries*

That is all.
Oh good old GSR. hat wuld CSI be without you? :lol: Congrats on the new thread everybody. Can't wait for the awesome stuff that's gonna go down in here! Love GSR..

Go team SO!
yay for thread #29!!

Turts I'm sorry you're having a bad week- I know how you feel

I'm watching BTK as we speak...and enjoying it

GSR rocks my naked feet
Yay for the new thread. I dont post often but I do check in everyday and have been for the past 2 years.

Has anyone else been thinking about what the promo is going to look like for the first episode of the season? Its more than likely going to be all GSR. YAY!

And please oh please have some great promo stills. This summer is not going fast enough.
YAY thread #29! you did a great job with this egg, i am proud, lol.

made this to celebrate:


Turtle! haven't seen you for a while. hope you'll gonna go smoothly through the roughness of this week. even though it's already ... Sunday. lol

and of course, my beloved Toasty, you need to come here more often, yo. *hugs*
Has anyone else been thinking about what the promo is going to look like for the first episode of the season? Its more than likely going to be all GSR. YAY!
that's a good thought gina. i'm already scared of the upcoming spoilers, you know. i'm gonna have to take a break from Talk in September i guess.
This summer is not going fast enough.
lol. this is a good thing you know! :p i'm back home for 3,5 months and i relax. i'd rather not have any CSI for some time and have a bit of the time off than go to my classes, play my stupid sport, work and sleep 5 hours every night. to me, this summer can go slowly, and i'm not gonna mind. i have my dvd's ;)

on the other hand i wonder if the spoilers will reveal if Sara survives or not. please keep in mind NOT TO POST SMILIES in the boxes, lol.

lmao, Herzeleid - I love your avvie. That scene made me laugh so hard. *cuddles Judie*

Has anyone else been thinking about what the promo is going to look like for the first episode of the season?

I think it's most likely that we're going to get clips from the end of the finale's scene, coupled with a lot of "reaction" shots that will be new, and then a whole lot of text. lol. They can't in any way hint about Sara's condition, or whether or not the team will find her in time, so...
sarahvma said:

I think it's most likely that we're going to get clips from the end of the finale's scene, coupled with a lot of "reaction" shots that will be new, and then a whole lot of text. lol. They can't in any way hint about Sara's condition, or whether or not the team will find her in time, so...

I think at this point, I will be yelling at my computer at the top of my lungs, telling it to tell me if Sara survives. Cause so far, I'm good, I'm not being killed by suspence at the moment, but when the promos come out, I can already see the insaity. ;)

Adzix said:

that's a good thought gina. i'm already scared of the upcoming spoilers, you know. i'm gonna have to take a break from Talk in September i guess.

Well, somehow I think they're going to go all out, and make it their goal that NO ONE under any circumstances, finds out, or tells anyone what Sara's status is. I think they're going to make every effort to make sure that the question of whether or not Sara is alive is unknown until the premier. But of course, anything can leak out.

lol. this is a good thing you know! :p i'm back home for 3,5 months and i relax. i'd rather not have any CSI for some time and have a bit of the time off than go to my classes, play my stupid sport, work and sleep 5 hours every night. to me, this summer can go slowly, and i'm not gonna mind. i have my dvd's ;)

Yeah, I agree. Next year I have all really hard courses except for drama, so I'm not looking forward to going back. So I want to enjoy my summer, .. and try to get a job. :rolleyes:

LOL. The part about the DVD's, made me laugh hysterically for a long while. I don't know why.


I have season 5 on DVD, and I haven't watched a single episode on it in at least a month. That's horrible. Well, I'm feeling an emptiness inside the GSR part of my heart, so I'm going to go watch a really GSR-y episode, if I can find one on tape or DVD...
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