Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight
*points at adz*
He he Adz got mod/slapped
Hey Adzix, you got mod. slap. Just kidding.
are the two of you laughing at me?
*retrieves a kalashnikov from the back pocket of my eastern-european pants*
Hasta La Vista ... Baby.
admit it, who just thought about
Anyone notice a theme? Oh dear.
are you ... Hooked on a Feeling,
btw, i have a new love, guys. *angel choir*
Davie Hasselhoff. lmao
i'm afraid to post a certain pic of him here (cuz it's like 95% nude) that i find absolutely hoffastic, but it's easy to find if someone is curious. go on
google image search, and type 'David Hasselhoff'. i'm talking about the second pic that'll pop up. the one with shar pei's. sexy as hell, isn't it? lol. and if you want to see the best animation technique in a music video type in "Hooked on a Feeling" on YouTube.
*sigh* this post is so freakin GSR related that i think
Anthony is going to nominate me as a new mod. or something.
okay so maybe i'll actually say something on topic. someone earlier, was that you
sXs?, wrote that in Crate and Burial they found a girl somewhere in the desert, and it would be kinda stupid if they just didn't go for a blind search considering that they FOUND that girl: literally buried, alive, and it was 7 years ago. i mean why can't they just get into a chopper or two, put those night-binoculars on and find her. she's under a red mustang, how many of them are there face down lying in the Nevada desert not far away from LV?
besides, Natalie couldn't take Sara too far away. how much time did she have from the obduction to the time she got back to her apartment? probably a couple of hours. they should be able to mark an approximate search radius.
I have a feeling the writers were doing crack when they wrote all the Sofia stuff. Actually, every time they do a Sofia scene, I blame it on drugs. I thought it was ridiculous the way they put Unbearable right after Nesting Dolls. When things are actually working, they put Sofia in.
i pretty much think that they did it to just mix things up for us. i mean, it would become really obvious that G/S got together somewhere at that time if he just blew Sofia off and Gum Drops came along right in the beginning of the next season.
that's my theory. wonder why has nobody asked Billy about it in the interviews. is anybody writing to Rambo at the moment?
Ilovebilly, the guy certainly adores you

so if you are writing him another letter can you ask about Unbearable and Grissom's "let's have dinner" to Sofia? it would be awesome if he answered.
anyway i voted for The Only Person He Ever Loved, b/c it was my suggestion.
well, but also b/c it fits the best i think, lol.