Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm starting to wish I lived i the US. The season finale doesn't air here until July :(

I watched Unbearable again today. I always have to turn it off before the end. My theory is that Grissom and Sofia leave his office and Sara is outside and then Grissom confesses his undying love for Sara and they live happily ever after.

Did I just say that?


There. Have a random GSRy picture.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Till 7x24 some pictures to make you stay positive :p


the 'LOVE' letter


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Axatullux said:
All I can say is that Sara lives through this episode or else it's phucking "Grey's Anatomy" from here onwards. :mad: :rolleyes:

Edited to add spoiler box

Come on guys...USE THE SPOILER BOX!!!!! Anything that has to do with the finale MUST be in a spoiler box. The mods shouldn't have to keep coming in and adding them.

Also, don't forget to use the spoiler box until the episode has aired in the ENTIRE USA. That's 1AM EST.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

you know what I realized? I'M WORKING THURSDAY NIGHT!!! And there's no one who can switch with me...I'm going crazy!!! AHHHH. I'm going to have to Tivo it and turn off all the computers in my house so I'm not tempted to sign on here and read all of y'all's reactions to the episode...I can't stand it, I am SUCH an IDIOT!! :mad:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

i cry for you butterflied.. that totally sucks. does your work have a breakroom complete with tv?!? i remember i watched csi illegally one time, at least the last 15 minutes.. it was fallen idols in fact..squee!

woo! only a couple more days everybody! i'd be post-ier but i have somehow contracted a cold and my nose won't stop running long enough to type what i wanna say. bah-humbug. heh, i said bug. i need some sleep, GSR goodness to all, and to all a good night!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Get a bad stomach ache about an hr. before you get off :D would they be suspicious?.. or call in sick that day or do they already know about the FINALE?


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yea, so I just saw that eppy that you made the icon of and I went insane because it wqas the first time I saw it... what is the name of the eppy and what season is it in, because it was fantastic! Gosh this ship is looove to the extreme... I can't wait for the finale...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

The episode was the all-time famous "Time of your death" from Season 6x21 (I believe?) :D lovely flirting eye-sex in that episode :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

haha yeah that might work...I don't know what was wrong with me, they were desperate for someone to come in and I looked at my calendar, TOTALLY not remembering that it was the finale (to be fair, my brain is completely fried this week) and was like, oh yeah, no problem. And now I'm stuck. I can't believe myself!!!! Now all the good posts will be up here before I can even watch the episode and I won't be able to contribute anything of worth.

For the record, if all I can say after the finale is "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG", don't think it's because I'm an illiterate fool...chances are all the things I was going to say had already been said and I didn't want to get barked at for re-posting what someone else already said.

47 hours 45 minutes...for all of y'all...who knows how long it's going to be for me? :(

p.s.- Did anyone else notice in TGTBTD that LH's granddaughter had a butterfly on the back of her dress? I just watched the episode for the third time, but I actually noticed it the first time around and forgot to mention it
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

gsrLOVE said:
The episode was the all-time famous "Time of your death" from Season 6x21 (I believe?) :D lovely flirting eye-sex in that episode :lol:

That's on SPIKE TONIGHT AT 7.. here in Nevada.. check your local listings ;)

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

gsrLOVE said:
The episode was the all-time famous "Time of your death" from Season 6x21 (I believe?) :D lovely flirting eye-sex in that episode :lol:

Ah, yes. The infamous TOYD. ::sigh::

I took a nap and went to Burger King for dinner. I got home with 4 minutes left in the episode and I RAN into my room, flipped on the TV, put it on SPIKE and said "Oh good...I didn't miss the eye!sex..." :lol:


And I must say...Mr. Dourdan looked MIGHTY fine on the ACMA's tonight. :eek:

Speaking of...I saw the promo for the finale ONCE in an hour and a half. They're not pimping it as much as I thought they would.

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Oh my God, I'm so excited about the finale! I tried to explain the reason to my friend, but when I finished she was just looking at me like I was... yeah, not that I'm not. In the words of a character you might happen to know: "Crazy people do make me feel crazy". So I blame you, guys. You've infected me with eagerness and crazy...ness. But it's the most fun I've had with the show, so I guess I should be thanking you :)
I'll just try to keep everything to myself and not log on until Friday, 'cause that's when I get to see the ep. That's the most spoiler-free I can get this season.

But, hey, hurray for spoiler-free Season 8!! And hurray for GSR!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just wanted to ask, how you all feel about fans that still go on and on about LH, and how "he loves her" it just pisses me off or do you just ignore it?.. how could so many people see this couple and all the things they've went through..for so long, and still be in such denial.. gifts.. love letters..etc. and so many other issues, and still have these strange beliefs, just wondered how you all feel, and handle this?

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

It does bother me, but it's not unbearable because I/we know that Grissom and Sara are together...I mean, come on! It bothers me more when people are like, "I'm sick of seeing Sara whining over Grissom" etc...but I guess we know better, huh?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

@ desertwind: It bugs me to no end! >:eek: But I just sit back and laugh at 'em. Let 'em live in their little fantasy worlds, because we all know GSR is the SHIZ! ^_~ <3
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