Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I could just about deal with marriage, but a baby?
I haven't come around to that idea just yet.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Maybe in a year or so after they have been married I can accept a baby, but not yet. It is just too soon and they are not married as far as we know.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

That would be sort of funny if they announced that they were married and we're all here debating if they should or should not. Don't think it will happen though.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

so guys. i've got another mystery *yay*

i decided to work on my PS again (what a surprise) and i took the pic of Sara under a car to try to determine if it's her or not. well, i didn't figure it out cuz the pic is too blurry and dark but i found another interesting thing.

you can see that the actress's face is in the "erect" position. NO DIRTY THOUGHTS HERE *glares at egg and Turtle* i mean it looks just in the way if she was standing in the hole in the ground and sticking her hand in this unnatural position so it would look like she's lying under a car.


i assume of course that it's just the way they filmed it, cuz it's obvious that they wouldn't put her under the car for real, lol. it just gave me a little hope that maybe Sara isn't crushed but is in this hole.

i doubt it though, the miniature clearly showed her being crushed under the car. still, it's another possibility.

tell me again, why do i feel like one of those people who try to figure out if flying saucers really exist basing on some fabricated pics? lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey, Adz, I think you're right! I all for crushing actresses in the name of realism though! :lol:

The hair parting does look like JF, though. I'd convinced myself it wasn't - but it's naggaing at me now that it is her there... Maybe I'm still just hungover... my brain hurts.

I just think Sara is OK and we are gonna get some lush scenes next year. Put me on Team Stupidly Optimistic!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

:D Is anyone not on team SO? We're all so determined that she will be back. CSI will figure something out about how exactly she survives but I'm convinced that she will.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I think you are right Adzix. They would be putting the actress in danger if they put her under a real car and it does look as if she is standing up instead of laying down. It does look like a hole. I am 99% sure that Sara will survive.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

sidlewannabee said:
I think Grissom and Sara should get married. I am strongly against people living together unless they are married. I think it would be cute if they got married because if they don't then it is just as if they are boyfriend and girlfriend for the rest of their life, nothing more. By the way Happy Birthday HERZELEID.

Living together can work even better than marriage for many people and Grissom and Sara are already sharing a bed,moving in is something that just happens..why marry? does a girlfriend love her boyfriend less than a wife loves a husband? If they are committed and living together then of course not, some people don't like the formality, they don't
see it as adding anything to their relationship.. neither Gris or Sara are really religious either.
I can't see a CSI baby happening any more than a CSI marriage...I can't see anything that is soapish like that even if they are living in Vegas, it would be so wrong and it would become to like ER and lose it's quirkiness.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

NO DIRTY THOUGHTS HERE *glares at egg and Turtle*
:eek: *is shocked*
*glares back*
it just gave me a little hope that maybe Sara isn't crushed but is in this hole.
Yeah, and maybe she was all grab-the-dirt because she had been tazored, and she had a head ache. :D *thinks happy thoughts*
But the MCS wasn't like that though. :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Happy Birthday Herzeleid! Wow. Did I spell that right? ... I cannot spell words I know. Forgive me if I just mangled your screen name. My bad.

so guys. i've got another mystery *yay*
*groans* Adz, your mystery's give me a headache. No offense, but they are tooooo hard. *giggles* I shoulda said difficult. When did I turn into such a perv?

I think my eyes almost exploded trying to figure out what that said in the letter. Then I realized that for all we know it was some sappy word in lost language that only makes sense to the two of them. You know? Like when my sister calls I ALWAYS answer the phone by saying "Jeepies." Anyone else would think I'm nuts. She just responds "Nah, Waffles."

It's just our thing. o_O Never mind. Ya'll think I'm crazy enough.

you can see that the actress's face is in the "erect" position.
*sneezes* *giggles* *sneezes*

I won't go there. I won't go there. I'm a perv.

I agree with you though - in that shot, her shoulder looks higher then her head. Whomever SHE may be. Wouldn't a body double be in the credits? Eh.

My theory is that Natalie dug a depression in the sand (er..dirt?) and placed Sara in it before setting the car ontop of her. Not a DEEP depression (which I'll be in if Sara dies...) but a few inches. Enough so the car is resting on her but not actually CRUSHING her. However much the car slips on wet sand I dunno. But that's my hope.

Natalie's just awfully sure that Sara's not dead. You know?

Oh, and might I interest you in some light reading by VR Trakowski? It's a postep fic that left me cheering. It's a TBC - and it's not done - but still, I cheered. AND it's where my depression (the hole kind - not my mental one, that's a whole other story) theory came from. Horizon

*Passes out Faith Cookies* Because I am STILL the Faith Fairy.

GSR is totally kickin'. Yes, I just said that.
GSR reminds me of sunshine, puppy dogs, and daffodils.
GSR totally rocks my Lime green and orange socks.

Oh, and whomever (Choc?) asked what's with me and my socks? I have many many MANY pairs of socks. I think I am a sock collector. And I love them all. They are bright and they are fun and I love socks. lol. Yes, I need help. Probably more then money can buy.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

eggbe4thechicken said:
NO DIRTY THOUGHTS HERE *glares at egg and Turtle*
:eek: *is shocked*

You didnt deny it eggsy!

OK, me no likey GSR marrige, me no likey GSR baby unless TPTB would like to show us how that baby came to be :devil:

OK. Too much chocolate for me.

I saw jorja on the cover of some magazine today, and my mom was all 'Hay its miss CSI-y person' or somthing like that, nd then made a comment i dont feel like repeating .Any way, keep the faith, save sara!

you can see that the actress's face is in the "erect" position. NO DIRTY THOUGHTS HERE *glares at egg and Turtle*
Takes one to know one adz, besides your the one who nominated 'Grissom has a godzila in his pants' for a thread tittle, how are we suposed to not take what you say dirtyly(is that a word?)


Oh, and whomever (Choc?) asked what's with me and my socks? I have many many MANY pairs of socks. I think I am a sock collector. And I love them all. They are bright and they are fun and I love socks. lol. Yes, I need help. Probably more then money can buy.
0.o Yah you do need help.
This coming from a CSI/GSR obsessive with a penchant for lists

or so eggy says

Toataly Off topic, but my dad look over here and said:'what kind of websites are you on?'
I quikly scrolled down past the part of my post that said "grisom has a godzilla in his pants"
That would of been hard to explain.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I like the marriage idea, because I'm a hopeless romantic, and would love the see her walk down the isle possibly on Brass's arm and Nick..Warrick and Greggie as his groomsman, and Cath as Sara's matron of honor, & Doc, as the bartender!& all the lab-rats there, cheering them on.. and maybe even LH in attendance wishing them the best, wonder what her gift would be :eek: scary thought!

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Sara is under the seats of a convertable car,with the roof down and Warrick said it wasn't a crash car because the positioning was so precise. If she was crushed, she wouldn't be able to move her hand because her spine would have been broken.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I am anti marriage and kids - meaning, I don't ever want to see it played out on the show. I don't want a 2 hour "Grissom and Sara's wedding" special or an overdone birthing scene with the cast of ER guest starring. The geeks can get married and have kids after the show is over -when I don't have to watch it! I could possibly enjoy an engagement IF it was done right (I have always thought that there is a ring in that damned - what were we calling it? Coocoo.Yeah.)

I am babbling now, but I guess ultimately I don't trust TPTB to handle GSR marriage and kids appropriately. Case and point: My favorite character is currently pinned under a car in TV Land. DAMN YOU TPTB!!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*is shocked*
*glares back*
lmao egg, don't deny it, i know what you were thinking.
When did I turn into such a perv?
you spend too much time reading my posts?
I agree with you though - in that shot, her shoulder looks higher then her head. Whomever SHE may be. Wouldn't a body double be in the credits? Eh.
yeah, you know what got me thinking is her eyes actually. and then, when you look long enough you can see also a black short sleeve on her arm. so when you look at it's positioning and if you assume she's standing - it's consistent. it makes a big picture.
yup, already read it, it starts in an awesome way and i can't wait for the update.
Takes one to know one adz, besides your the one who nominated 'Grissom has a godzila in his pants' for a thread tittle, how are we suposed to not take what you say dirtyly(is that a word?)
what can i do choc? it's true. you can clearly see it in TLADILA. i even capped that scene myself and i took a glance or two, lol.

besides, that title would rock and you know it :p
I quikly scrolled down past the part of my post that said "grisom has a godzilla in his pants"
That would of been hard to explain.
hahaha, how great it is that english is my second language and my dad would need some time to figure that one out.
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