Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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As Nameless asked


Sluts of the Angst:


Everything is sugar and spice team(i.e. anti-angst if couldn't find this out from my title):

I have an unhealthy list addiction...and don't make fun of my team names!...
Oh and:

Past/Current Ships:

G and LH:




Yah...cant watch CSI tonight,*sigh* my dad rules the TV

Love the pic dw

CSI is starting in like... 3 minutes and I'm sitting here. What is the matter with me? Anyways - here's to hoping for GSR and all that is wonderful.

Choc, I'm the biggest Angst Whore you'll ever meet. Seriously.

Happy Birthday Desertwind! I'm assuming that's what the little cake by your name means! Mine's only *counts on fingers* 8 days away! Yay!

Ok people. CSI is going to be starting - I can hear the end of Survivor. Yay!

I love CSI.

Oh, and Desert? That pic? The hottest thing ever. Very nice.

Gah! I have to go. I need to go fill up my Kool-Aid glass.

That is all.
HAHAHA! I LURVE WENDY! :D. "Do the miniatures really keep Grissom up at night?" Sara: "H-How would I know?" HAHAHA! Wendy is a GSR shipper! My rant is over, :)

GSR? Gotta love it. ;)
^^ I haven't seen the episode yet. I was suppose to watch it half an hour ago, but couldn't. So I have to wait another hour and a half.

So guys, please try to keep the episode details in spoiler boxes until a bit later, where we can kind of be sure all timezones have seen it?
ohhh i'm sorry GSRlove!
Won't happen again. I still a newbie. Damn i will never be accepted again! Sorry!

AHH...i know what keeps grissom up at night!

That was great. At first I was wondering if it was even going to worth watcing.... to many past episode flashbacks, you know? But it was so funny. lol. The scene with Sara and Wendy? I giggled. I'm such a perv. And Hodges. God I love Hodges. I'm so glad I'm easing away from the Hodges is the MCSK camp. His lucky day. *snorts*

I think I love TPTB. Seriously love them. And I'm sure now that they stalk boards such as YTDAW. Damn near every single angle for the MCSK that was brought up by obsessive fans (lol) was also brought up on the show. When Henry and Wendy (yo, was it Wendy?) were all going on about how the killer would have to be someone obsessive and stuff? I was laughing so hard. And Hodges. Have I mentioned that I love him? *sighs* And "Sally"? Have they ever called the doll Sally before? I don't think so. But that's what they call it over on YTDAW. I was all "Hey! They called her Sally!" I'm awesome. This was a great episode... even though half of it was flashbacks. Hey, when CSI ends we could always have a "Lab Rats" spinoff. No no - don't worry. I'm just kidding.

Glory Whore? Best phrase ever. Yes. And btw? I think I'm totally falling in the Wendy/Hodges shippy camp. That's so bad.

So... uh... am I the only one thinking that they gave to much away tonight? Like... the bleach revalation was to... easy? Not that it WAS easy mind you, but still. I don't know. I was yelling at poor Wendy "But he's ON to something!!! Listen to the doof!" But - o_O Are we sure that the spoiler godesses aren't just pulling our chains? Like maybe... I don't know - are leading us in the wrong direction? Because they knew where this episode was going to lead? Maybe? Or am I delusional? I'm delusional. I just want so bad to still be unspoiled for the finale. *sigh*

All in all? I really liked this episode. I was leary, but once again - TPTB surprised me.

No new eppy next week huh? Damn. I shouldn't complain though, it's the one Thursday for the next month (through May 24th) that I have to work. So if it's gonna have to be a repeat? I'm glad it's next week. Yes. Though I would like a big fat GSR kiss for my birthday. Whatever - it's not like I'm holding my breath anymore. :rolleyes:

That is all.
this ep was SO hilarous guys. it was like Rashomama last year. and, yeah, i love Wendy. damn, Sara was shitting in her pants for a moment, lol. the best part? she was talking about office romance to her right before that. i love this show. and there were so many funny moments that i'm not even going to try to list them all. i think i cracked up at the clown the most though. gotta love Brass. and the RAT. LMAO. i loved when David said "he made me do it". there is always room for a lighthearted episode, yo. especially featuring a recap of all the miniature murders. that was a brilliant idea for an ep.

i can't believe we are left to the final 4. i remember last year's ads of the S6 last 4 eps. it seems like yesterday. on one hand i'm going to hate the fact that i'll have to wait the whole summer for the next season, but on the other i'm very excited about the upcoming stuff. although i have zero idea what's it gonna be about.

choc, you can put me on Team Peaches and Bunnies With a Pint of Angst, But Ending in the Sunset. thanks in advance.

i'd like to add that you're awesome Turtle. how i love your posts.

okay now i'm gonna watch Rashomama. cuz i'm totally in the mood.

oh and Happy B-Day desert :)
Sara: So yeah, naturally I checked the boss's desk for subordinate ass prints and his semen stains" Wendy: "...why?" Sara: "Because I have marathon sex with Grissom in his office, and it's how we do." - just saying that that's the scene the way I saw it. lol.
^^Bwahaha! :lol: Good stuff Sarah...GOOD. STUFF.
First off...DEFINATELY Wendy/Greg shipper. Dunno. Don't ask. They need love to. On to my point...does anyone else think that crazy-fucking-psycho-bitch Natalie is going to steal the taser(To tase Sara) from the evidence room from Cath's case? My money is SO on that...And another interesting point. Remember at the end how Grissom was talking about a word or phrase that makes someone want to kill? Sara. Home girl crazy bitch steals Sara and makes him go through rage and revenge. Thought that was an interesting point...made me think. Okay. I'm done. :D
I don't know if we're still supposed to be in spoiler mode, so I'll just post in a box to be safe.

:)Happy Birthday Desertwind! (After I saw that picture, I thought it was my birthday.) :p

I love the lab rats. Why can't they just make a show about them. They're honest and they don't have hard-to-interpret scenes and they joke around and stuff. I wanna be a lab rat. Wendy and Warrick are now my two GSR maskots. Just look at 'em. Tehe. So clueless. Did I mention that I also wanna be best friends with Doc Robbins and Grissom. We be tight, yo. Why am I shipping Wendy and Hodges all the sudden?!?

I have this lurking feeling that they are not going to kill off Sara. (yay!) I've thought this for a while now, but I'm coming out to say it. GSR is going to be exposed (naked tehe :devil: ) in the finale, and that gives season 8 a plot. I can see it already on TV Guide: Gil Grissom [William Petersen] (who makes a few appearances on the show) and his CSIs continue solving crimes (because tptb forgot Sara was stalked and kidnapped) after the (super fast emotional/physical) recovery of team member of Sara Sidle [Jorja Fox] (who confused us when she hadn't signed by the finale), while the CSIs (Warrick especially) are putting the pieces (veggie burgers) together regarding Grissom and Sara's recently exposed relationship (and Catherine is upset because she hadn't figured out by now.)......And that's how it will work. I just know it. So have hope my dears! :)

If you read that box, hopefully you understand the usefulness of these (). ;)
I'll keep this in a spoiler box. Just in case there are Hawaiians waiting to watch!

The reason I think we're feeling the Hodges/Wendy ship is that it is a total echo ship of GSR. All the lab rats were set up as CSIs to Hodges's Grissom. And Wendy, that girl in the office he can't keep his eyes off of, is totally the Sara figure. Which? Awesome. I floved this episodes. Including the fab Wendy/Sara convo! So hilarious.

Oh, and I don't think it is any spoiler to say that Billy was looking tres adorable in this episode. (But then, when doesn't he?)
Because I'm new and just want to be on the safe side, I'll keep my ramblings in a spoiler box.

I really liked this episode! I always enjoy it when CSI decides to be funny. The whole thing with the rat had me and my friends rolling. And of course there would have to be an actual rat in Lab Rats. The conversation between Wendy and Sara was good too. Porr Sara looked so worried. I wonder that no one notices things like her all to quick response of "How would I know." It seems like someone might put the pieces together, but then again I don't suppose that many of the other characters would even consider it a possibilty that Grissom would be with Sara.
Too bad there's no new CSI next week- I can't wait 'til April 26th!
No GSR moments in last nights episode, I actually thought for a second when they showed the flashback of Gris & Sara walking by Hodges in the lab, since it was his lucky day, Sara started out her sentence "by the way," I thought she was gonna say something about their relationship but she didn't. I thought for sure Hodges was gonna get some kind of clue right their and then.

Anyways, yesterday I bought "Da Hat," and I'm looking forward to wearing it this summer while working. Ohh and when I get a chance to take a picture of it on me I'll make sure I post it on here, haha. :D
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