Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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I have pictures.
POST!!! Please *bats eyelids*

For the poll, I voted for Moth, because Grissom said cocoon, and I will be mildly angry if it is a butterfly, because that is scientifically incorrect, and it doesn't take much research to figure it out...and arghhh! Oh, and I am still set on the moth being a Dausara amethysta ;) Google it, it is pretty :D

Ummmm..........bye :)
i'm dissapointed in you choc. very, very dissapointed.
It wasn't on purpose.*cries*

Im not as madabout the spoiler today . yesterday i was just having a very PMS day, Yah I know you didnt need to know that, but if tb can talk about moths up noses...

there's a team for marriage? pro-marriage!!

You did not just suggest another team!? Ohhhh I *mumbles incoherently*

Dont make fun of, poke, or inappropriately touch them.


Chocolate bunnys



'want geeks to get hitched and live happily everafter'team:

'I cant think of somthing creative sounding to say: anti-marriage' team:

The i dont give a shit team:
I voted for butterfly too. I've always thought the sybolisim of the butterfly for their relationship was awsome on so many levels *pokes name*, not just because of the fact the prop people seem to have an affinity for placing them in GSR scenes (like Catherine in one of the novels, I don't believe in coincidences) but it is like the six/seven-ish years it took them to finally wake up and smell the love (and the garbage :lol: ) is like a butterfly waiting to hatch: its long and boring but every time you see a little movement it gives you hope that someday the stupid thing will finally hatch. Then once it hatches, it's this beautiful thing that flies despite all laws of gravity and aerodynamics which is kinda like all the angst and all the other obstacles obstacles GSR has and will see. And I totally freak out every time a see a butterfly too. Once I went to this butterfly thing-y where you walk around in this thing with a bunch of butterflies and I really had to restrain myself from squeeing.

ooh, anti marriage for right this second but pro marriage sometime in the future. So choco I guess just put me on anti with an * next to me
I can't decide which team.
I would like to see them being married, but not the actual marriage. Maybe something like the Warrick thing. I think that it would be great for them to be living happily ever after and all, but I don't really want to see it. It would also be very OOC for csi too(if csi is even a character?), seeing a marriage would just be showing too much of the character's lives, and anti's would go crazy too. But choc put me on the 'want to get hitched and live happily everafter' team. Thanks bunch :D

As an aside, just to let you know, I went to see Ludovico Einaudi last night at the Birmingham Symphony Hall, and he was just incredible. It said on the 'info about him' thing that he took influences from Philip Glass! I was like whoot! That's the guy who, who... yeah *sigh*
Also you know how Grissom likes opera, and music, and all, well he probably goes to concerts and such like from time to time, so maybe Sara goes too? Wouldn't that be nice there was a murder or something at a concert hall, and Grissom and Sara are like "this room looked nicer without all the blood." :lol: I love thinking about domesticated geeks :) *sigh*

Arghh, two things have just happened at once, I won't rant on her, off to my opendiary. *storms off*
we are featured ship! thanks 1CSIMFan :) congrats all!
I've always thought the sybolisim of the butterfly for their relationship was awsome on so many levels *pokes name*, not just because of the fact the prop people seem to have an affinity for placing them in GSR scenes (like Catherine in one of the novels, I don't believe in coincidences) but it is like the six/seven-ish years it took them to finally wake up and smell the love (and the garbage ) is like a butterfly waiting to hatch: its long and boring but every time you see a little movement it gives you hope that someday the stupid thing will finally hatch. Then once it hatches, it's this beautiful thing that flies despite all laws of gravity and aerodynamics which is kinda like all the angst and all the other obstacles obstacles GSR has and will see.
ooh, beautiful point butterflylove206. i completely agree to that. i find it great that this cocoon has so many meanings, and we can always find more. that's what i love about this ship - that nothing is plain said or plain simple. and even though Sara and Grissom are two calm, ethical people, their relationship is far from boring.
Yay for featured ship! Thanks, 1CSIMFan!

Okay, I had a thought about the cocoon. Paper is usually the gift for a first anniversary. Since there's still some sketchiness as to when they got together, the writers could pull something out of their ass, so...

Paper Moth?
I don't think we're ever going to find out exactly when they got together. If TPTB was going to tell us they would have started hinting by now and I think thats all part of the show being CSI not GSR. And I really want it to be a butterfly :)
YIPEE.the featured ship.. as it should be.. finally..
on the cocoon, maybe we're all over reacting, it might be something not as great as we all want it to be :( but then again Grissom, the quriky geek, might blow us all away.. can't wait, and I've heard nothing ablout when this is supposed to happen :(

Hey everybody
I usually read that most people think they got together after GD or during the sixth season. I was wondering does anyone of you think that it might have been way earlier maybe even at the beginning of the fifhth season. What do you think about it? In my opinion it could have happened after nesting dolls. Greetings to all of you
I've heard that but if you graphed it you would see there was a definite spike in flirting/eyesex after the beginning of 6 so I don't buy it.
not that I did graph it, I'm not QUITE that obsessed, just saying
I second the question of when we get to see the cocoon play out.Having seen nothing on the subject my bet is EE

or would TPTB think that would be too much GSR in one epi?
After the cocoon first appeared, I suggested it might be a ring.

I still think it's a ring. Grissom sent it to her while on his sabattical, when I think he was able to realize
1.) what its like to be without her
2.) how much she means to him
3.) how much a part of his life she has become

Even if its not a ring, I still think it's a very, very cool idea! I love it when men think of different ways of proposing - not that I don't like traditional, but its so much better when someone has put so much thought into it!

I'm thinking the cocoon won't come back into play until the end of the season - perhaps the last or second-to-last ep.
^^ That's what I was thinking, we probably wont see what the cocoon is until the second to-last or the last episode :)

And yay for being the featured ship! WTG Geeklove supporters!
Featured ship? COOL! I was wondering why I couldn't find us.

Anyway, sorry for not being around. Crazy work hours as I'm training, but I am trying to keep up.

Honestly, I'm worried that TPTB have forgotten our little cocoon, along with the love letter. Perhaps we originally were going to get a glimpse of Grissom giving the letter to Sara, but like Archie trying to hook Sara up with someone, that disappeared and was cut for a million reasons. I'm not worried, though I do think seeing these two things would help tie them in more with the relationship and the show.

The cocoon symbolizes a step. The letter symbolizes an even bigger one... The shaving scene ALMOST trumps the letter for me, and I do love the symbolism of the shaving scene... but I think the letter is still a huge deal.

Speaking of symbolism, I can't wait for that hug. I really can't wait for that moment when she breaks down in his arms. I mean, there were times I'd be hurting and shove Matthew away, in the past. Now, I melt in his arms when I'm hurting. So, seeing Sara melt in Grissom's arms will be a big thing. She needs support. She needs someone to hold her up figuratively and literally. And, Grissom's finally there to do that. How beautiful.

I do still love you guys! Just... work.
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