Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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ok I have a random little thought again: when Gris & Sara were watching the movie at the end of 7x16 Sara says "Alot of foster kids change their names when they age out." could this mean Sidle isn't Sara's real name? Please discuss I need to know if I'm just seeing things where they aren't because its march madness

I hate March. I should kill March. I could probably get away with it too...
could this mean Sidle isn't Sara's real name?

No, 'cuase TPTB hve made it clear that 'Sidle' is her moms name too.Like when Sara searches for her mom she enters LAURA SIDLE to find her moms case.Would of been cool though...

Fogi is currently occupied with taking over the world.

Oh No.

Question:When is next non-repeat epie?
butterflylove206 said:
ok I have a random little thought again: when Gris & Sara were watching the movie at the end of 7x16 Sara says "Alot of foster kids change their names when they age out." could this mean Sidle isn't Sara's real name? Please discuss I need to know if I'm just seeing things where they aren't because its march madness

I hate March. I should kill March. I could probably get away with it too...

Woah! Let's slow down there! If you kill March, my beauteous presence would not of graced this earth. :D Full of myself much?:lol:.

Anyway...yeah. That theory has been brought up but I HIGHLY doubt that that's the case...
Just a reminder to keep things on-topic in here please guys - chatting about the month of March, global warming and chickens is interesting ;) but not really GSR related (only at a real stretch!) Thanks.
SIDLE is her real name,like mentioned, she put in her mom's name on the computer, hope this will eventually be brought to the surface in future eps. wouldn't you love to see her mom, how about Sally Field, same coloring same round face ;)and a fantastic actress, she could play drama really well!!

I never thought of it until now, but I think Sally Field would be a good "Sara's Mom"!! I hope we eventually get some episode where Sara's mom comes into 'play' so to speak.
I haven't been here in a while, sorry. Training for a new job, and I just can't wait for next Monday when I get to work my regular hours so I can be here to chat!

Anyway, I've been thinking. A lot of us have wondered... well, I'll put it in a box, even though it's PURE speculation.

So, we've been talking about the posibility of Sara being a victim, or Grissom, yada yada, of the MCSK. Could happen. Could not. However, I definitely think this killer has fixated on Grissom. He just has the sorta allure that attracks wackos, serial killers, and the occasional gorgeous brunette. Anyway, TPTB is being hush hush about episode 20, which is what gave me this idea. It's just a dumb idea, but I thought it'd up the emotion and freakout factor if we had a date. Say, Grissom's coming up on his 15th anniversary at the lab, or something, and Cath wants to throw him a party, but Grissom is begging his lovely Sara to get her not to throw a party since he's just not about cakes in the office, etc.... Well, what if we got to glimpse the MCSK's calendar and saw the date circled? No information. No anything... Just a circle on the date that we know is big for Grissom... I just thought it'd be kinda cool if they did something like that. I mean, we're all hoping something huge is coming in the finale, and due to the quietness of the spoiler world in recent weeks, I'm betting something huge is happening. However, having a date, something to look forward to, just sorta adds to the drama. Here's the team, unaware of what the MCSK is planning, completley distracted. It'd definitely be a great time to catch Grissom off his game, and at the same time, the audience would know something that even GRISSOM is unaware of...

Just speculation. Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah GSR and all that great stuff. :)
Does anybody else want to meet Grissom's mom? I'm sure Sara does. :lol: I am a mini-Sara. If you give me blue contact lenses, I could be their teenage daughter. It's weird.
I think if TPTB are planning something big (like last year's finale was, at least for us), it better not involve Grissom and Sara splitting up. It. Better. Not. I will hit something, which could possibly be a person. I wouldn't be surprised to see the MCSK start seriously screwing with Grissom soon. I want to say a dirty joke, but I just can't allow myself to be the subject of so much annoyed contempt from the moderators.
Anyway. Random scenario.
<Grissom, Sara, Warrick, and Catherine are showering separately in the locker rooms. They cannot, I repeat cannot see one another. Grissom hears a noise.>
Grissom: Sara?
Sara: Grissom?
Grissom: That is so weird.
Sara: Yep. Imagine the odds of us being in the showers at the exact same time... :devil:
Warrick: What?
Catherine: What's so weird? Who's there?
Grissom: Catherine?
Catherine: I know I'm here, but who are you?
Warrick: Catherine!
Grissom: Sara?
Warrick: Catherine?
Sara: Grissom?
Catherine: Warrick?
Sara: Warrick?!
Grissom: SARA!
Sara: What?!
Catherine: Sara?
Sara: Catherine?
Catherine and Warrick: Grissom and Sara!
Grissom and Sara: Catherine and Warrick!
Hodges: <sitting in a rolly-chair and listening at the door to the showers with a stethoscope, watching a B-list werewolf film on his iPod> God, these people are so weird.
Don't ask me where that came from.
^^ Haha, that would be a hilarious scenario. I would laugh my arse off if something like that happened. Maybe a different scenario, not in the shower though :p Hahaha.

Gosh, I wonder what Grissom's mom would look like. It'd be interesting to see him sign with her, Sara would have to learn, it'd be cute.

While drinking some pop, I just thought of some totally random scenario.

Hodges and Sara are in the lab, she needs some DNA. Hodges, of course, is himself.

HODGES: 1, 2, 3, 4..
SARA: Why are you counting?
HODGES: I was counting how long it would take you to ask me why am I counting.
Sara looks confused. Grissom walks in.
SARA: Grissom!
HODGES: Grissom, my love.
Sara looks at Hodges. Grissom raises an eyebrow. Hodges turns and looks at the printer. Hodges grabs the paper from the printer.
HODGES: So, are you two going to tell me what's up with you guys? I'm a very trustworthy guy, ya know?
SARA: There isn't anything going on. Except that we need the DNA findings.
HODGES: You two were eating alone today.
GRISSOM: You eat alone, everyday.
Hodges turns to Sara.
HODGES: Sara, tell Greg that we are 2-5.
SARA: 2-5?
Grissom and Sara walk out of the room.
SARA: Out of all people, Hodges knows?
GRISSOM: Hodges thinks me and my coakroaches have a thing going on. [sarcastically].
They turn seperate ways. Nick and Warrick walk by them.
WARRICK: Did you see that look they gave?
NICK: Want to double it up?

I don't know. Random. Haha.
With all the theories and ideas about people finding out, I think we're starting to get anxious. The wait until April is going to be absolutely brutal!! I still hope we someday get SOME sort of timeline for the Geeks... and that others finally find out about them.

Totally won't happen, but wouldn't it be cool if it were Gris and Sara's anniversary or something and we FINALLY had something to go off of? What was 20 last year? Roshamama? That'd be a good point for them to be "official" in the committed, sexual sense. I mean, I think they've been dating for a bit, but not serious for as long.. ya know? Ah well, a girl can dream

Gil and Sara... Squeee and a half. I know we have a long wait until new episodes, but we've had a good year, thus far! We got veggie burgers, flirtations, teasings, chainsaws, bugs on sticks, love letters, pheremone-induced hunting down the hall, and SHAVING SCENE. Yeah, it's been a pretty good year for us, GSR-wise.

We talk about who we want to find out about GSR all the time... but HOW. Some accidental slip? Someone stumbling upon them out to eat? Someone threatening one of the Geeks? HOW should it happen???

I would love it almost any way. I have a dozen hilarious ideas in my head that are mostly WAY over the top, but still adorable for our Geeks... and then, I'd also love for it to come down to an attack, and the two of them being exposed... So many options...
i seriously tried to think what Geeks-Demaskated scenario would be the most fun for us. i wouldn't mind a fluffy nor angsty scene/scenes. what i would mind is if they made it behind the scenes. cuz i wanna SEE the team finding out. so,

1.Geeks caught. oh dude, how i love this idea. they don't have to be caught on act, lol, but if somebody heard Grissom calling her "Dear" it would be just ... amazing. i really have to see the shocked WTF face of one of the teammates. Warrick, Cath, Brass, Nick, even Greg. jesus, can somebody find out already?

2. Geeks exposed through MCSK. i would love it as well. ya know, Sara faces dangerous, near-death situation and when she is safe they both hug each other tightly. they stay in a hug, their foreheads touching. the team stares, and looks at each other disbelievingly. perfect, y'all.

3. Geeks tell the team. i'm not really fond of this idea. i'd rather see one of the previous ones. they are more emotional, and fun to watch.

i made some GSR icons! the teaser is specially dedicated to Crys, so she won't think i'm a monster, lol.


Go to my LJ to see all 14 of them!
Well...I picked the most obvious answer. A butterfly of course. I was going to pick the first one, but then I thought, "Unless TPTB want the haterz to have a s--t fit, maybe a ring isn't so good..." :lol:. I'm hoping though. ::crosses fingers, toes, and legs::
Ok just discovered this, I didn’t want to but I did. And It sucks! You have probably known for months, but I live in my spoiler free world of oblivious-ness.I found out the whole someone dies in Sara’s arms and she cries in grissoms arms. Ok. WTF? I am probably the only one but, this, to me, is the stupidest thing since GD got rewritten. Im sorry, some of you probably think this is so sweet and romantic. I just don’t get it. I like strong, defiant, doesn’t need anyone Sara, not sad, breakdown Sara.I dont want her to have to break down in her boyfriends arms.

^^^^That put me in a bad mood.^^^^^^^

*goes off to hit somthing*
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