Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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SaraSidleRules8, just a reminder that posts within Shipper Central must now contain a minimum of 3 lines. Thanks.

The rules have changed slightly since you were last here, so here's a link to the revised rules. :)
MiamiDade said:
SaraSidleRules8, just a reminder that posts within Shipper Central must now contain a minimum of 3 lines. Thanks.

The rules have changed slightly since you were last here, so here's a link to the revised rules. :)

Whoops. Sorry. Won't happen again. ;)
saraXsullivan said:
So I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when Grissom and Sara's engagement is announced. I bet it'll go over similarly to the sabbatical.
They are getting married? :eek: Or was that just a thing you hope for? hehe.
I said this before but nobody said anything, do you think its significant Sara's hair randomly became curly again or was JF just bored?
She said in an interview a while ago that when it rain in LA her hair won't be straightened, so goes curly! :D Plus she is all relaxed around her man of course ;)
Is anyone else become strangly OVERLY jittery when people start talking about other people finding out about Grissom and Sara's relationship. It's one of those things that can make you laugh for days on end. Like when Ecklie said 'Of course you agree with Grissom', and then Sara's face after it, I couldn't stop laughing for DAYS. Literally - DAYS!
I know! When I first saw that scene I was literally speechless, then I couldn't stop giggling :lol:
Never guess what I just did :( I highlighted that MCSK spoiler above :( Didn't read the title, and it's a really big spoiler too :( I'm not going to be able to remain clueless about the MCSK, it's impossible. The finale will probably be the big reveal, and I won't be able to resist, because what if it is a GSR cliffhanger and...and...*weeps*
The "BUTTERFLIED" ep. last night.. how funny to watch it now :D and has he changed his point of view, "I couldn't do it" to the doctor, well, guess you could, and have :p

from then S/4


to later S/6

to now :p
Two things: I believe that article has been translated from another language, so not all of the subtle meanings of certain words can be completely applied. The second thing is that (if this is the one I recall) it's also about the start of Season 7. So... yeah. lol.
Two things: I believe that article has been translated from another language, so not all of the subtle meanings of certain words can be completely applied. The second thing is that (if this is the one I recall) it's also about the start of Season 7. So... yeah. lol.
It is on the news page of this site, I hope it is new. Is it just me or haven't they done many interviews recently, and on the ET?! Looking on there are no recent videos apart from the episode excerts. :(
I was just looking at the pic of WtG that Desertwind posted, and I never noticed before, but he probably can see right down her top! :eek: So unfair... :devil:
I posted that same article about a week ago, and it's also on here now WP talks, about S/7.. so if one can't read the article posted on this thread, it's on our "files" ;)
I got a question about one episode they celebrate. Which episode the whole cast and crew celebrate their 100th episode? I can't remember which one.

I was think it either Butterflied or Committed or other episode, I watch it before, but it been so long to watch it.
NicknGrissom said:
I got a question about one episode they celebrate. Which episode the whole cast and crew celebrate their 100th episode? I can't remember which one.

I was think it either Butterflied or Committed or other episode, I watch it before, but it been so long to watch it.

It was actually Season 5 Ch-Changes. :)
Thanks, SaraSidleRule8, I did said other episode. Ch-Ch-Change. That was a good episode.

I love that episode because the look on Nick's face because he is not happy working with Catherine. He seem to enjoy working with Grissom.
yikes, and I call myself a shipper! I never noticed her robe had leaves on it before!

do we know for sure yet when EE is airing? I checked 2 different sites and one says theres a new epi and one says its a rerun
On that poll Sarah posted from the TV Guide, it's 84% for vs 15% against ;) wow that's a hugh percentage difference WHOOPEE ;)
desertwind said:
On that poll Sarah posted from the TV Guide, it's 84% for vs 15% against ;) wow that's a hugh percentage difference WHOOPEE ;)

Thank goodness! It's about time our geeks get some love OTHER than ours! :)
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