Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

*Whimpers* okok. I sorry. Can I come back now?

For some reason it makes very disturbing images pop into my mind. But then again, I'm a pervert.

I don't mean to step on any mod toes here - but Iloveponcho please use the edit button at the top of your post instead of eh, triple posting. You post can be edited for up to 24 hours. Thanks! And welcome to the Gutter! Glad to have you here! :)

Honestly, I think they'd spend a little too much time with the CrazyMonkeySex and a little too little time with the action figures. Louts.

Of course. That's why he had to go to Rhode Island. He had to get some work done. Sara is insatiable. Don't you know that that box was empty for four weeks? Grissom just mailed himself an empty box so that it wouldn't look suspicious. That's why he had to make sure and say "It's been sitting on my desk for four weeks!" It's also how the killer knew exactly when he would open it - thus dating the paper for one day to spare. 'Cause Grissom and Sara ARE the killers.


That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I don't know how to have a quote and my say on the same post...srry for the inconvienence. I'm New here..:lol: So plz Bear with me. : pouts : Also...I'm having a hard time following the spoilers. Wat are they exactly anyway? :confused: ROFLMBO.... I'm SOOO Cool.
:cool: :rolleyes: ;)

ok...Question...Does anyone here watch MIA Or Ny Or Both?...Just asking..coz I've got some theories there too...

I like the beard, but he looks younger clean shaven.
I STILL Think Gilbert is WAY hot With The Beard. (Also His face looks fat/pudgy without it...)I have A Freind Named Sarah.. And She Agrees with me... :p And I say...If any girl named Sarah Says So...It's a closed matter...Unless another Sarah Disagrees...then we've got a Cat-fite... :lol:

[/QUOTE] [image][/image]

[/QUOTE] Ok... How do you get these pics?????

Ok...So Seeing as no one's really here.... and it's like 5:00pm... I'm gonna go eat something :lol:...and maybe I'll come back...but for now...Later CSI Fans!!!!! GBU*!!!! :)

*God Bless U
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I like the beard, but he looks younger clean shaven. It's as if his love for Sarah has put a spark in his life. She's teaching him how to live!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

From "NESTING DOLLS" "Well your here, this can't be good" :( but it was :p



And also welcome dirtylabrat have fun ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I can't wait until Thursday!
SQUEEE! I am so excited about the shaving scene. I will be SO UPSET if it ends up being cut. I think the actors will be able to make this scene something that no one actors would ever be able to make it. It sounds so incredibly sensual and sweet to me with an obvious sexual undertone and I think it will be very well done! I can't wait!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm 30 years old, damnit! I will not squee!
Are you ever too old to squee, lol? Being a big Battlestar Galactica fan, I have been shamelessly squeeing since last night - and I'm 34! :D Hope you enjoyed your birthday fogi. :)

Living TV in the UK showed 'Way To Go' again last night, so it was great to see that again. Looking forward to seeing 'Law Of Gravity' when it eventually gets here! :rolleyes:

IlovePoncho, you need to have 100 posts before you can post an image. You can however posts pics as links using the 'URL' code until then. Feel free to send me a PM if you need any help. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

MiamiDade said:
I'm 30 years old, damnit! I will not squee!
Are you ever too old to squee, lol? Being a big Battlestar Galactica fan, I have been shamelessly squeeing since last night - and I'm 34! :D Hope you enjoyed your birthday fogi. :)

I lived with my grandma from May to July this past summer and we would squee together whenever we watched CSI. She's a GSR fan too! Though, not to the same extent as I am.

On another note, maybe the MCSK is someone we've all seen but someone we never give a second thought to in the lab. A secretary? Lab person who only appears for a minute? :confused:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

On another note, maybe the MCSK is someone we've all seen but someone we never give a second thought to in the lab. A secretary? Lab person who only appears for a minute? :confused:


Excatly.. that's the point, someone we all know and see, but would never thnk of HMMM interesting ;) hints and clues, that we're all missing.. well maybe not all!! ME
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm gonna go with the creepy janitor guy b/c otherwise I will drive myself mad trying to figure out who it is

oh and whoever was telling the person before what GSR stands for, you forgot to mention Gun Shot Residue and the fact that if you listen closely enough, every time someone on the show says "we found GSR in the bedroom", you can hear every GSR fan on the planet giggle knowingly. I personally have renamed WTG "The One Where We Found GSR In The Bedroom" in honor of Friends. *end of rant*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

butterflylove206 said:
I'm gonna go with the creepy janitor guy b/c otherwise I will drive myself mad trying to figure out who it is

oh and whoever was telling the person before what GSR stands for, you forgot to mention Gun Shot Residue and the fact that if you listen closely enough, every time someone on the show says "we found GSR in the bedroom", you can hear every GSR fan on the planet giggle knowingly. I personally have renamed WTG "The One Where We Found GSR In The Bedroom" in honor of Friends. *end of rant*

What creepy janitor guy? I don't recall ever seeing anyone who fits that description :confused: and on the GSR the other one is cool, but this is the main one ya' know ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

well he has to exist somewhere right? actually *lightbulb* maybe its Sofia!? but I don't know if shes smart enough, although she was a CSI...

I have a random thought here, do you guys think maybe Catherine knows about G&S and she just figures they'll tell her when they want to? I guess she probably would at least grill Sara about it though. Or maybe nobody knows, they have done a pretty good job of keeping it quiet. But then again how can nobody have noticed the new bounce in Grissom's step and the return of Sara's smile, they're CSIs! Thoughts?

looking back at everything I just said I think I might need a shrink, I have a problem with indecision. 0_o

when are we holding the final vote on the new thread title?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I don't think anyone knows for sure about Grissom and Sara being together right now but I do think that Nick and Catherine have their suspicions that Grissom is seeing someone because Nick mentioned it in a previous episode. I do think that their relationship is going to be revealed very soon, though because they are not being AS careful as they should be. For example; the fact that Grissom sent Sara a gift at the lab (was it sent there for sure?) could cause a few raised eyebrows as well as the hallway scene from last week.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

See, that's the thing. Nick equated Grissom's lack of beard with him having a girlfriend. So, Nick thought Gris might've skipped town because of the girlfriend, but he didn't. He comes back shaggy and bearded. Then, what does Nick think? Does he assume breakup? Does he assume a tough time? Then, the beard mysteriously disappears at the same time that the team realizes Sara goes on dates. I mean, when she comes in to the case in "Empty Eyes," she tells Warrick that her date canceled. So, no one puts two and two together?

Part of me hopes Warrick is the first to find out. Sure, Nick and Catherine think Gris has a girl, but Warrick is ALWAYS THERE for GSR moments. Remember thermite? The way it was shot, you could almost forget he was there... but he was. I wish we could've been given a reaction shot from him! What about his comment to Grissom about how Sara "needs me" in "Chasing the Bus"? Or his comment to Sara in the episode with the deaf kid, saying she didn't like Gris around other women? If anyone is in tune to GSR, it's freakin' Warrick. He tweaks Grissom and Sara, whenever necessary. Goodness, gracious! He was also there for the veggie burger! This boy better catch on, FAST!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

It's kind of amusing that their work is to follow the evidence and find the clues but they seem to be utterly clueless about what is going on right under their noses.
I think the team may figure it out in "Empty Eyes" if the scene where Grissom comforts Sara in the lab makes it throguh the rewrites.

Just a question, how crazy is it that this ship is so huge and popular and takes over so much of our thoughts and time and we've only had a few hand holds, arms holds and PSV's. Have the ever HUGGED?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Okay, I really don't think that Grissom and Sara are a serial-killer tag team... but ohmigod, I *totally* want to see that as the ending of *some* crime procedural now! Maybe HoCaine and Calleigh? Mac and Stella? Gibbs and Abby? Bones and... er, Angel? The possibilities are endless....
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