Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Im what?...I just relized that a lot of stuff you say goes over my head.I should of been born blond.
oh no, don't worry, it's natural. i'm extrememly influential wherever i go, lol.
I have no idea what Adzix is going on about. I would never have forced her to read a spoiler via PM.
*starts emanating red rays from eyes in the direction of a particular Talk member*
*laughs like a lunatic*

Oh my. That tickled my funny bone in just the right way. Adzix, you make me laugh.
lmao. see choc? told you.
Anyway, it makes me curious: what about the rest of you? Why do you remain spoiler-free? I don't care about GSR spoilers so much, but I really don't want to know what's happening about the cases before the episode airs.
i fully agree on the spoilers about cases, they KILL an episode for me, that's basically why i refuse to watch promos. but i don't want to know about GSR-spoilers either, cuz GSR makes the episode whole for me.
Mine was more anti-climactic. Partly because I was sitting there, and this episode must've been long because it was like 9:57 and they had JUST finished the Brass scene and I was going, "Oh my God, they actually cut our GSR." so when it came on, I just felt like this little welling happy balloon went off, and I smiled, and flicked off the TV. lol.
i remember mine. i was in a car with my friend speeding 100 m/h, i ran to her house and i didn't even say hi to her family but ran straight to the TV screen knocking some stuff on my way, lol. we were 10 seconds before it started. i said hi and said sorry i was rude, not before the credits appeared. and then i remember the night. the night of my transformation from Kessom to GSR. next day was actually the day i was returning home after almost 5 months in the States but i was thinking about GSR most of the night, lol. i rewatched the bedroom scene a zillion times, and you can say that right then, i accepted Sara all over again. i remember that first time i was so absorbed in who will come out of the bedroom so much that i basically misunderstood Grissom's words, or heard half of them and i thought he admits he's got cancer. i was worried, lol
he's so airbrushed nevertheless,

Obituary Notice

+++++++R.I.P. Adzix+++++++

Adzix, the member of TalkCSI board died today of boiled blood which exploded due to Suited Billy Hottness. Pray for her soul.
"Hatched" isn't the word blossomed, or bloomed or to full fruition? it says in the TV Guide, "he's excited to see her", but she's just been to a landfill,(crime scene) and isn't in the mood, so, he's treated her cold, and now she's doing the same thing, they'll get it right, and has anyone heard if Jorja has signed up for S/8?
ahhhhh! I wrote a really long post, but when I clicked 'continue' I was told that the post I was replying to had been deleted, so my post is gone! Damnit!!!!

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm really excited after reading the TV Guide article, and I can't wait to hear all about LoG after it airs on Thursday.

In GoScaR news, I voted for PNN (Since I Met You) for most unexpected, because I wasn't on the boards back when I first saw that episode and I was completely caught by surprise. It was amazing to see it for the first time and not know it was coming. I also voted for the Mouth to Mouth scene in PT - again because it wasn't spoiled and we didn't know it was coming.

For most debated moment I went with Way to Go (didn't everyone? :lol: ) and Gum Drops - we must have spent weeks ad weeks discussing/debating/squeeing/comiserating/debating some more, that scene. Not bad, for a scene that was (sadly) never filmed.

Since Valentine's is so close, I'm doubling up on polls tonight again.

Previous Polls:

Most Unexpected / Debated GSR Moment

Best GSR Scene with only One Geek Present

Best Use of Subtlety in a GSR Moment

Funniest GSR Moment

Best Look of Longing/Love
Well, for Most Potentially Ship Damaging Moment I voted for Play With Fire (damn you, Carol Mendelsohn!) and Leaving Las Vegas (whimper :()

I didn't vote for Butterflied because I never saw that speech as damaging, only promising. I mean, admitting something is the first step to overcoming it, no? And I didn't vote for Unbearable either, because I never saw that dinner as anything but business oriented - a sort of "Let's talk. I'll convince you to stay" - much the way Catherine convinced Holly to stay over a meal in the Pilot.

For Best Eye Sex I, of course, voted for Time of Your Death (You. Me. This Table. NOW) and Invisible Evidence (you couldn't get through that tension with a chainsaw or a blowtorch, it was just that thick).

I felt Grissom's departure in Leaving Las Vegas was too bittersweet for any eyesex to be involved (hence my no-go for a vote there) and I saw the vegeburger scene more as a sweet, sneaky moment, rather than having sex in the air. Sara almost scolded Grissom with her look there, like "Careful, honey, you loveable dork". And with Way To Go, other than the fact Sara was out of the room for most of it (assuming you're talking about the final scene, and not the adorkable duel) ...I dunno, I never really saw that as an eyesex moment. Less about the lust, more about the love.

Oh, and, nice banner, Fogs ;)
theatresporter said:

And with Way To Go, other than the fact Sara was out of the room for most of it (assuming you're talking about the final scene, and not the adorkable duel) ...I dunno, I never really saw that as an eyesex moment. Less about the lust, more about the love.

I agree. I must have watched this scene at least 30 times a day, I had it downloaded on my desktop :)))
Aaaanyway, I voted for Unbearable as most potentially ship damaging moment, I don't even have the streigth to watch that scene again... It breaks my heart. I do remember it, though. It's like I knew what Sara was thinking - something like what Cameron said to House: "I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. But you just couldn't love me". Damn, I know this isn't the place, but after Griss and Sara, those two are my favourite couple!
Yes, "Play With Fire" I was so pissed off at him :( geez he was cold, and "TOYD" best eye sex, this is so great, him returning, can't wait ;)

Last time they were both featured on the cover of TV Guide :p

I haven't heard or read anything about Jorja sign up and I hope she does, she is my favorite since Nesting Dolls. I thought I read somewhere that Jorja said she will stay with the show 'till the end. Sara better not died on the show, who I going to ship Grissom and Nick with? I ship Grissom and Nick with Sara. Well I ship Sara ship with Nick longer then Grissom, now I do ship Grissom with Sara and I also ship Grissom with Catherine. Someone said everyone sign up except Jorja and Louise. I hope Billy talk to the producer to get Jorja and George sign up, like he did before when they got fired.

We only got 3 more days 'till Thursday when Grissom finally return, can't wait.
I voted "Unbearable" for the first poll - maybe it was just totally manipulative on TPTB's part, but listening to Grissom ask Sophia to dinner so easily just rotted me.

The best eye-sex was in "Time of Your Death". WP's eyes are the ones that tip it in whatever direction. In LLV they were too sad; BM, too playful; WTG, too soft. IE might have given it a run for its money... except WP was in profile, so it was hard to tell. But the intensity in that TOYD gaze spoke louder than words that, somewhere along the line, long-dormant fires had been awakened in Grissom.
in the first poll i voted PWF, and nothing else, cuz i don't think any other scene had a potential to damage our ship. in the second i put TOYD, i don't think i need to explain this one. i also voted LLV. i couldn't resist, cuz i saw so much love in Grissom's eyes. it wasn't just lust, but i could see his feelings, which is very, VERY rare in his case.

so after a whole bunch of GSR scenes, with or without Grissom, i decided to update my blog with new icons, yo. here are the GSR ones:


link for more in my sig.
Hi! I've been a lurker around here for some time. I just have to say that Grissom and Sara are my favorite ship. I'm also one of those spoiler-free people. It just makes what happens better.

Anyways, on the polls, for the first one, I have to go with PWF. When I saw the heartbreak, I just saw the ship go down.
It was not only heartbreaking for me, but it also brought a change within Sara and Grissom that weren't there before.

For the second poll, I went with TOYD and IE. TOYD is really self explanatory. IE, I remember as one of the first scenes I saw them in and just remember the looks in their eyes. I saw something amazing happening between them.
ginascar said:
Do my eyes decieve me or did I just read in that article that we will see them in Grissom's apartment?! HELL YES! This is also coming from CM, so its probably going to survive cuts. I just got way more excited about this upcoming episode. weeeeeeeee

yeappppppp i'm so damn happy!!! and is in Grissom's apartment, that means is not the beard's scene cos that will be in Sara's new apartment...Are we win two scenes? Goshhh, ..i don't have words for this season..but i need say i'm still worried about someone dying in the finale
IloveBilly said:
ginascar said:
Do my eyes decieve me or did I just read in that article that we will see them in Grissom's apartment?! HELL YES! This is also coming from CM, so its probably going to survive cuts. I just got way more excited about this upcoming episode. weeeeeeeee

yeappppppp i'm so damn happy!!! and is in Grissom's apartment, that means is not the beard's scene cos that will be in Sara's new apartment...Are we win two scenes? Goshhh, ..i don't have words for this season..but i need say i'm still worried about someone dying in the finale

Yes, that's what it says, just read it, my thinking is why his apt. why not her's? his is so "sterile" and so well, so Grissom, this will be a blockbuster ep., can't wait

guys, about the gift
i read this in GSR forum , there someone said read in Grissaratalk google grups about the gift

thank you so much Danie!!

they wrote to entomology about the cocoon and he said:

"Your cocoon is that of one of the members of the family Saturniidae, known as the Giant Silkmoths. They are very colorful and among our largest moths in North America. It is probably impossible to know the exact species based on your cocoon. It looks a lot like those of the Luna Moth and the Io Moth, but probably also looks like one of many other species."

this "Io Moth" is the same that episode with the magician. Somenoe remember what Grissom said for Warrick about the Moth?

i look for pics and i found

gosh, they are beutiful!!!

Luna moth :

io Moth :
OK, so I read in TV guide that there's supposed to be some kind of surprise about Grissom's gift? How can it be a surprise? Maybe instead of a moth, a tiny crocodile hatches from there (or a really really tiny goriila - we all know Sara has some backstory with those). Or maybe he had their faces imprinted on the moth... I don't know, I get very stupid when I can't figure something out... Any suggestions?

Oh, and can someone give me a link to a site where I can find some pictures of Grissom and Sara together? Nad not just screencaps...
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