Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Sidlreiana, I love the whole Pride and Prejudice/GSR thing you have goin on with your banner. It made me smile. The whole letter writing thing was totally Grissom and totally Mr Darcy. Very sweet.
Your welcome Turtlebaby it's so "HOTT' and I feel like I'm suffocating with this Keppler character,, gawd, enough, ~~~~calling Grissom~~~~ can't wait to see you again, you've been sorely missed, you devil you :devil: & would love to see Sara run up and jump your bones, if she doesn't, I will!!

some tender moments :p
desertwind - I love that banner/icon thingy-ma-bober. I was really close to sending it to a buddy of mine for a moment, just to annoy her anti-GSR persona. Yeah. I still might. But I dunno. >.<

No, I'm serious. Now, I just want a stick. Grissom, you evil bastard. Anyway, I'm really hoping for some GSR angst. Or, Sara angst, at least. We haven't had much angst this year, except for Catherine's jaunts, so I'm looking forward to it. Does this belong in the spoiler box? I have no idea. But I shall worship my television when the first signs of a returning Grissom are shown. Me and my dog are gonna just...worship, dude. Yeah. Hopefully, the whole 'running thing' has to do with GSR, but I don't for-see TPTB giving us two wonderful endings in a row. You never know, though.


- That unnamed piece of Toast
Shipwrecked said:
Sidlreiana, I love the whole Pride and Prejudice/GSR thing you have goin on with your banner. It made me smile. The whole letter writing thing was totally Grissom and totally Mr Darcy. Very sweet.
lol thank you is true the letters is very grissom & mr.darcy sweet and private ;) i think that they are very very similar lizzie-sara, grissom - mr.darcy , only i hope the same ending :rolleyes: :p ... mr&mrs darcy , mr&mrs grissom :)
Can I add my voice to the big fat WOW over the love letter. So sweet, so Grissom, so Darcy. It's like the powers that be are ensuring that they layer this love story with even more beautiful depth. Someone has definately been reading Austen :)

Sorry I haven't posted any GoScaR polls in a few days - RL has been a little busy. So to make it up to you, I'm posting two today ;)

If you haven't voted yet, here are the previous polls. Voting for all GoScaR categories will be open until Valentines Day.

Best GSR Scene with only One Geek Present

Best Use of Subtlety in a GSR Moment

Funniest GSR Moment

Best Look of Longing/Love
GoScaRs?? Fogi You come up with the weirdest stuff sometimes.

I didn't vote in your poll thingy, but you do have some great/hard choices there to go with. Unexpected -- I have no clue, maybe the Since I meet you thing.. and debated -- Grissom's confession probably.
Im gone for 3 days and you are talking about secret maraiges?

I voted for somthing...cant remember what...This whole weekend just went over my head,I spent most of the weekend sick with a cold wathcing Greys Anatomy...And my mind is blank.

As for the letter I have no freakin' clue if he sent it or not, and right now i dont care.
I blame my moodyness on the snow randomly stoping and starting outside my house.
I blame my spelling issues on my cold

That is all.
Bad, Bad Adz! You are a Bad spoiler-free person! Lol, joking. (But i didn't look. )
yo, i posted spoiler-boxes after i watched the ep, i always do that!

about the first sarah - poll, i voted that he's gonna give her the letter when he returns. gawd, this letter is soooo freakishly romantic, sweet, and lovable as it can get. i would never say that they will show such a romantic side of our cute geek. and y'all know what? it's so in character.

another thing is that some people may argue it was OTT, and well for us maybe yes, but for most of the people? who else knows that he wrote a love sonnet except us - CSI freaks? i people don't know what exactly he wrote there, so it wasn't OTT for them. for us it was the most beautiful thing ever. and y'all know what? TPTB made almost everybody happy this way.
And since when did Adz read spoiler boxes?
*glares at sarah*
Heres' a up close pic. of his "handwritng" pretty ordinary
oh c'mon he's got the prettiest, cutest, yummiest handwriting EVER.

in the GoScaRs i voted WTG and PNN as the most unexpected moments, cuz Since I met you is unbeatable in this category and WTG was the most meaningful unexpected moment ever. most discussed - Gum Drops and Butterflied. i had a feeling those two, epsecially Butterflied weren't not only huge GSR moments but also brought the most people to share their opinions.
That is all.
choc, you're becoming turtlelized, lol.
For the 'letter poll', I voted that he's gonna give her the letter when he returns....Cause that would be really sweet, so she'd know for sure - even though he went away, he was thinking of her and he loves her ALOT *swoons* but this letter... It is soooo incredibly romantic, so intense, so sweet...
And I really didn't think it was OTT and thats not just cause I'm obsessed with them and cheering them the whole way, but because it was done so nicely...
And the look on Sara's face when she's in his office, pure tender affection and love, she soo misses him....
I love that as she's thinking of him, he's writing her a love letter, of sorts.....
I honestly never thought we'd get such perfect and upfront GSR in CSI..... I. Am. So. Happy!
God bless TPTB!!


"To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say and to finish without knowing what you have written."
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau

- - - - -

"There is only one situation that I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. When they are in love and reading a love letter, they read for all they are worth. They read every word three ways; they read between the lines and in the margins... Then, if never before or after, they read."
~ Mortimer J. Adler (b. 1902)

*(I watched the chip about 7 seven times without a break....What I wouldn't give to read the letter myself............)


“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealously unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”
choc, you're becoming turtlelized, lol.

Im what?...I just relized that a lot of stuff you say goes over my head.I should of been born blond.

I think he didn't know where to send it (his house or her apartment) and is going to give it to her when he gets back

I say he sould dont and say he did.Seriously, he should not send it and if sara gets mad say he sent it but it got lost or somthn' Thats what i would do...and I wonder why i dont have a boyfriend :lol:
I have no idea what Adzix is going on about. I would never have forced her to read a spoiler via PM.

I did. In my defence, when it first broke, the shaving spoiler sounded IMPOSSIBLE. Now it sounds... *cough* less... impossible.

*shuffle feet*
Adzix said:
choc, you're becoming turtlelized, lol.

*laughs like a lunatic*

Oh my. That tickled my funny bone in just the right way. Adzix, you make me laugh.


There was a poll. Right. Two of them... noooo... THREE of them. Wow. *eye goes wide* and again, I don't know what I voted for in the GoScaRs... Oh I'm terrible. They are always on the previous page and I never can remember. *sighs* I shall go look.

Unecxpected GSR - WTG and Butterflied.
Debated GSR - WTG and Bite Me.

Ok. I didn't take one breath through Grissom's whole speech in WtG. Not ONE breath. Because it "had" to be Sara... but what if it WASN'T Sara? But it HAD to be Sara because I WANTED it to be Sara so bad. Like on my feet clutching my pillow big innocent eyed not breathing kind of WANTED it to be Sara.

And it didn't actually have to BE anybody. Grissom could have just gone nuts and was laying on his frilly bed talking to himself for as expected as that scene was for me (remember now - I was spoiler free last season)

And then I screamed so loud I actually missed Sara's line and had to rewind it. And then I fell back into the couch and sighed the most happy happy sigh EVER.

Then I came online and was like "Reebs! Did you friggin' SEE THAT!!!" 'Cause we're cool and lived in the chat back then.

And then we all sat around the proverbial campfire and talked long into the night as to WHEN and WHERE and HOW we didn't know. T'was a good night.

As for Butterflied I voted for that because well... did anyone actually EXPECT him to start yammering on about his unrequited love for Sara while sitting IN the interrogation room? 'Cause I sure didn't.

Bite Me, for most debated. Because the whole scene was full of the looks you toss someone with they just got burned. Like they both knew what they were REALLY talking about... And it left me asking people for almost a solid week... "Do you suppose they really are really dating and we just don't know?"

Until three friends and my sister told me to shut up... on seperate occasions. Then I stopped. Sort of. But I was still confuzzled. *shrugs* But that don't take much.

And not only does it seem more possible... but it's picking up momentum and people have stopped LAUGHING at the idea and now actually want to see it. *raises hand shyly* Like me. Maybe that's why TPTB leaked it. *giggles* So that we'd have time to absorb it before we actually had to see it.

As for Sarah's Poll... I voted for the second one. What's the second one again? Right. You got it.

Why? Because I wanted to. And this way there is lovely angst without them totally breaking up and/or screaming at each other. As much fun as make up sex would be.

I mean... nah, that is what I meant. *shrugs*

That is all.
I voted... but I don't think I should say what I said, because I was reading through the "Meet Market" spoiler thread on YTDAW this weekend (I do that to see what the original spoilers were, and how everyone felt about them), and spoilers relating to later episodes were spilled. *sigh* You think you'd be able to skip over them or something, but no... subtle little b*****ds are read and in your head before you realize what it is you're reading. So I kind of have an idea where things are going, and don't want to tip my hand to the unspoiled.

But at least they were vague, so while I have an idea of what's coming up, I really don't have the slightest clue as to the details. And thank God the spoilers weren't really about the cases. That's the main reason I've been trying to remain spoiler-free... if I could just read the GSR spoilers it'd be okay, but I don't want to find out what the cases are about or who's involved before I watch the episodes, because that tends to ruin the episode for me.

...I really, really wish that I didn't know Keppler was a dead man next episode. Yeah, that's one of the "later" spoilers that kind of got spilled in either the 7.12 or 7.13 threads; I can't remember which. I think his death would hit me a lot harder if I didn't know it was coming. But at least I can say that I don't have the slightest clue how it's happening, or why. Maybe I should change my team to "Team Semi-Spoiled" or "Team Spoiled by Complete Accident, I Swear" or something?
Anyway, it makes me curious: what about the rest of you? Why do you remain spoiler-free? I don't care about GSR spoilers so much, but I really don't want to know what's happening about the cases before the episode airs.

On another note: I've been listening to "Metamorphosis II" almost non-stop since I downloaded it yesterday. Damn, but that is a beautiful bit of solo piano. It's heartwarming to know that someone is putting so much thought into the details surrounding our Geek Lovers and their storyline. Vanessa Mae did a classical piece - a suite, I think - called "Butterfly Lovers"; I wonder if the show can manage to work that in somehow?

okay so i've been gone for a long time and i watched CSI this past thursday [meet market] and i was sort of confused so i decided to come to the place i've always seen as a GSR refuge.

i come with many questions:

]mmm okay, so basically i was confused as to what point Grissom was trying to get across to Sara, since the camera highlighted the words "one farewell (or goodbye or something along those lines) was enough (or maybe my eyes decieve me....idk i had to rewind it a lot)" and "I'll miss you (as in I will miss in is he saying "I will never see you again"????) (most likely not because he comes back in the next episdoe)"...............and i'm pretty much just refuting myself with this but someone needs to clarify this for me!! becase it's obviously a love letter but...argh. and idk someone might've already written a novel about it but i don't have time or patience to go back through all the threads and whatnot.


i just read some random post a few pages back about rumors of Sara shaving Grissom's beard. frankly i like him WITH the beard. his clean shaven face reminds me too much of the olden seasons of yesteryear when he looked like an old guy. AND! wasn't it somewhere in the first season when david was young and single....and hitting on Sara in the coroners office!! does anyone else remember that?? she even asked him and he just blushed, so she told him to like get a new shirt or something and grow some scruff!!! so uhhh...wouldn't she like Grissom with his scruff??

errrm. so maybe it was just two questions...

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