Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Up in the LV spoiler lab it says there'll be a GSR kiss in this ep. Has anyone heard this? Is it true? I hope it's true *crosses fingers*
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

No. I talked to Gibby at YTDAW and it is not true, at least, not so far as they know. I think the spoilers for Living Legend came out at the same time as the kiss rumors started, hence the confusion. But, nope, no kiss confirmed. Sorry to burst the bubble!

We get a new episode for Thanksgiving. Most of my celebrating is done fairly early (Matt and I are doing Thanksgiving with my stepfamily at noon, then off to do Thanksgiving with his family, I'm guessing around 4). So, CSI night is in full effect, and this is the first Thursday all season that Matt hasn't been working, so it'll be a joy to watch this ep, GSR or not. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Sara made a move at the end of Playing With Fire because Grissom called her honey.
I have to disagree with you on that one. It was made clear at the beginning of the episode - before the explosion and the 'Honey' incident - with Sara following Grissom around the lab, that she was going to ask him out (well, while we mightn't have known that there/then, it was certainly made clear by the end of the ep that that had been her intention).

I appreciate your point (and see where you're coming from to a certain extent) when you say "Had he not done that, I don't think she would've worked up the courage" - because obviously she does shy away from asking him initially (through stopping following him before she ever approaches him) indicating she doesn't have the courage there (to go beyond all the people/things getting in the way of her asking him out then [possibly seeming to her to be 'signs' that she shouldn't]).

But even so, I think you're making more of the 'Honey' than it really is.

In a technical sense, it was an adlib. Now, I'm not refuting it does have meaning - because, adlib or not, it's still canon, it's still in the episode, and it still really happened in the "real world" of CSI. Don't think I'm saying adlibs don't matter - because without adlibs, we wouldn't have lots of great GSR moments ('Dear' and 'Since I Met You' being two fantastic ones off the top of my head).

But what I'm saying is, the episode was written with this story arc (Sara follows Grissom -> Sara shys away from Grissom -> Sara is caught in the explosion -> Grissom comforts Sara -> Sara gets all ballsy and brave -> Sara asks out Grissom -> Grissom says no) before the thought of 'Honey' ever existed.

Now, I've emphasised 'Sara gets all ballsy and brave' up there, because that element of Sara's demeanour was in existence in the episode already. This is shown when she goes with Brass (and other cops) to a perp's apartment and she goes in/along with them to find the guy before the police had cleared the place. Brass called her on that, yelling at/questioning her ("Get back!"/"Holster your weapon. What were you doing? What were you thinking? You know that we clear the room, not you.") and Nick calls her on it later ("I hear you think you're indestructible now, Sara"). Don't think that she was thinking, going into that room, "Grissom called me 'Honey', now I'm made of steel!".

In the same way that Warrick married Tina because he realised life was too short, I think this accident itself - regardless of whether Grissom had ever called her 'Honey' or not - was what gave Sara the bravery to not shy away from Grissom and actually go for what she wanted, because otherwise, one day, it might be too late (as she says herself - there being double meaning in that sentence there). And in retrospect, I think we can all (or many of us) agree it's a good thing he said no back then - because it was the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons, and neither of them were really ready.

Too bad Warrick and Tina didn't turn out the same way (just saying no, that is - at least one of them realising it was wrong at the time, despite what their future may bring - not to say I think those two are necessarily as perfect for each other as Grissom and Sara). I think we can all see now what troubles irrational decisions can bring.

But this isn't the place for that talk. SO...Apologies for (I guess, somewhat hypocritically) making such a big thing out of such a small point, but I really didn't want people to think Sara would be prepared to ask Grissom out for such a flimsy reason. Had she in fact asked him out simply because he called her 'Honey' (in all honesty, they were both so much in shock in that moment, I don't think either of them actually realised it) - I think that fact would have worked negatively towards Sara's character.

It would have looked like she was somewhat delusional and obsessive over minor details which may have meant nothing (or certainly not enough to warrant getting into a relationship). Sure, they had definitely had enough of a history to be indicative of feelings beyond that already - but to me, a 'Honey' alone would never be enough to tip the scales and make it seem like someone like Grissom was ready.

Her asking him out was not about him, his readiness, or any indication of that he may or may not have made. It was about her. All her going for what she wanted, "irregardless" of the rest ;)

So sad the geeks won't be together for Valentine's day next year :( At least they can spend Christmas snuggled up by the fire, though :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Darn it! I've missed like a whole freakin' month 'cuase my damn computer broke and my brother only just now got around to fixing it. (I mean, it's not like we don't have four other computers in this house that I could have used this whole time but everyone in so f****** possessive that they wouldn't let me.) Psshhh! Anyways...

Ashes86 said:
Maybe she had a different paper and had already done the crossword puzzle in that one. That may be why she really didn't look at the puzzle too hard before delivering her line. Just a thought.

Oh my god! That is exactly what I was thinking!
Sara was sitting on a bench all day, she probably did the crossword while she was waiting. Then when he essentially told her, 'leave me alone' the look on her face told me that she was thinking before she looked at the puzzle and when she did see it she remembered that it had misanthrope and was like, fine, if you don't want to be with me then your a freakin' misanthrope! 'Cause I mean if you look there were a whole bunch of words missing and she said 'oh look you missed one,' and the one she said just happened to mean a people hater which IMO she felt like Grissom was being at the moment. Plus, the way she said it wasn't like 'hey look you missed this word.' It's hard to explain in typing, but like she said that he missed a word all non-chalant and then jerked her head and looked at him and said, 'misanthrope!' determindly AT him. But I agree with y'all, she wasn't upset about it. She knew that that was just Grissom, and it was all very playfull and flirty like, whatev mr. humbug, if you want to be that way fine I'm going to bed. But if you decided to get off your as...pumpkin and come with me you just might get some. But that was just my take on it.

ETA and by the way. His looked to me wasn't so much upset but more confused like, 'that woman confuses the hell outa me.' I mean if you ask me it is possible that all her little hints and stuff just went right over his head. I mean he is a guy and further more he is Grissom. Reading people, I don't think is necessarily his forte.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Aah, Theatre - you're probably right. However, I didn't so much mean to put emphasis on the honey itself, because I'm fairly certain the scene was supposed to play just as it did either way.

Grissom comforting her, with or without the honey, was meant to spurn her on. Billy was smart in adding it, because otherwise you could've gone, "Was that really enough?", or "Does Grissom truly love her?"

I only doubt it because the big draw seems to be Roger Daltry and Young!Catherine, and while it is sweeps time, they do still have to have a case. A GSR kiss is pretty big, and if I were the writers, I'm not totally negating it, but if I were them, I'd save it for the goodbye scene. A kiss does two things: it shows how much they've committed to each other, but it can also basically say, "They're going to be fine throughout this time apart. As people have said, "It's just a month!" but I don't think the time period is what's important. I think it's more what Grissom's break is representing. And that's a need to get away. For Sara, someone who seems VERY secure in the relationship, they may be a blow she's not ready to deal with.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I agree. I think that since the writers have put this much effort into keeping the relationship discrete (i think that's the right word i was thinking of), well basically the little moments that tell us they are together, but not giving away too much, that they would save a kiss for a huge scene, even if it is only a kiss on the cheek.

About the Honey scene, right before the explosion, Sara was following Grissom, maybe to ask him then, but he kept falling out of her grasp, so she decided to give up. I think then, she started to have second thoughts, maybe thinking she was out of her mind to ask her boss on a date, so she decided that maybe she should think about it for a while longer. So, Sara was walking away, then got into the explosion, then Grissom called her 'honey', and I think that sealed the deal. She thought maybe he did feel the same way, so then she would take the chance.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I remember the first time I read about the, "Honey" deal. Apparently, the logic of it was that it was an adlib from Mr. Petersen, who said that Grissom wouldn't notice he'd said it because he was so freaked out. Sara wouldn't notice until later because she was in shock. But, the audience would notice, thus sending us into a GSR induced frenzy. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I remember the first time I read about the, "Honey" deal. Apparently, the logic of it was that it was an adlib from Mr. Petersen, who said that Grissom wouldn't notice he'd said it because he was so freaked out. Sara wouldn't notice until later because she was in shock. But, the audience would notice, thus sending us into a GSR induced frenzy.

lmao. The wise Mr. Petersen.

I can see that. I can see someone who's so emotionally confined like Grissom just losing his bearing completely when he's worried or scared.

Hence walking into a dark warehouse with a case full of money and a crazy person in Grave Danger.

Hence repeating over and over "Just open the door" as the guy's trying to tell him that he can't find the right key.

Panicked Grissom is not logical, and that's sort of fun to see.

which is why, as stereotypical or as predictable as it might be, Sara becoming the victim of the MCSK is such an appealing premise.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma said:
which is why, as stereotypical or as predictable as it might be, Sara becoming the victim of the MCSK is such an appealing premise.

I really really want Sara to be a victim of MCSK. I LOVED Committed, literally, I'm obsessed with Committed. It's my favourite episode. So, I would love to see Sara in some sort of danger, and again, have Grissom save her somehow. My fear is that he won't save her, and then he'll leave the show. :(
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Agreed. And as I've said before, the original script for Committed would've been too much. Now that they're together, I don't think it would. I don't personally believe that they'd kill Sara. If Sara wound up being a kidnapping victim, I think he'd recover her, but for the both of them... that would be it. I think that they've both been shown to want to spend more time together than on the case, and it's gotten to a level where leaving their jobs wouldn't be as big a step as it would have a couple of years ago.

Hear ye, hear ye - 'tis thread nomination time.

A few groundrules to go over again:

1) Please BOLD your thread title nomination. Otherwise I tend to skim and will miss it, which will make you :( and me :( and then we'll all be :(
2) Don't quote someones' nomination and talk about how much you love it. For a couple of reasons: the first is that it clutters up board space, and right now we have plenty of GSR discussing to do! (lol) The second is that we have voting polls for a reason. Once the poll is up, then discuss away.
3) You can nominate old thread titles, new thread titles, thread titles someone else came up with (please give 'em credit, though), but you can NOT nominate a thread title that openly and clearly bashes another ship or suggests that our ship is somehow the "best" ship. Keep it clean, keep it fun, keep it nice. Wait - did I say clean? Scratch that.

Okay, my noms:

1) His "Dear" Wife
2) The Married Couple
3) They Can Share the Pumpkin
4) Blue Eyes Meet Brown: The Sweetest Thing
5) Williams College Promotes Phonesex
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

He only looks tired because of all the geeklovin'
What happens in their bedroom would lead to our "first blush"
She's his lobster
Like a moth to a flame: This ship is HOT!

And the always popular: Since Normal fell..which is not mine and I am not sure WHOSE it is. But thank you.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

YAY! thread noms! geez we went quick with this one, i remember that we made it slightly after Double Cross which was like a second ago, lol.

okay. that's what i came up with:

We want a good-bye MAKE OUT. Period.
The Flirtiest in Las Vegas
Cuz he checks out her ass 24/7
Curly Hair Couple
She'll wait up in THEIR bed
Cuz he calls her "Dear"
They're doing it. Right NOW.

i know i know, i'm a pervert. what can i do? and the curly hair one is umm ... yeah.

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Oh! Yay! Thread nominations. :)

1. Oh yes, She DID wait up.
2. Cause Him calling her Babe would be awkward.
3. Over Six Years of Waiting, Just Give Us a Kiss.
4. Scientists Have a Different Kind of Fun.

Yeah, I'm perverted, deal with it, cause we all are. : P

That's all I came up with. Anyway.. back to discussion.

What exactly are we talking about?

ETA: I figured out why Sara threw out all the take-out orders on her fridge in You've Got Male! Because she had to make room to put Grissom's phone number up.

lol. No, not really.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

# 3... great one...but I like them all... P-L-E-A-S-E hurry this one up.... and why does it have to be just "one kiss" maybe later more :p boy will the con-GSR fans have a field day with this one. HUH?/ poor babies.. :( I can't wait.. :p will he push her up against the wall? or where will this happen... hurry :mad:

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Queen of the icons finally organized some time and made some.


ETA'ed: and i made one specially for sarah and ziggy, Reebs, theatre and all other Sacklie/Gonad lovers. End of ETA

Sacklie angst:


14 new icons
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