Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma said:

So I don't know - I always felt the Teri thing was a bit of a "Let's get Grissom laid... oh, wait - nevermind" storyline. Once they decided he was going to be a recluse, they used her for that...

We do not say the Name That Must Not Be Named. T-Ter-Terrr- gah.. I can't do it. Anyway, The Name That Must Not Be Named is The Name That Must Not Be Named because as Warrick has said Sara just doesn't like other women in Grissom's life, so neither do we. : )

sarahvma said:
I don't know why Jorja hasn't signed yet. Another possibility might be that TPTB haven't GIVEN her a contract, and WP is holding out till they do. Either way, currently we should probably assume that they'll be gone at the end of this season.

No! We do not assume, because csi's don't assume. ..I couldn't think of any other reason, okay! Well, I was going to post some really long thing, but in short, THEY CAN'T LEAVE!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

A new poll!!
I hope it hadn't been make it before..
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Having said that, the quality of the episodes have been great, cast chemistry is back... I just want to see them less isolated and less moving targets for GETTING caught.
less isolated yeah, but TO get caught. i don't know, i just so badly want them to get caught.

i'm afraid that even if they were making out like crazy and Warrick got into the room to get some coffee, he wouldn't notice them at all, then he would realize there is no coffee left, ask "where is the love, dammit?" and oblivious to the fact they didn't stop making out, steel some blue hawaiian from Greg's drawer.

W. Brown CSI Level 3. i can't stand the irony.
So him being at her apartment suggests that when it was time for them to commit, he went to her. He goes to her place solely to be with her. She doesn't have to ask permission, she doesn't have to go to him anymore.
that's why i wanted to believe WTG was in Grissom's townhouse. still i would LOVE to see her there.
Greg's reaction will be the hardest to watch, for me.
to be honest, this is one of the things i really want to see. but we know he's not gonna mourn or anything. His reaction to Hank wasn't that terrible, i don't think he'll be very upset, maybe just a little. but after that, i'm sure he'll be happy for both of them.
I really need to get my hands on some episodes from the hearing loss era. I didn't think it ever got so bad that Grissom tried learning Sign. And WP sucked, bless his heart. What's the episode? *is huge ASL geek*
it makes me love'im even more, lol.
Anyone else like that there's a strong possibility the actress ad-libbed the "You're rusty - how about some practice?" line?
that's the exact transcript:

JANE GILBERT: (speaks & signs) Who taught you to sign?

GRISSOM: (speaks & signs) My mother.

JANE GILBERT: (speaks & signs) Tell me about her. And use your hands. You're
a little rusty.

(GRISSOM smiles sheepishly at her.)

[Note: Very loose translation. I'm no expert.]

GRISSOM: (signs) She lost her hearing when she was eight.

(Off of GRISSOM, camera shot of DR. GILBERT.)

GRISSOM: (signs) ... loved to swim. I asked her what it was like to be deaf.
She told me to stick my head under the water ...

JANE GILBERT: (laughs and signs) True.

GRISSOM: (signs) She taught me not to make fun of "she" ... "you" ...
"everyone" ... "the same".

(Camera is behind DR. GILBERT, off her shoulder at GRISSOM then slowly pulls
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

less isolated yeah, but TO get caught. i don't know, i just so badly want them to get caught.

You would, dirty Pole.

But in seriousness, they HAVE to get caught. I mean, at some point, whether they admit to it or not, they'll still have a scene where someone on the team "knew".

I just don't want it to be mid-make out or something. I want it to be a scene like Thermite or Grey Hair, but we see a significant "Excuse me?" look from someone on the team. Just little hints rather than a big "OMGZ!"

i'm afraid that even if they were making out like crazy and Warrick got into the room to get some coffee, he wouldn't notice them at all, then he would realize there is no coffee left, ask "where is the love, dammit?" and oblivious to the fact they didn't stop making out, steel some blue hawaiian from Greg's drawer.

W. Brown CSI Level 3. i can't stand the irony.

You been nice to Warrick! It's not his fault that he's GSR-oblivious.

that's why i wanted to believe WTG was in Grissom's townhouse. still i would LOVE to see her there.

Which we probably will, at some point. But let's face it, Adz - you just want to see what his bedroom looks like.

Though not actually spoiled, it has been hinted that there MAY be a goodbye scene between them before Grissom leaves. Which, for those of you who wanted to know, he IS leaving. They've put him at Brown University, which is supposed to be a joke because Brown is located in the same town that Billy's play will be. And if there IS a goodbye scene between them, I imagine it would be something like him packing at his house and them talking.

Really, though - if they were living together, it would make more sense for them to be at his place, as it's bigger. So they aren't living together, but as Billy said in his Chicago Trib interview, he thinks Grissom goes over there a lot to talk about his day.

to be honest, this is one of the things i really want to see. but we know he's not gonna mourn or anything. His reaction to Hank wasn't that terrible, i don't think he'll be very upset, maybe just a little. but after that, i'm sure he'll be happy for both of them.

Yeah, but I do wonder if her going to him in Fannysmackin might not have flared up a lot of the old feelings, and might have even produced a bit of reverse Florence Nightengale syndrome - the patient falling in love with the "nurse". Because the end of FS makes it sound like she plans to visit him often.

And thanks for the transcript - I always wanted to know what he'd said.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

uhh, the poll. I'm ssoo late, but anyway...

I chose chalk/swap/gentle.

Yup. Of course, the awesome final scene of TOYD with that llookkss was maybe more obvious, but I take it that they were together then, so I didn't chose it. Outstanding GSR-scene though, :rolleyes:.

I didn't chose the pin me down scene from IE, because it was laden with so much other stuff (the rape they reconstruct, among other things). I first wanted to chose the Snakes scene. But I remembered how I had a hard time with interpreting Grissoms reaction in any way, his stammering and his look, when she leaves his office, so I didn't chose that. Both scenes were somehow bittersweet to watch, for me. And I don't want to think of GSR being bittersweet.
(OMG, I don't make much sense, do I?)

No, instead I chose chalk from SDD, amonst other things because of the word 'tentative'. That word just pretty much describes, how I see the relationship of Sara and Grissom, well besides 'complicated' :lol:
And that scene really sent some shivers down my spine, when I first saw it (and I was NOT a GSR-freak then. So - winner :) )

I chose the talk in Swap Meat and Sara's concern in Gentle, Gentle, because both scenes show, how they care about each other, how they are interested in how the other one thinks/feels, probably more than would be natural for a work-relationship. Just my thoughts.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

okay, and this is something i came up with while talking to sarah today.

y'all know what i just realized? that b/c he doesn't grin that much, or almost at all (like fully, in the Turn Off The Screws talking about coasters way), i would find it the most shippy GSR scene that has ever been on CSI, if he grinned like that to her.

you know, they are talking, Sara says something funny to him and he just grins like that. THEN i would like somebody to come in and see him. like. Catherine. she would look at them suspiciously and ask what's so funny, and he wouldn't be able to get this grin out of his face. oh, and sara would laugh at that in the way she did at some Greg comment in one of the last eps of S6.

gawd ... i would love that.
But in seriousness, they HAVE to get caught. I mean, at some point, whether they admit to it or not, they'll still have a scene where someone on the team "knew".
yeah i jus thope it won't be in a WTG way. like, surprise, everybody already knows, and MWAHAHA, you dirty audience won't get to see how it was revealed.
You been nice to Warrick! It's not his fault that he's GSR-oblivious.
don't get me wrong, i love the guy. he's just Lane Smith of CSI.
Which we probably will, at some point. But let's face it, Adz - you just want to see what his bedroom looks like.
*is thrilled* omgomgomgomg, i'd die if i saw his, omg, big bed *faints in a weird poltergeist way*
Yeah, but I do wonder if her going to him in Fannysmackin might not have flared up a lot of the old feelings, and might have even produced a bit of reverse Florence Nightengale syndrome - the patient falling in love with the "nurse". Because the end of FS makes it sound like she plans to visit him often.
that's good cuz i'd like the poor jealous greggo angst *hides from Greggie fans*

i just realized that Greg's initials are GS.
And thanks for the transcript - I always wanted to know what he'd said.
you're very welcome :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

On the Terri Miller issue.. Grissom was taken with her./. and she with him.. but he as always he choose to leave and go to his "crime scene" and leave her behind :( where as Sara wouldn't have cared, and more than likley gone with him.. the other women he had NOTHING in common with...well, Terri he did in the thing she did... :(but Sara everything.. and she hung in there, regardeless of how he treated her..and guess who ended up with him :p and where are those others..Terri got married, and would she have stood watching his reactions at a window :( I think not.. and LH, who cares.. :mad:


Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

yeah i jus thope it won't be in a WTG way. like, surprise, everybody already knows, and MWAHAHA, you dirty audience won't get to see how it was revealed.

I'd hate that as well. But I really doubt that that's an aspect of it that they'd skip. Mostly because of who these two characters are, the way they've set up the ship in the past...

I CAN see someone like Brass pretty much winkingly telling them that he knows, without flat-out saying it, but not, like, Catherine coming up and telling them both she's thrilled about their marriage or something.

don't get me wrong, i love the guy. he's just Lane Smith of CSI.

Quick rip for Lane Smith, who was awesome. But yeah... I suppose. I mean, Nick always seems to have a kind of big-brother eye on Sara, Brass Doc and Catherine do it for Grissom, and Greg haunts Sara's steps in a different way, but Warrick... I don't think that after their fight, Sara and Warrick really cared one way or the other about each other.

They don't mind hanging out, but I doubt that Warrick would be desperately interested in her social life.

Interestingly, however, I can see Warrick being one of the more unaccepting. Not because I think he hates them or is a bad person, but maybe because he's such a relationship skeptic right now, or even because separating work and personal life seems to have been high priority with him. He felt very offended that Sara, a work colleague, was shadowing him on his off time. And Grissom's been a little harsh about easing up considering the wife situation a couple of times.

Then, and this would require a level of continuity that I'm not QUITE sure I can expect yet from TPTB (even though this season's been awesome), there is the fact that Warrick was pretty much being groomed to take over for Grissom WAY back when. I think it was sort of understood that Catherine would get her own shift.

But more than that... Grissom's always been very private, and very unforgiving of private lives interefering with work. So if his relationship with Sara interferes, I think we'd see a lot of cold shoulders from the team in terms of cutting him some slack.

If, however, it's more incidental, I think they'd be fine with it.

*is thrilled* omgomgomgomg, i'd die if i saw his, omg, big bed *faints in a weird poltergeist way*
*Sigh* Why? you know it's probably some utalitarian simple army-style cot, just like the rest of the decorating in his home. It's not going to be, like, bare walls and insects and then a crazy rotating heart-shaped bed.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I'd hate that as well. But I really doubt that that's an aspect of it that they'd skip. Mostly because of who these two characters are, the way they've set up the ship in the past...
and that it's just too good of a storyline to skip. i mean, it can be done in following ways:
1. hilarous
2. serious/job interfering
3. delicate (in a 'dear' way)
4. ambiguous, not dead-obvious ("are they? wait. nooo")
5. one of the CSI putting all the little pieces together. no one definite situation.
6. Geeks caught.
7. Geeks caught and they don't realize it.

that's pretty much what i can think of.
But more than that... Grissom's always been very private, and very unforgiving of private lives interefering with work. So if his relationship with Sara interferes, I think we'd see a lot of cold shoulders from the team in terms of cutting him some slack.
yeah, that's one thing. remember in Boom when Nick slept with that prostitute, Grissom said shocked "what were you thinking Nicky?". so yeah, on one hand i see some people saying it's something he always told everybody not to do and was harsh about it, but on the other i can see people saying "finally Grissom, you stopped being that tough on yourself. you deserve it". i'm sure Ecklie will be the first option. i'd like to think the whole team will be the second.
*Sigh* Why? you know it's probably some utalitarian simple army-style cot, just like the rest of the decorating in his home. It's not going to be, like, bare walls and insects and then a crazy rotating heart-shaped bed.
you mean like one on The Sims? well we already know he likes to sleep on massage beds *coughAFYCcough*
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

*Sigh* Why? you know it's probably some utalitarian simple army-style cot, just like the rest of the decorating in his home. It's not going to be, like, bare walls and insects and then a crazy rotating heart-shaped bed.
He probably has a sleeping bag hanging from the ceiling like a cuccoon.

Interestingly, however, I can see Warrick being one of the more unaccepting.
I think, in a way, he might just be disappointed. It might make him feel more down about himself, too. Misery loves company etc. Like he was meant to have that 'eternal bachelor' line to Grissom. He was meant to be this enigma of an island that Warrick could look up to. But now he's "sold out" (by getting into a long term relationship, too) so it's kinda like he has noone to really turn to in a mentor-type role in that respect. Except maybe Brass. I'm glad they're getting buddy-buddy again. But it's kinda not the same. Grissom's like a role model to him, really.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

*prances in happily* I'm baaaaaaaaaack. Yay. *embraces internet and cable* What a lonely existence I've been leading. So, what have I missed? Anything exciting? What are we talking about? I'm far too lazy to read back all them pages I've missed. I can read FANFIC again! OH! Life is so good.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO on Dayna. You get your cable and internet back RIGHT as I get home? *Pout* I have to watch with my mother!

yeah, that's one thing. remember in Boom when Nick slept with that prostitute, Grissom said shocked "what were you thinking Nicky?". so yeah, on one hand i see some people saying it's something he always told everybody not to do and was harsh about it, but on the other i can see people saying "finally Grissom, you stopped being that tough on yourself. you deserve it". i'm sure Ecklie will be the first option. i'd like to think the whole team will be the second.

Yeah - hopefully after dropping the ball on the hearing loss thing, the writers will make the fact that they work with investigators a little more obvious
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. *Adzix's poltergeist died and she's officialy a ghost* TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. TOO. MUCH. HOTTNESS. those. profile. shots. those. face. shots ... no, no, no. this is not good. no, no, no. i think this episode is the hottest Grissom episode after Formalities. i squeed like never. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg. he was so amazingly HAWT that i just can't do this anymore. i'm moving to Chicago. /// about the ep, i loved it. it wasn't, omg we have to almost kill Catherine and K-Fed will get hit by Nick kinda ep, but equally great b/c Grissom was in like EVERY scene and i'm drop dead right now. /// we've got our GSR share as well with some Greggo in the background. finally GSR with a witness. oh and she made this comment to him that he shouldn't be that harsh on Greg, which she would never say if they weren't together. and what did he do? he EXPLAINED himself. it was shippy guys. /// i loved the fact that the storyline was Grissom-centered. i hope there will be some continuity and Sara will take care of him ... awww, that would be so sweet. *sigh* i know there won't be. i'm talking cuz i'm excited. /// again, this was SUCH a Gentle Gentle/Still Life kind of episode. and thank you very much for the continuity from Gentle Gentle (Grissom not liking cases involving kids). *fades away*
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Well tonights episode was good. I really liked it, even though there were no real GSR scenes,... well except for the radio scene which wasnt that shippy but since i think that WP and JF try to make it as shippy as possible (OR so i think) it was a cute scene cause Grissom got all silence when Sara told him she was the one that put the music on.

I think that Sara might know about Grissom's migraines cause of her reaction to the radio but im not sure.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

All the people who gripe about the GSR making CSI too soapy have nothing to talk about now, eh?

I thought the episode was very solid. I was wishing for GSR, however. There was zero and that was disappointing.
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