Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

"Tape me up?" Flirtation? more like, solicitation :p

But really, I wish they still flirted. It was so cute.

And what do you guys think about the theory that they slept together when they originally met, and then did nothing to further it when Gil invited Sara to Vegas.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

oh no, i dont think so really. i think sara would be too "emotionally involved" and ask gil "where is this going" if they slept together.
oh but i see your point. sorry i'm being so hypoticritical, but i remember when gil found out about "hank" (i put quotes because i dont care for him) and he looked so devestated. it made my heart ache.

even still though, i dont think so.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I wish they still flirted too, but I doubt that we'll ever see that again until they start a relationship for real. Since the feelings came out in the open, it's been all angst for them, and I guess it is impossible for them to flirt anymore, without it leading to something serious.

And I don't think they slept together back in SF. As I wrote in the long post in the prev. page, I believe Grissom wouldn't be so scared of Sara and so emotionally awkward if they had shared intimacy on that level once. And Grissom looks completely clueless about what's going on between them sometimes, and I think the "they slept together" is not really consistent with that...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Or they could have had a one night stand. :devil: Those things don't work too well. :lol:

Their cute flirtation is one thing I miss about the earlier seasons. The earlier Grissom was so cool.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

i agree the earlier grissom was a lot cooler, relaxed BUT the hearing issue had a huge effect on him. So, im hoping that what happened to nick made another huge effect on him and he finally breaks his trance and gets back to the real truth of the matter - "getting the girl" - SARA!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

but i remember when gil found out about "hank" (i put quotes because i dont care for him) and he looked so devestated. it made my heart ache.
Me too. Poor Grissom

Sara didn't seem that pleased that he found out about it either.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Chaos Theory

Another pic of Personal Space Violation :)

There was also more to the "I Am From" poem, but that was the only post-worthy part
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I wish they still flirted too, but I doubt that we'll ever see that again until they start a relationship for real. Since the feelings came out in the open, it's been all angst for them, and I guess it is impossible for them to flirt anymore, without it leading to something serious.

And I don't think they slept together back in SF. As I wrote in the long post in the prev. page, I believe Grissom wouldn't be so scared of Sara and so emotionally awkward if they had shared intimacy on that level once. And Grissom looks completely clueless about what's going on between them sometimes, and I think the "they slept together" is not really consistent with that...
Yeah theres just no way they could pull that off and still have this level of angst/UST. U being the key letter hehe.
I've read too many fanfics that have had them sleep together before Vegas and its just too unrealistic :/
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Well, I'm not certain that their relationship in SF was anything more than it is now, but I do agree that they were probably heavy on the flirting, as seen in Season 1. But keep in mind, if something did happen in SF, Sara would have still been quite young (early 20's) and we've seen Sara get tougher and tougher as time goes on. And Grissom has gotten more and more grim... so... they would have been different people at the time, and perhaps the growing uncomfortability stems from the realization that perhaps their light-heartedness before was a little inappropriate.

Either way, I rather hope they haven't done anything before now, because I want to see the first "moments"... I just hope they aren't cheating us out of that.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I'm up in Belfast, so I have the benefit of Channel five and Living TV as well as RTE - but those are still repeats... patiently tearing my hair out waiting for season 6 in January... *whimper*

i have five but in really bad wheater, which is the whole time here in ireland, the station is so bad that you cant even see it. plus i asked rte if they are goin to show it again and they said no!!! im from Wexford dont belive the rumours were lovely!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I totally buy into the theory that there was an attraction between them when they first met in SF (or whereever it was - the location has not been confirmed...) I dont think it was acted on. I think they intellectually stimulated each other and that she asked him for coffee (she'd had covered by saying that it was to discuss forensics...)

They went out for coffee, which became dinner, which turned into him walking her home. Then they had that moment - you know, the moment where you're with someone who you're attracted to, and they seem into you too, and you almost kiss. And it gets really quiet... And then you stammer your way through a 'well, this was nice' and 'i had a great time, thanks' and they said goodnight and went their seperate ways...

They had exchanged email addresses, and when Sara wanted advice on a case or something, she emailed him. He was pleasantly surprised to hear from her, and when he emailed back a response, he took the time to ask how things were with her. And so it began, their friendship via email. ANd when he was in SF on business, they met up for dinner to catch up. But nothing ever happened, because Grissom was convinced that it would never work - beautiful, younger woman, long distance - nope, bad idea in his mind. So they just kept it as friends...

Then he asks Sara to Vegas. And she comes. And, maybe, somewhere in the back of his mind he thought 'well, that removes the long distance thing' But then he was made the Supervisor officially and he had to start putting up those barriers between himself and his subordinates. The man who was already pretty removed from the rest of the world in the social sense now had another barrier. And so he grew even more introverted. And more distant from everyone he worked with. And the flirting between himself and Sara lessened, especially after he realised that she maybe had feelings for him too...

And so they did their dance to the place where they are now - the shards of their broken friendship only now starting to be reassembled... And then, maybe one day...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Forensicsgirl I have to say WOW!!!! I felt like I just read a fairy tale. That was so eloquently put of how Grissom and Sara started out. I don't think anybody can sum that up better.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

forensicsgirl, i love your theory. it sounds just like i think it should have happened. someone should write a fanfic on it...

i think maybe sara asked him out for a "cup of coffee" and it never happened, like when she asked him out for dinner in the 3rd season. i like the idea of gil wanting her closer
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Great way to sum it up, Forensicsgirl!

By the way, I am pretty sure they hung out (had lunch, coffee and stuff), because that kind of thing seems to be necessary to call someone "a friend, someone I can trust". I am also pretty sure they came quite close to an awkward about-to-kiss moment but had inhibitions.

By the way, I LOVE fanfiction that writes about their backstory, and I can't help but quote a passage from a story that became one of my favorite fics about how they met--I mentioned this story before because I am obsessed with it: (author is Meghan O'Hara)

Her name is Sara Sidle, and the situation is getting out of hand.

They've snuck out of the cocktail party at the end of the seminar. They're champagne-tipsy and floaty and far, far too overdressed to be where they are, which is sitting on the grass, propped against the wall of the Berkeley auditorium.

He's due back in Vegas tomorrow, and the last thing in the world he should have done on this trip was let coffee with an interesting attendee turn into more coffees and dinners and lunches and trips to the museum that turned into a cab ride in the rain that turned into him almost kissing her goodnight...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Grisslybear mentioned this before, but I just got finished watching Altar Boys again. Grissom does on purpose touch Sara when he gets up to leave the room. He is sitting there eating chinese and she brings him a phone message. When he gets up to leave to meet the lawyer he reaches around and touches her very gently on the arm. He knew he was doing it too. Like a little sorry I gotta leave kind of touch.
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