Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap
So if he couldn't do it for Sara, a woman he's known a long while, and has had sexual/romantic attraction to (quite obviouly) for the past 5 years, what makes the Gofias think Sofia can just waltz in and change his entire position on relationships?
it's bogus. he was just stopping her from leaving.
Yes, he was stopping her from leaving, but you can't deny that the Bug Man felt some attraction to her. The smile at the end of Formalities indicated that. However, unlike girls, guys can have passing crushes on different women even if they're fixed on one. This is partly why men cheat more and why they "look around" even if they're with the woman they love.
I agree that the main motive of the invitation was to keep her from leaving, but there was a romantic side to the invitation as well. Clearly nothing happened, possibly because he kept it friendly after realizing how open-ended that invitation sounded. Sofia is definitely more interested than he is, and I think it's perhaps simply flattering that she likes him, but let's not kid ourselves. That's all.
But I'm not jumping the GSR ship... I was just pointing out that we can't get mad at non-GSRs for twisting our favorite GSR moments when we do a bit of twisting of our own with Sofia.
Will it amount to anything? No, I don't think so a) because, of course, he loves Sara
b) because he flat-out said that jeopardizing his career isn't worth it (however, like the original script indicated, when you say no to someone you really want, it just gets harder to keep saying it) and c) because I firmly believe that Sofia as a "love interest" means nothing more than that she's there to ruffle feathers. Which is partly why they snuck in that "walking-in" spoiler. If she was there honestly as a love interest for Grissom long-term they would simply have said "they share a moment" rather than "Sara walks in... sparks fly".