Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

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Well, alas, all we got was a tease with the last episode, Lovers Lanes. The phone call at the end should have been Grissom, not Ray. Clearly, the writers are playing games with us. :( Not much we can do about it, I guess, but keep the faith and hope for something great in the future to make up for this drought.
On a positive note, Sara was still wearing the RING! :adore: Yes, I do look for it every time Sara is in a scene. :lol:
I think the writers are playing games. She is so into the team again, and really likes Langston. So she was calling him, but maybe on her 'off time" she calls Grissom. He'll return, got to happen, or would would be the point of this whole 9 years? Great ep. the whole team bowling and drinking beer,:thumbsup: to bad her husband wasn't in the mix:( Soon

Yeah, that phone call definetly should have been Grissom; not Ray. I don't know why they're having Sara all buddy-buddy with this guy. I get that some fans dont want all of Sara's non-work activities to mention Grissom, but those fans can deal considering Grissom isnt even here. The GSR fans are tortured yet again not knowing what is going on with them.

Why couldn't the phone call be Grissom updating Sara about what happened in his day; and she could update the team on him.

Yeah the ring is significant, but it's not the same when it's the only thing that lets us know they're still together.

One thing I've been waiting to see Sara do; is walk into Grissom's old office and reminise even if it's just for a moment while she waits for Ray to get there. As if being in his old office doesn't effect her...right. :rolleyes:
I like her camraderie with Dr. Langston, their very similar in personailties traits, calm, cool, collected yet focused on the cases. I knew they'd hit it off, and remember Grissom offered him the position, and she knows that, so it's a win-win situation. He'll be back, I'm sure no matter what the actor says, it'll be a huge surprise like her's was in 'One To Go" she was not listed in the credits, or anywhere else, and there she was in the last scene, waiting for her lover:p

GeekLove<3 said:
One thing I've been waiting to see Sara do; is walk into Grissom's old office and reminise even if it's just for a moment while she waits for Ray to get there. As if being in his old office doesn't effect her...right. :rolleyes:
What I am waiting to see is the wedding band on Gilbert Grissom's finger! I am always on the lookout on Sara's finger since the season began. :lol:
And of course a 'family' is incomplete without this one.

I miss the dog just as much we miss his master.

Maybe this Christmas, we'll get our wish. We might have a piece of Gil Grissom. It would be their first Christmas as a married couple (and this Thanksgiving, right?)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life = crazycrazcycrazy.

Just wanted to say (however late it may be) that last weeks episode was pretty good. I was kind of impressed by it. Sara's scenes are few, like all the other seasons of hjer being a regular, but the fact that we get to see her every week gives me hope =)

It, above everything, reassured me that I'm still a die hard GSR fan because at the end, I was more than a little dissappointed that it was Ray calling Sara :'(
*although I realize that was an important part of his storyline. He's really fitting in now. He's family. He's past that awkward "new guy" stage. :rolleyes:
First and foremost HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all who celebrate it. Hope you all have a lovely day and welcome back Coco good to see you on here again:bolian: life is a bit crazy isn't it? and I agree about Dr. Langston he's a masterpiece, and fits in great with them all. Nice to see him chatting with Sara. I think she totally admires him as her husband did. They will be working together again in an upcoming ep. I sure hope that Grissom shows up soon. And 3xnity good points. I miss Hank too "good boy" want to see her name badge say Sara Grissom:thumbsup: One of my favorite photos below

I'm assuming since we won't see Sara again til Dec 17th, that she is in Paris celebrating Thanksgiving with her husband, sans turkey, of course! I bet Gil does most of the cooking; he seems like the type of man who would enjoy it, probably using some of his mother's recipes, as seen in GDC. I don't get the impression that cooking is Sara's thing, but maybe she's good at salads.:)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I agree she probably flew to Paris, or he snuck in to Vegas and they're with Hank, and he would probably do the cooking:thumbsup: He was cooking his own soup when he was sick in "GDC", she's a vegetarian so who knows what she'd eat on a holiday:confused: NO matter as long as their together celebrating

jtd94 said:
I'm assuming since we won't see Sara again til Dec 17th, . . .
That long? WHy? Mrs. Grissom will be missed. ;)

Still with the dog talk. I'd like to ask if Hank were already Grissom's dog before the 'relationship' or is after they are together? In some FF version that i readthey took it after and not before, so i am just confused now as to where/when is Hank appeared in their life.

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jtd94 said:
I'm assuming since we won't see Sara again til Dec 17th, . . .
That long? WHy? Mrs. Grissom will be missed. ;)

Still with the dog talk. I'd like to ask if Hank were already Grissom's dog before the 'relationship' or is after they are together? In some FF version that i readthey took it after and not before, so i am just confused now as to where/when is Hank appeared in their life.
This week's episode is a repeat, The Happy Place.

Next week, Dec 10th, Jorja is not listed in the credits. But she is in the next, Dec 17th, and is listed as a 'regular'.

I would guess that Hank, since he first appeared in season 7, was obtained while he and Sara were together, but probably not co-habitating. I think Hank was thrown in to emphasize that Grissom had opened himself up to being more domestic; with Sara, his house had become a home.:adore:
Hey fans wait till you here this, the administrator on my GSR/WIKI site was in Las Vegas last week, and he was driving around and spotted the CSI film crew, and went up, [he couldn't get on the set] but he saw William Petersen and Laurence Fishburne looking over a dead body [fake corpse of course] so his news on there was that it "look's like Grissom will be returning":thumbsup:. They do film months in advance. Now the thing is there's no link, and I looked in the Vegas newspapers ans saw NO news about this. So I think as of right now it's "gossip", not meaning he's making it up, but time will tell. So, if this is in fact accurate, it means we'll see GSR together soon:p every thing is hearsay till it's confirmed, I just thought I'd share this with all of you
I would guess that Hank, since he first appeared in season 7, was obtained while he and Sara were together, but probably not co-habitating. I think Hank was thrown in to emphasize that Grissom had opened himself up to being more domestic; with Sara, his house had become a home.:adore:
Thank you jtd94. I thought so too.
And maybe because he knows that Sara loves animal.This is sweet, he got the dog to keep Sara company when she is alone (or day off) and he is in the office, or maybe it was during on his sabbatical. Protective boyfriend. :adore:

Desertwind, that is great news (or gossip... whatever). Kinda give a lot of anticipation, we would see not only a phone call *cough*, but physically he will appear. :) IF this will happen, then get ready for a reunion.... i mean GSR *more cough*.
What shall we call, Mr. & Mrs. Grissom or The Grissoms? :lol:

And i wish to see this hand-hold...

with the rings. :lol:

They'll have a reunion with all of them (Sara, Grissom and Hank!) Got this image of Sara sleeping in their old apartment with Hank sleeping at the end of the bed....

Anyone find it funny that Sara's only boyffriend in CSI was called Hank and their dog was called Hank? Inside joke? Accident? Any ideas? (has so many fanfic ideas running through her head)

Lol, here is to hoping that our G-man is coming back! Thanks for the info desert!
Hey Kate how's it going?:bolian: and the place we saw in "GDC" where Cath discoverd the old pic. of Gil and Sara on the fridge, was their 'condo' she found [while snooping], her clothes in the closet, and aksed "How long have you and Sara been together"? the white brick is key. It runs throughout their condo. So, if he in fact does decide to pay a visit it'll probably be there with the dog as well. I still would like to know where he is.:confused: And the real life doggies name is Bruno, a Boxer. I always wondered why they just didn't leave it that way. Hank the skank, the horrible mistake she made is a reminder of him:(




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