Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

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Hey, MissMurder

Those Wedding Gowns Are Beautiful, I really Like the Second One. I could really see sara in that one. What About Grissom...what kind of Suit or Tuxedo would you see him wearing?? And who do you think will be the Best man and Maid of honour? I bet it would be a Stylish, Emotional Wedding :D
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ooh purdy new thread =) congrats on the maaany hours of posting that went into this thread :D i'm glad we're keeping the love going long after they're gone. :(

PassionateRebel, i must disagree, i don't think that they would have a big stylish wedding at all..i think it would just be the two of them...that's the way i've always seen it, not a big deal just them. (hank too :thumbsup:)
i could definitely see Sara in something like this: joking :rolleyes:
in all seriousness:
JorjaFoxFan I agree and disagree with your statement.

I don't believe they would have a huge stylish event, but I do believe they'd bring their own unique sense of style to the Grissom - Sidle wedding. Grissom is handsome in a tux, and Sara beautiful in a dress or a suit. It may be small and low key given their personalities, but it would still have some style to it.

Plus, the first pic you gave us, that gave me a bit of a shock :lol: Do you think she'd wear that on the honeymoon? I personally wouldn't believe Sara would be into that sort of dress up, but hey you never know.
Hi, Jorjafoxfan

I didn't actually mean a big wedding, i meant a Stylish wedding in their Point of View if you understand what i mean. I mixed up my Words in the last post:lol: Typical me. Sorry Guys, anyway i'm Sure sara would look Beautiful in any Gown, :hugegrin: and for Grissom i bet he would look very smart and Handsome in any Suit aswell :p
Hi, Jorjafoxfan

I didn't actually mean a big wedding, i meant a Stylish wedding in their Point of View if you understand what i mean. I mixed up my Words in the last post:lol: Typical me. Sorry Guys, anyway i'm Sure sara would look Beautiful in any Gown, :hugegrin: and for Grissom i bet he would look very smart and Handsome in any Suit aswell :p
no no that was my fault i misread it :p but my opinion stays the same regardless, but yes MissMurder i agree they would bring their own unique sense of style :) i can picture Grissom in that suit thing that he wore in a this is gonna be a horrible explanation but i know Desert has a manip with it, it may have been her banner once, i may have been from Grissom's Divine Comedy?
never mind lmao .
P.S. i was joking with my first pic =) haha please don't miss that :lol:
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You girls make me giggle, so many theories and what if's..thank's JorjaFoxFan for the oo-la-la French maid pic. Personally I think they've already done it, and I mean the married part:p But when they return, I wouldn't put it past the gang and Cath at the helm of planning a bash/reception for them. She always was 100% behind their relationship, and they were both her friends. So it would be so awesome with Nick, Greg, Brass, Doc, etc, to all attend, and CSI and the writers should look into this scenerio. It also would bring in the big ratings:bolian:

It has to be, no matter how long it takes and how far they've gone... SanFran, Vegas, Amazon... it's nowhere the ship would sail than in the direction of marriage, and a geekbaby would be a bonus when they come back. ;) It's got to come back, either to bring closure or for another ride of gsr journey.

I thought of a wedding that isn't ordinary, just a simple ceremony yet memorable for both of them. And while we are talking about these, maybe you fellow gsr'ers show your creative mind in writing the GSR vows, what do u think their lines would be? A quote from Shakespeare perhaps? C'mon share... Some thoughts to talk about and keep us going through GSR#36. :lol:

Ladies, those wedding gowns are beautiful. It would be awesome to see how they would look like in them.
I don't know but everytime i see this pic/event, i would always think a fit for a 'Mr & Mrs. Grissom'. Well, it's just me... but she would be a radiant bride, don't you think?

Regards everyone. Be safe.
Hey guys,:thumbsup:

I know this sound weird i think be a bit like Doug/Carol ER reunion on screen with Gil/Sara showing there wedding rings;). Won`t be any kind of wedding show :rolleyes:as keep the other viewers happy to. That will be my GSR bet.:lol:

Some reasons i had a GSR dream if there return back on our screen. Well start off in bedroom and sun shine through the room. In the bed someone sleeping but the cover right over there head. Then next minute smiling Grissom walked over to the bed and says "Sara" pull down the cover. Sara, their daughter are smiling and laughing:guffaw: next minute the phone rings it Cath from Las Vegas.:lol: lol i need keep off coffee.

Oh well i just wonder how or if would you like to see GSR return on our screen?
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I thought last nights ep. was horrible, and on another fan-site, some are comparing GSR to Hodges and Wendy, I can't see that for sour apples. Gil & Sara always had admiration and respect for one another, which these other two don't.. but that's another thread, keeping on topic, I'd like to see them back in their condo, and one of the team member finds out, probably Cath, and throws them a reception, or a welcome home party. That would sure bring in the hard-core GSR fans, which were amonst. If they advertised it, think of the ratings~

baby Gil Jr.

I thought last nite's episode was okay. While the fantasy scenes weren't my favorites, there were so many parallels to GSR that it was interesting. GSR will always be the romance of CSI, but there will certainly be others on the show. I thought A Space Oddity was Wedges version of Butterflied. The viewers now know there are mutual feelings, but the characters will probably not get together for awhile, like Grissom and Sara. Who knows? Maybe Grissom and Sara will come back for a labrat wedding? :lol:
Oh well i just wonder how or if would you like to see GSR return on our screen?
I'd like to see them back in their condo, and one of the team member finds out, probably Cath, and throws them a reception, or a welcome home party. That would sure bring in the hard-core GSR fans, which were amonst. If they advertised it, think of the ratings~

baby Gil Jr.
Oh no, no.. Desertwind, it's a baby girl! It's pink! It's a little Sara with eyes like her papa, piercing blue eyes and curly hair like her mama. *Just my wish*;)
I guess when they shall return there would be something special or memorable occassion. Now GSR has become Wedges predecessor, hypothethicaly? But Labrat wedding is not on my list, its no special. Peace! :)
That 'hypothetically' scene with Hodges and Cat is so fun, GSR immediately came up to my mind. Now you gotta tell Ecklie and one must transfer to another shift, otherwise...
Hey x3nity I think your correct, my mistake, I just thought the baby looked alot like he'd look as a baby, but the pink is a dead give-a-way:alienblush: So fans, don't you think with their strong family values, that marriage would be the next step on their agenda? And they both adore children, and on the cases they worked on together, and separately children were the key that upset them when it was something off the wall, or evil:confused:and on the last ep. I see no comparsion what so ever, due to the fact that Gil and Sara were already somewhat together long ago in San Francisco, and always loved each other mutually, this other pair it's totally one sided, and he's weird, and lusts after her, and she's classy, and has NO interest in him, in my opinion.. not a good match in my book~I always saw the strong connection between GSR, and see nothing in this whatever it is~

little Gil~
Baby Sara~
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little Gil~
Baby Sara~

There's an age difference even in their childhood photos :rolleyes:...

With the great genes they have, I've imagined theirpotential children to be really beautiful and kinda exotic. They could be like the seasons:

Brown hair/Green eyes + olive or tanned skin skin = Summer
Brown hair/Blue eyes + pale skin = Autumm
Raven hair/Green eyes + olive or tanned skin = Spring
Raven hair/Blue eyes + pale skin = Winter

Except their children would have all curly hair and be prone to freckles, which would make them 100x even more adorable.
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Great pictures, hadapurpura. I especially like the third one, spring. But brown eyes tends to be a dominant trait, so I think they would be more likely to have a brown eyed, brown haired beauty, and most definitely with curls. :)
Thank's hadapurpura awesome, I loved the AUTUMM one, the blue eyes and brown hair like him. And brown does dominate, but with his strong blue eys and that curly hair, it [the baby] might come out with his coloring:thumbsup:It would for sure be a gorgeous baby, no doubt, besides them being together, their both so good looking and so opposite, except the lips:pwhich both have full senuous ones~

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