CSI Level One
JorjaFoxFan - why wouldn't that have been posted on the spoiler thread? That is where spoilers are supposed to be posted.
no dis meant, i just mean it's not too much of a spoiler..? i mean there were better questions on, IMO. but i wasn't saying i had a problem with it. just curious :cardie:
Seattle, we all still love you :thumbsup: the spoiler boxes can be veeery tempting. if you do get around to finishing a fic post it here! (or PM, depending on rating) I'd love to read your work. or 50% of your work :lol:
i hope we get a promo all from the first episode, whether it be the same ones we've already seen or not, just so that we know what the dealio is.
thanks for that quote from "Butterlfied" Desert it's really good. i know the writers wrote something and then Billy went on scene and did his own interpretation, which turned out amazing! he's so definately referring to Sara
the GSR was probably one of the best of all 8 seasons because Grissom is actually confronting it but i didn't like the actual episode, it's weird case, and at the end, great speech but did they get him? didn't they? it's all blurring for me.
Still FOUR WEEKS? ahhh. too long, it seems like it's getting farther away instead of closer
now, a little closer to home...
I've got a flute lesson to attend..which i am late for, damn GSR and all its distracting goodness
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