Grey's Anatomy ~ Shipping Thread

does the Alex/Izzy ship have an official name? I think Ive seen Lexie somewhere but that doesnt make a lot of sense to me
I've just realised this thread exists. I love GA :)
But I'm in England and season 3 has only just started. Basically I ship pretty much anyone but George/Izzie is cute.
Bumping up.

This is not what I call "relationships" anymore, it's something I call hell :eek:

I was hoping that Gizzie would end by season 4, because Izzie is just not the same as she used to be. And also, George has a wife, who is CALLIE, somebody I really like. I'm not saying that George and Callie are sooooo meant to be, but they're M.A.R.R.I.E.D. This means "no cheating, no other women, George." George is the new manwhore on Grey's.

I also dislike the thing that is going on with Cristina. Burke didn't tell her he was gone FOREVER? If you're about to marry somebody and you escape from your own wedding, the least you can do is call your ex and tell them they're never gonna see you again... I'm not sad he's gone. Burke and Cristina were like two robots. I saw no chemistry or tension. They were like "We're a team." all the time. No, they two were supposed to love each other.

Pffffffffft @ Merder. Break-up kiss and break-up sex? Time to grow up, guys.

Don't take this in a bad way, I'm just kind of fed up with the ships on Grey's.
I like Callie but I've never liked her and George as a couple for some reason.

All the characters seem to have changed for me. The George and Izzie thing is cute but I'm not sure I see any chemistry.

I'm really quite annoyed with how Mer/Der is playing out. Will they just get back together or break up permanently?

...And I haven't actually seen any S4 episodes, just clips and spoilers
I have to admit I really didn't like Callie in the beginning. I thought her and George just didn't fit together, but I've grown to like her but I still don't like her and George together. I have to say I'm happy w/ him and Izzy getting together. I have hoped since season one that it would happen but I never thought it would. I think Callie and McSteamy are going to end up together, he wants some more of her and he's not going to be getting any nurses now. Mer/Der is just so silly and annoying.
Me too, I'm getting annoyed with the whole Derek-Meredith thing.

As for George and Izzie being together, I'm not enthusiastic about it either...Izzie breaking up a marriage, even an impulsive one which had all the signs of going nowhere, is just extreme...for her. George, the new manwhore of the show...Who would have thought?
I loved the scene between Derek and Rose the OR nurse. They actually look good together. That's my way of saying I'm getting bored with the whole Derek and Meredith thing! Anyway, I hope Rose turns up in a future episode.
Ooohhh! This thread got buried. :lol: I love Derek and Rose together. I was actually screaming when they finally kissed...and now Meredith tells Derek she doesn't want him dating another girl. Gah! :lol:
mad Grey's Anatomy shipper!!! i ship like almost everyone on this show it's fantastic!

my ships:
- Meredith/ Derek= will always love these 2 and root for them to be together even if they're soo wrong for each other
- Izzie/ Alex
- Addison/Alex
- Izzie/ George= yes i do like these 2 as a couple!!
- Addison/McSteamy
- Alex/ Ava

i'm all for Derek to be with Rose too, if it their ship can make Meredith a little jealous and realize she has someone that loves her soo much than so be it. Rose is pretty and so far she seems like a very nice person (i'm sure you guys realized that the one that plays Rose was on the CSI:NY ep "Commuted Sentences").
Yup, Lauren Stamile who plays Rose was Amber in Commuted Sentences. I like Rose because she has spunk and she sparks with McDreamy! :lol: The thing with Meredith and Derek is that they're getting pretty tiresome.
^^i could not remember her name Lauren Stamile, i was trying to remember and i didn't have time to go look for it last night. and then the next wednesday the other woman from the begining of the ep (bad with the name thing again) was on Pushing Daisies.

anyway... Rose does have sparks with McDreamy. as much as i love Meredith and Derek as a couple they just don't work as well they're a mess and the first time we saw something b/t Mer/Der Meredith was kicking him out of her house. Meredith just never seemed taken by Derek, Rose was a bit when they talked outside the hospital.