Grey's Anatomy ~ Shipping Thread

I think I have also moved over to the Addison/Alex side. Who knew that Alex had it in him to say exactly the right words of comfort to a woman like Addison? It looked like she was mentally kicking herself for it though -- I wonder if she is having a dilemma about doing the same thing that her ex did? I think the chief would blow his stack if another one of his residents took up with an intern.
I think that these two can pull off the whole secret relationship. I dont know what it is but something tells me that they are good at that.
Ah, could you possibly be referring to Alex's history with a certain Nurse Olivia while he was with Izzie? I think you are correct -- and I can't wait to see what develops with this particular relationship.
Yes i am. Alex is such a sweetie but he can be the sly ass if he wants to, the one before he became a part of Addisons squad. Addison i dont know i think it was because of Mark but i dont know the whole story on that, i just have a feeling that she is very sneeky.
Yah both Addie and Alex both have good experiance with secreatly having relationships while with someone else(i.e. Derek-Mark for Addie and Izzie-Olivia for Alex). that almost-kiss moment has made me a multi shiper.
My favorites:

Meredith <3 Derek
Izzie <3 Alex
Christina <3 Burke
Callie <3 George (not all the time, but i'm warming up to it)

I think I am possibly the only one in the world who still doesn't LOVE the Addie/Alex relationship. It's just that I was soo intent on Izzie and Alex that I can't see either of them with anyone else. I mean really, what Alex did for her in the finale? Sooo cute.
I know what you mean Shady Lane , but Izzie is so broken up over Deney still I realy dont think she is ready for a full-blown relationship yet.It is my hope that around the time that Addie and Alex(asuming that TPTB puts them together) break up(you know they will, every pairing is destine to breakup, it is just a matter of when), izzie will be geting over Deney and Alex and Izzie will get together.I hope.
On the Adie/Alex thing I think that he is intersted. In thursdays ep. Durring the convorsation he says "that i may not be intersted" and "but it dosnt have to happen again". Which i think is his way of leaving the ball in her court. insted of saying 'Im not interested,it wont happen agian '
Yay :lol: i love them to and last nights scene was heartbreaking between them and how they hugged and then he pulled her closer.

The Addi/Alex scenes were akward and cute, he is totaly lying though.

I really want Cristina to say yes.
So... Addison and Mark back together? After she spent the episode with her tongue hanging out at Alex? I suspect that when she was in bed with Mark, she really wasn't thinking about him, as she said. She was thinking about Alex; Mark is just convenient.
She and Alex are perfect together. Mark is man candy, everyone wants a peice.

My favorite thing was Cristina and Burke, they are so ment to be.
Yah I agree, Addison seems bent on not sleeping with interns, im not sure why though, it might have to do with her no wanting to make the same mistake derrek and all of the other atendings are making.But I loved how she was drooling over him throught the epiesode and how she was staring at him while the nurse was examining him.SHe reminds me almost of a schoolgirl with a crush. lol. I also liked the callie/george thing but i didnt expect them to get married that quick.
Ok. this stemed off the descution in the Grays thread on wether Mark can make it 60 days.So here is my humble opinion:

The way I see it Addison is the only one who could make a one-women-man out of Mark, even if mark dose make it 60 days: no sex it would be hard on Addie because regardless, Mark is Mark. And if she dose try to make it work with him, she will get hurt in the process. At the moment Addie is already lonely and depressed I just don’t think she could emotionally handle trying to have a relationship with Mark.

Which is why I am liking the Addie/Alex thing. Alex i think got I unfair rep as the guy who cheated a lot because of the thing with Olivia, but that was the only time( if I recall correctly) that he ever cheated. And Alex is a bad boy, yes. But he has improved since last season, and when he really likes someone he becomes all sweat and caring: Like when he told Addison he would notice if she went missing, and when he let Izzie take out franks boob-tube. I think he is what Addison needs right now.

But I still like Mark/Addie

Oh. I am so completely torn between Mark/Addie and Alex/Addie. Ahhhhhh. Driving me insane.
I like McDreamy/Addy the best.
Oh my God!! That's my favorite ship eveeeeer! I love Meredith (sometimes), but she's so whiny and boring. Addison is so gorgeous and has the hottest chemistry with McDreamy. I'm soooo glad that I'm not the only one who likes this ship!!
I can't find anyone else who does, except for you, MissRoosFox! :)