Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

BabaOReilly said:
You know it's funny you say that about thinking Izzie and McSteamy should get together because I was thinking the exact same thing. :lol:
Well, you know what they say about great minds ;)
I think after she did that drilling thing, he has a new respect for her.

Anyway, great episode but c'mon- you know she'll pull through, unless they're changing the title of the show to "Dead Like Meredith" or something. ;) :lol:
that someone is going to die. I've been thinking it was her mother, but some say it's a main character, so who knows.
BabaOReilly said:
Anyway, great episode but c'mon- you know she'll pull through, unless they're changing the title of the show to "Dead Like Meredith" or something. ;) :lol:
Funny you should say that... I was thinking the exact same thing!

Yay for Denny! And bomb-squad-guy. I was actually quite excited to see both of them.

Throughout the entire episode, I was most interested in Izzy's case. I'm so proud of her for what she did with that guy. Calling the Chief because she knew she needed help, and for being able to pull off drilling into his head. I'm really glad Webber took her off probation. She deserves it :D
Yeah, I actually said "Yay Denny!" out loud while I was watching! :lol: And I always liked bomb-squad guy too, so that was cool.
:lol: Yeah, I did that too. I was like "Denny! And Bomb-squad-guy!", then had to explain bomb squad guy to my Mom, who sort of watches the show from her desk when I'm watching it :rolleyes:
What a great episode last night. I too was like look Bomb-squad guy. (I like Kyle Chandler anyway but still haven't watched Friday Night Lights...go figure)

The whole time I am trying to think if Meredeth is gonna make it or not and thinking did I see anything saying she is not gonna be on the show but then at the end we go into the afterlife and I am thinking yeah she will survive this. It ain't called Grey's Anatomy for nothing.
I loved last night's episode! I thought the scene where Izzie drilled in the guy's skill was amazing. Like the last scene with Denny and the bomb squad guy too btw. I'm wondering if Meredith will survive. I think so, it would be really strange if the lead actress died if the show is named after her.
Do you know what a bad combo is. A very sad Greys Anatomy with Denny and a VERY sad episode of Scrubs when you wake up :lol:

I think we should go with Kate on this one. Last night on Jimmy Kimmel live (she look amazing) they were talking about it and she said that she will take over.

:lol: Addisons Anatomy all the way lol.
What really got to me was when Mark sat down next to Derek i even said out loud please let that be Mark.

Ha, Ha, Me too, Please be McSteamy, please be McSteamy. It was all verry sweet how we got to see 'Mark' in this episode, I hope him and Derek can have better relationship/friendship then they have.But I still want to see 'McSteamy'

Yay for Denny! And bomb-squad-guy.

Yay dead people! I started lauging when he showed up and my mom was like: 'who is he?'
^^Love your siggy quote^^

I miss Denny :( i miss Finn. That would have been the best episode if it wasn't for Finn missing. You see Denny again, Good speach between George and Izzie, Mark and Derek have a friendship moment (at first i thought it was Sydney :lol:) Addi and Alex goodness. Perfect episode but Finn wasn't there :lol:
^^I had a feeling it would be Mark as soon as soon as they showed him from the neck down, mark has a strong, manly build,(If sydney was built like that we would have a problem) :lol: I think I might be a bit obsesive :p
^^Love your siggy quote^^

Yah, that is like one of the best quotes in the 3-ish seasons Grays Anatomy.I love the look on marks face when Addison called him a Man Whore(is that 1 or 2 words?)
^I'm with you on that one. I love that quote! That so far is my favourite scene this season with Addison. Especially about Dereck dating the '12 year old'.
You guys enjoyed it? I found Grey's pretty painful to watch this week. There were parts that were okay, I liked Izzie redeeming herself with that cranial procedure and getting off of probation, that was nice. But everything with Meredith was frickin' awful! I couldn't handle everything with Super McDreamy saving the day, that was a HoCaine moment if there ever was one, and even he doesn't pull it off. There are no words for the ending and Meredith's nice little visit from the 'dudes we've killed so far on Grey's Anatomy' club. That was a real JTS moment right there.

Oh, and Izzie's 'I believe' speech totally ruined what she did in the rest of the episode, which sucks becuase that was decent. So, let me get this straight, she believe in things that are good, but not her best friend getting married and being happy? You've lost me there, m'dear. What the hell is her issue with the marriage anyway? I can't wrap my head around that.

Overall, it was far too over the top for my liking. Grey's is, or is close to, swimming in shark bait territory right now.
I agree. The whole Merideth thing was way overdone. Izzy's 'speech' would have been okay, but she went on too long. I don't understand her issue with George's marriage either.
No! No. The last thing Grey's needs is a spin-off. Plus, I like having Addison on the show. I don't want her to leave.