Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

i love you guys. you are all so cool. i'm a Sandle fan, but after that Greg forsaken episode (WOOPS! soory i put greg instead of god, it's a joke) i had to find an outlet for Greg. Sofia is more that worthy in my eyes. plus he's like putty near her.

i'm wrighting a fanfic about them. i'll give you the link of the first chappy when i'm finished. 'casue even though i know you don't know all love CSX

hi FrostBite :) I really like your banner but I'm afraid it's a little too big for our board. The max banner size allowed is currently 220 x 75 pixels.

I'm afraid I'm also going to have to ask you to choose between your banner and the text in your signature. The board rules allow you to have one OR the other, but not BOTH. Sorry and thanks in advance for the changes :)
Hi frostbite. I ship sandles a little too, but I think this two stand more possiblities.

Do you have sensers that say where I am, that I am on talkcsi right now?

I shall go grab some pics. Be back in a minute.
Alexx loves pictures, yes she does.

Hey, Frostbite! Glad to have a new shipper around. Now, I may be really GSR-y and stuff, but I like Sandles too. Mostly because I like Greg...And Sara...Uh, nevermind. Can't wait to read your story.

I wanna write a story too! Anybody have any ideas for me to steal?

Nooo, fogi is going to kill us! AND EAT OUR LIVER!!! Sorry, fogs.
BurnedToast said:
Nooo, fogi is going to kill us! AND EAT OUR LIVER!!! Sorry, fogs.

Now BT, you know very well that I won't eat your liver - I'm a vegetarian ;)

Now, Greg/Sofia - well, we all know she's been to his apartment. What happened there? Did he invite her over? Did she just show up? Has she been back since? These questions and more *need* to be answered :)
Yeah, Al, Fogs is a veg. :lol:

haha. Those questions do need to be answered, I say she's been back, and they *gets wacked by pg13meter* I swear I wasn't going to say anything! :devil:

No, Alexx, I'm not letting you steal my ideas, but I will say Amanda's bunnies have great ideas :D
Yeah, so am I, doesn't mean she can't go all mental and do it anyway. >.>;;

Pfft, you can bet she's been back ;).
Uh, I mean...erm...I'm sure she's been back, if only to check up on him. Yeah, that's it. ^^
You and me both, Lynn, you and me both.

Amanda has bunnies? DUDE! That's so cool! Hey, that could be an idea...Greg and Sofia are going somewhere, and they find a bunny...Gasp-o, man. v_v;;
iheartnickcath said:
but I will say Amanda's bunnies have great ideas :D

BUNNY THEFT! I could have used them while I am sitting in bed forbidden from the outside world (Only one more day) So can I have some back?

I'm back, for now. I am not suppose to be since I have strep throat, but I am. When we got back home I got a call from my friends I was over at before I left and she had strep so my mom dragged me out of the house to see if I had it, and I do. I am not suppose to be on the computer since she is afraid she'll get it, but she's not home and I missed you guys.

I will be back (Since my mom could come back any minute, she just went to get milk) with pics!
Alexx feels that she has neglected the bunnies for so long, that they are plotting to revolt against her. Yes, she feels very oddly about bunny-rabbits now.

And you know what? When I'm through, Greg and Sofia are going to be holding each other on the couch. Protecting one another from the evil bunnies!