Greg/Sofia #1 -- The lady likes fast cars

OT: The one time I want nachoes we don't have any chips.

IT: As far as I know my sis didn't have any bunnies, unless she stole some too, but those wouldn't be for CSI, she doesn't watch it (It would either be CM or Nub3rs).
Its okay, I found her. Would you hold on to one of my new bunnies so I stop getting the two fanfics I have to write confused? But you have to promise to give it back.
Sure, I'll keep the bunnies safe. here bunny bunny bunny. *huggles bunny* so tell me what Amanda is plotting? Is it CSX/Catnip...oooh
I might have to take that bunny back if it is going to tell you my secrets. And for your information both. Well one of each, and then a combination of the two.
*pats bunnies head* We're not doing anything. Nope. *looks innocent*..oh yeah, Bunnie said you might wanan fix that line in CSX. It doesn't think you wanna go that way. :p
Thank you. I am waiting to see a fanfic from you before I write anymore :p.

I was re-watching Spark of Life (I finally found it one all my tapes) and I found my favorite CSX moment.


GREG: Hey.

SOFIA: What's the problem?

GREG: Nothing. I'm fine.

SOFIA: You're not.

GREG: I feel like a wuss. Grissom told me I should take a break, and I did.

SOFIA: Your burn victim.

GREG:How do you get an image like that out of your mind?

SOFIA: You go home. You, uh ... hug your cat, your dog, your pillow. You have a beer, you watch a movie, and then you come back tomorrow.

GREG: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

SOFIA: Rumor has it you used to be a pretty funny guy. Don't lose that.

She knows when something's wrong (That means something, either really close friends or something more), and she tried to cheer him up. I love that scene.
Add me to your friends list, I'll add you back, and you can read my drabble and see if you can figure out which pairing it is. haha

I love that scene too. Right when she walked in, she knew something was wrong with him, and wanted to fix it.