GREG Quotes

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ok, i <3 greg cuz he's sooo funny, and i was lookin around for sum of his quotes but i didn't see any threads (but maybe i wasn't looking hard enough)

well aaaaaanywayz, i'll just start with a quote i heard recently from Bully for You:

GREG: You smell like death.
SARA: I've heard.
GREG: You know ... a real man wouldn't mind.

hahaha :lol:!! i luv that guy.
"Revenge Is Best Served Cold"

GREG: A whiskey sour, huh? Yeah, I'm a "thug passion" man, myself. It's a
Tupack thing. (GREG mispronounces Tupac.)

SARA: Tupac?

GREG: So, what does your paramedic like to drink? I bet with a name like
"Hank," he's probably got some ho's sipping on 'yac.

SARA: "Yac"? Cognac? No. "Ho's?" I'm not going there and, um, that's none of
your business. It's nobody's business, as a matter of fact.

The exchange between Greg and Sara is so funny. Greg: Mr. Stud wannabe. :lol:

LADY HEATHER: Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've got everything
it takes to make a great Dominatrix.
CATHERINE: I take that as a compliment.
Greg Sanders: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Gil Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy.

Greg Sanders: Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Swab one down, run it through CODIS, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.

Greg Sanders: I'm like a sponge: I just absorb information.
Gil Grissom: I thought that was MY line.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, and I absorbed it.

Gotta love Greg! He's my favourite character in CSI:) Anyway, I'm sure other people have found this site by now, but has lots of great CSI quotes.
Greg Sanders: Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Swab one down, run it through CODIS, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.
OMG I love that quote :lol:
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.

I LOVE that scene. Too funny! :D
This isn't exactly a quote but i thought it was funny.
Greg: "I found something on your butt"
Catherine: "Checkin' out my butt again Greg?"
Greg: "I was, as well as the butts Sara found at the crime scene"
Catherine: "Oh"
ive already seen three of Greg quotes thread.. oh well, here's my fave line from Greg:
Season 5 ch-ch-changes
Greg: For the record, I really like having a penis.
LOL wojo!!

i love the scene when he's processing beer bottles in "A Night at the Movies"

"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, swab one down, run it through CODIS, 98 bottles of beer on the wall"

hes so adorable!!!!!!
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.

I LOVE that scene. Too funny! :D

Oh my gosh i love that episode. I like in season 5

SARAH: Were gonna need a urine sample
GREG: Or ur in big trouble

GREG: I know what you guys tihnk of me that i'm just another pretty face who got here by sleeping with catherine.

NICK: I thought you kept your porn in there
GREG: I move it around

GREG: You infected me with mildew

lol! i love greggo!
The one in my sig...

Greg: "No match to Harpo"
Catherine: "You mean Harper"
Greg: "Whatevo"

And...this one's not really by Greg, but about him...

Nick: Leggo my Greggo! He's a CSI wannabe!

Maxie xxx
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