Great Parents and Great CSI

Correct grammar and spelling for chapter Six.

Chapter Six: Deal With Ecklie being back at work!
Sarah pushes the double baby stroller through the main door of the crime lab at the sometime is singing the Baby Lullabies, Baby Mine to Jadon and Jorja. She did not plan on coming into the crime lab at one o’clock in the afternoon but Ecklie call and want to see her right away. She did not want to have to bring Jorja and Jadon with her but Gil had a doctor appointment for his annually hear check up, to make sure he still can hear all level of hertz? She asks Caitlin to watch them but she had to go to gymnastics practices. She was going to leave them with Helen, but she was feeling under the weather. So she got her son and daughter dress and brought them with her to the lab. As Sarah pushes the stroller past the ballistic lab Bobby Dawson come run out and over to her.

Bobby: Hi Sarah, what are you and the babies doing at the lab this time of day?
Sarah: ( Jorja and Jadon crying) Ecklie wants to talk to me . Gil and Caitlin had place that they had to be and Helen was still sleeping, because she is feeling under the weather.
Bobby: Do you want me to watch Jorja and Jadon where you talk to Ecklie?
Sarah: No, I just take them with me, it getting near feed time and they are very fuss right about this time of day.
Bobby: I can tell as soon as you stop singing to them they both starting crying really loud.
Sarah: ( Ecklie walks towards them.) It all right Jorja and Jadon, I feed before we head home.
Ecklie: Sarah’s my office now!
Sarah: Coming

Sarah pushes the baby stroller toward Ecklie office and starts sing to her son and daughter again. Ecklie holds his office door open for her and closes the door behind Sarah once she is in the office. Sarah takes a set on the couch in Ecklie office. He walks over and takes a look at Jorja and Jadon, then takes a set across from her.

Sarah: So what did you need to see me about Ecklie?
Ecklie: Sarah, I hear that you and Grissom get merry in April and that he is the father of your babies, is this true?
Sarah: Yeah, its Ecklie!
Ecklie: You do know that it’s against the rules for supervises to date and/or merry one of his/ or her CSI that under him or her supervision!
Sarah: Actually if you read the new departmental policies that come out the day you take you leave of absent, it’s now allowed for members of the same team or supervises to date a CSI that under their supervision.
Ecklie: Oh, I have yet to read the new policies!

He grabs a copy of the new policies off his desk and reads it really fast and sees that Sara is right. He looks up at Sarah and sees she is push the stroller back and fourth to keep the babies from crying. Just then Gil walks through the door of Ecklie office. Ecklie stands up and walks over to Gil.

Ecklie: Your son and daughter are beautiful Gil and congratulate on you and Sarah getting married.
Gil: Thanks, Sarah is everything all right my mom said Ecklie need to speck to you right away?
Sarah: Yeah, Gil.
Ecklie: I did not get a copy of the new policy is all and you know under the old policy you and Sarah could not be together.
Gil: Oh, so everything, is ok then?
Ecklie: Yeah!
Sarah: I need to go feed Jorja and Jadon now, are we finishes talking Ecklie?
Ecklie: Yeah.
Gil: Honey, take them to my office and you can feed them in there.
Sarah: Thanks

Sarah stands up and Gil hand Sarah’s his office key. She then pushes the baby stroller out of Ecklie office and heads to Gil office she stops and unlocks her husbands’ offices door then she pushes the stroller into the office and closes and locks the door behind her. She pushes the stroller over to the couch and set down. She then unbuttons her shirt and undoes the right cup of her breast- feeding bra she picks up Jorja and feeds her first then burps her daughter and lays her back down in the stroller. She redoes the right cup of her breast-feeding bra and then undoes the left and feeds and burps Jadon. She has just rebutton her shirt when there is a knock on the door. She stands up and walks over to the door and unlocks it to sees that Greg and Sofia are standing there and she notices that Greg is looking very flush as she open the office door Sofia puts her hand over her mouth and runs into the ladies’ restroom.

Sarah: She still having trouble with morning sickness?
Greg: Yes, Ah-Choo, have you see Ecklie around anywhere, he called Sofia and my place and said he needed to talk to us.
Sarah: He was in his office last I saw Greg.
Greg: Coughing
Sarah: (Ecklie walks over to them.) You not sound too good Greg, and you looking very flush are you feeling all right?
Greg: No, I think that am sick.
Ecklie: (Sofia walks up next to Greg.) I try reach you and Sofia, but I miss both of you. I know long need to see either of you. I just was going to tell you that the two of you could not be involved in a relationship, but I am wrong on that. The policies were change the day I take my leave of absent. So you and Sofia can still date eachother.
Sofia: We are Married Ecklie and I’m having his child the last week of February!
Greg: Ah-Choo
Ecklie: Oh, Congratulates on both Sofia and Greg. Now Sofia take Greg home and get him back into bed right away. Greg also make sure to push the fluids and get lots of rest.
Greg: Coughs
Ecklie: Greg, take tonight off and I hope you feel better soon.
Greg: (Sniffles) Thanks.
Sarah: I going to leave too and get Jorja and Jadon home and put them down for they nap.
Ecklie: Gil told me to let you know that he would see you at home Sarah, he has gone home to check on his mom.
Sarah: Thanks for let me know Ecklie.
Greg: I meet you out at the car Sofia, I going to uses the bathroom before leave the lab.
Sofia: Ok, I will walk out with Sarah and the babies. Sarah can I push the stroller?
Sarah: Sure, Sofia.

Sarah and Sofia walk to the parking lot and Sofia push the stroller out to Sarah and Gil Kia sportage. Sarah put Jadon into his carseat and fastened him in. Sofia put Jorja into her carseat and fastened her in. Sarah and Sofia close the backseat doors and Sarah got into the drive seat. Sofia walks over to her car and got into the drive seat, because Greg has already got into the passenger’s seat and has closed his eyes.
Chapter Seven: Babies first!
Sara walks through the door and sees that Gil is setting on the couch in the living room. She also sees that he is on the phone. She carries babies into the house in their car seats, she walks into the living room and set the car seat on the floor. Sarah kneels down on the floor next to her son and daughter. She then puts a blanket on the floor. Gil watches his wife take Jorja and Jadon out of their carseat and lay them on their stomachs on the blanket, as he is talking on the phone. Sarah’s then lays down onto her stomach so her face his face her son and daughter face. Gil hangs the phone up and grabs the camera off the side table and starts taking photos of Sarah play with the babies on the floor. Right before he snaps the fifth photo Jorja and Jadon lift their heads up and look into the camera as he snaps the photo. As Gil was taken the fifth photo Helen walks into the living room and takes a set on the couch. Gil walks over and takes a set next to his mom after he took the photo of his wife and babies.

Sarah: Feeling any better Helen?
Helen: Yeah, Thanks for taken the babies with her Sarah’s, I hate when I get really bad headaches like that.
Gil: (Show his mom the picture that on the digital camera.) Look at this mom.
Helen : That so cute, the first time they raise their heads as the tow of them are laying on their stomach.
Sarah: Gil, who was you talking to on the phone?
Gil: Ecklie, He was filling me in about a case that really big. The swing supervision thinking it might need to spilt into two cases and that night shift might have to be on the second case. But they are not sure yet.
Sarah: Oh, Is he going to call us back if the night shift need to take part of the case?
Gil: Yeah.
Jadon and Jorja: Crying
Sarah: Hush little babies don’t say a word Dadie going to buy you a new sports car.

As soon as Sarah starts singing the babies stop crying and Gil pick Jadon up and carry upstairs him up to his bedroom and Sarah picks up Jorja and carry her upstairs to her bedroom. Once Gil and Sarah’s were in the baby bedroom, they lay them for they nap. After the babies were down for they nap, Sarah goes into her and Gil bedroom and lays down on they bed and she falls to sleep. Gil walks into their bedrooms, and sees she is a sleep and covers her up with the bedspread. He then heads grabs the baby monitors into the office with him so his wife can sleep and not have to get up if one of the baby start fuss. Gil takes a seat at the desk in the offices and start working on case paperwork that he needs to get done. He has been work on paperwork for a hour when the babies waken up from his nap, but to he surprise Caitlin had just get home from her gymnastic practice and she walks into the office carry both babies.

Gil: Thanks for get them up from their nap.
Caitlin: No, big deal. I love spent time with my cousin. Beside I live tomorrow for that two week training camp at Bela and Martha Karolyi Ranch.
Gil: That right I totally forget about that.
Caitlin: I am going to take them downstair and feed then with the breast milk that Sarah pumped because they are hunger and I do not want to waken her up.
Gil: That fine, go on ahead and feed them.
Caitlin takes the babies downstairs and into the kitchen and lay Jadon and Jorja down in their bassinet, so she is able to fixes both of the bottle. She puts Jadon bottle back in the refrigerator to keep it cold way she feed Jorja. After she has feeds and burps Jorja she get Jadon bottle out and feeds and burp him. By the time she has finish feed Jadon, Jorja starts crying because she needs her diaper. She picks up her cousin and takes them into the living room and lays them down on the floor. She changes Jorja first, then she changes Jadon. When they were both changes, she takes then upstairs to her bedroom and Gil walks into her bedroom. He lays a blanket on the floor and she lays both her cousin down on their back on the blanket and Gil then goes back into the office. Caitlin parks for her two-week stay at Bela and Martha Karolyi Ranch and watch her cousins, at the sometime. She is putting her last leotard when Sarah walks up to her bedroom door and sees her son and daughter lay on the floor and listen to Caitlin singing to them as she parks.

Sarah: Thanks, for watch them so Gil could get his paperwork done and I could get some sleep. Did that eat ok for you?
Caitlin: Yeah, I think that they are getting used to switch back and fourth between breast and bottle.
Sarah: Good.
Caitlin: Sarah, is everything all right, because you still look exhausted?
Sarah: Nothing that a good eight hours of sleep would not take care of!
Caitlin: Then go back to bed, I can watch them. I do not have a evening training session tonight since Coach Rice, Paige, Sage and I have to be at the airport at 6:30 a.m.
Sarah: Thanks, I am going to take you up on that.

Caitlin watch Sarah walks back down the hallway and back into her bedroom and close the door. Gil walks up to the door .

Gil: Do you mind if I go lay down and take a nap to?
Caitlin: No go head, If I need help I can ask Helen.

Gil walks down the hallway and join Sarah in their bedroom and lays down next to her. Sarah wraps her arms around Gil and they fall asleep hold each other.
correct spelling and grammar for chapter seven

Chapter Seven: Babies first!
Sara walks through the door and sees that Gil is setting on the couch in the living room. She also sees that he is on the phone. She carries the babies into the house in their car seats, she walks into the living room and set the car seat on the floor. Sarah kneels down on the floor next to her son and daughter. She then puts a blanket onto the floor. Gil watches his wife take Jorja and Jadon out of their carseat and lay them onto their stomachs on the blanket. As he is talking on the phone, Sarah’s lays down onto her stomach so her face is facing her son and daughter face. Gil hangs the phone up and grabs the camera off the side table and starts taking photos of Sarah play with the babies on the floor. Right before he snaps the fifth photo Jorja and Jadon lift their heads up and look into the camera as he snaps the photo. As Gil was taken the fifth photo Helen walk into the living room and takes a set on the couch. Gil walks over and takes a set next to his mom after he took the photo of his wife and babies.

Sarah: Feeling any better Helen?
Helen: Yeah, Thanks for taken the babies with her Sarah’s, I hate when I get really bad headaches like that.
Gil: (Show his mom the picture that on the digital camera.) Looking at this mom.
Helen : That so cute, the first time they raise their heads as the two of them are laying on their stomach.
Sarah: Gil who was you talking to a minute ago on the phone?
Gil: Ecklie, He was filling me in about a case that really big. The swing supervision thinking he might need to spilt the case into two cases and the night shift might have to be on the second case. But they are not sure yet.
Sarah: Oh, Is he going to call us back if the night shift need to take part of the case?
Gil: Yeah.
Jadon and Jorja: Crying
Sarah: Hush little babies don’t say a word Dadie going to buy you a new sports car.

As soon as Sarah starts singing the babies stop crying and Gil pick Jadon up and carries him upstairs to his bedroom. Sarah’s picks up Jorja and carry her upstairs to her bedroom. Once Gil and Sarah’s were in the baby bedroom, they lay them down for they nap. After the babies were down where a sleep, Sarah goes into her and Gil bedroom and lays down on their bed and she falls to sleep. Gil walks into their bedrooms, and sees she is a sleep and covers her up with the bedspread. He then grabs the baby monitors and takes them into the office with him. That way his wife can sleep and not have to get up if one of the baby start fuss. Gil takes a seat at the desk in the offices and start working on case paperwork that he needs to get done. He has been work on paperwork for an hour when the babies waken up from their naps, but to his surprise Caitlin had just get home from her gymnastic practice and she walks into the office carrying both babies.

Gil: Thanks for get them up from their naps.
Caitlin: No, big deal. I love spent time with my cousin. Beside I leave tomorrow for that two week training camp at Bela and Martha Karolyi Ranch.
Gil: That right I totally forget about that.
Caitlin: I am going to take them downstair and feed then with the breast milk that Sarah pumped because they are hunger and I do not want to waken her up.
Gil: That fine, go on ahead and feed them.
Caitlin takes the babies downstairs and into the kitchen and lay Jadon and Jorja down in their bassinet, so she is able to fixes both of the bottle. She puts Jadon bottle back in the refrigerator to keep it cold as she feed Jorja. After she has feeds and burps Jorja she get Jadon bottle out and feeds and burp him. By the time she has finish feed Jadon, Jorja starts crying because she needs her diaper changes. She picks up her cousin and takes them into the living room and lays them down on the floor. She changes Jorja first, then she changes Jadon. When they were both changes, she takes then upstairs to her bedroom and Gil walks into her bedroom. He lays a blanket on the floor and she lays both her cousin down on their back on the blanket and Gil then goes back into the office. Caitlin starts parking for her two-week stay at Bela and Martha Karolyi Ranch and she is watching her cousins, at the sometime. She is putting her last leotard into the suitcase when Sarah walks up to her bedroom door and sees her son and daughter laying on the floor and listens to Caitlin singing to them as she parks.

Sarah: Thanks, for watch them so Gil could get his paperwork done and I could get some sleep. Did that eat ok for you?
Caitlin: Yeah, I think that they are getting used to switch back and fourth between breast and bottle.
Sarah: Good.
Caitlin: Sarah, is everything all right, because you still look exhausted?
Sarah: Nothing that a good eight hours of sleep would not take care of!
Caitlin: Then go back to bed, I can watch them. I do not have a evening training session tonight since Coach Rice, Paige, Sage and I have to be at the airport at 6:30 a.m.
Sarah: Thanks, I am going to take you up on that.

Caitlin watch Sarah walks back down the hallway and back into her bedroom and closes the door. Gil walks up to the door .

Gil: Do you mind if I go lay down and take a nap to?
Caitlin: No go head, If I need help I can ask Helen.

Gil walks down the hallway and join Sarah in their bedroom and lays down next to her. Sarah wraps her arms around Gil and their both falls asleep hold onto eachother.
* I made up the address where the crime happed all with all the names of the family member involved in the case.
Chapter Eight: The physical abuse and Sexual abuse case that case Sarah to cry in front of the victim!

Sara gets wakening to the sound of the phone ringing in her ear on July 16, 2007, she rolls over to tap Gil so he can get the phone but he not in the bed so she grabs the phone to see who is calling them at 10:45 when Gil has the night off and she has decided to take sometime off work to spent with the babies.

Sarah: Sarah Grissom Specking
Catherine: Hi Sarah, Can I get you and Gil to come into work tonight we have a major case and with Greg out sick I could use all the help I can get?
Sarah: Sure Cath, we will come into work, who also work the case?
Catherine: Warrick and Nick and Sofia is the detective. Thanks I see the two of you in Blue Diamond at 1534 west-way road.
Sarah: Ok, see you there, Cath.

Sarah puts the phone back onto it cordless phone base and gets out of bed. She walks out of Gil and her bedroom and finds her husband stand in the doorway of their son bedroom watching him sleep. She walks over to him and kisses him on his left ear. He looks at Sarah and he smiles at her. He knows by the look on her face that was Catherine calling to ask them to come into work.

Gil: We have to go into work tonight don’t we?
Sarah: Yeah, We have to met Sofia, Catherine, Nick and Warrick at the crime scene, which is in Blue Diamond at 1534 west-way road.
Gil: We should go get dress then.
Sarah: One of us needs to go tell Helen, that we have to go into work.

A few second later Helen’s comes out of Jorja bedroom and is carry the baby girl in her arms. Sarah can see by the look on her daughter face and the crying sound she is making that she is hunger and wants to be feed.

Sarah: I think that I need to feed Jorja and then wake Jadon up to feed him, before get ready to head into work.
Gil: Says like a good idea honey.

Helen hands Jorja to Sarah and goes into her grandson bedroom and gets him up. A hour and half later Gil is pull his and Sarah suv up to the crime scene and they both see Sofia wait from them by the front door of the house. Sofia walks up to them as they are getting out of the suv.

Sarah: Sofia, Do you know that the top button of your Jeans is not buttoned.
Sofia: Yeah, I know it will not stay button.
Sarah: It time for you buy a bigger size of Jeans then.
Sofia: I did not think I would start gain weight so soon, see that I only just ended of the seven weeks of the pregnancy.
Sarah: Everyone gain pregnancy weight different and some women gain it fast then other, But you look like you gain all over and will not end up gain all the baby weight in the front like I did.
Gil: Sofia, fill as in on the case!
Sofia: (Sighs) This is what happened, The mother come home from shopping to find her ex- husband of five months had broken into the house and killed the babysitter and to see him rape they eight month old daughter. They oldest daughter who is seven come run over to her and said he rape her five- year -old sister, her and now the baby. The mother lost it at this point and runs into the kitchen and grab a 7" Chef Knife and stabs her husband fifteen times in the chest.
Gil: What do you need us to do?
Sofia: I need Sarah to process the mother, then go with the three girls to the hospital to have SAFE kits running on each of them and take pictures of any bruise. Gil, I need you to help Catherine, Warrick and Nick. Catherine processing the Seven- year- old room. Nick as the Five- year- old bedroom. Warrick is processing the kitchen, so I need you to process the living room where the babysitter was killed along with the where baby was rape. Lastly also is the room that the father was stabbed to death in.
Sarah and Gil: Ok, Sofia.

The three of them head inside the house and Gil gets right to work taking pictures of the living room because David is still checking the Babysitting and father body temperatures. Sarah walks over and looks the mother over and can see she is cover in blood from head to toe. She can hear and see the eight -month baby girl setting on the floor and that the girl is staring at her mother and there are tears running down the baby girl face. Sarah starts to process the mother from the feet first. A half hour later she has finished processing the mother and was put the eight months old into a carseat in the back of one of the lab suv. The eight-year-old was helping her five-year-old sister into the booster seat, she then gets into the suv and puts her seatbelt on. Sarah gets behind the wheel and can no longer hold back the tears. The tears start roll down her face at the sometime she starts the suv up. The five- year-old who setting in the middle see that the CSI with the brown hair that just past her shoulder is crying.

Cindy: (Five -year- old.) Why are you crying Lady?
Sarah: Because what happened to the three is wrong and very sad and I know what it feels like to go through it.
Cassie: (Eight- year-old.) Your father made you have sex with him Mrs. Grissom?
Sarah:( As she is pull out of the drive way.) Yeah.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was quiet, beside for the eight- month old who starts to cry, because she was scary and hunger.
Correct spelling and grammar

* I made up the address where the crime happed all with all the names of the family member involved in the case.
Chapter Eight: The physical abuse and Sexual abuse case that case Sarah to cry in front of the victims!

Sara gets wakening to the sound of the phone ringing in her ear on July 16, 2007, she rolls over to tap Gil, so he can get the phone but he not in the bed so she grabs the phone to see who is calling them at 10:45 when Gil has the night off and she has decided to take sometime off work to spent with the babies.

Sarah: Sarah Grissom Specking
Catherine: Hi Sarah, Can I get you and Gil to come into work tonight we have a major case and with Greg out sick I could use all the help I can get?
Sarah: Sure Cath, we will come into work, who else is working the case?
Catherine: Warrick and Nick and Sofia is the detective. Thanks I see the two of you in Blue Diamond at 1534 west-way road.
Sarah: Ok, see you there, Cath.

Sarah puts the phone back onto it cordless phone base and gets out of bed. She walks out of Gil and her bedroom and finds her husband stand in the doorway of their son bedroom watching him sleep. She walks over to him and kisses him on his left ear. He looks at Sarah and he smiles at her. He knows by the look on her face that was Catherine calling to ask them to come into work.

Gil: We have to go into work tonight don’t we?
Sarah: Yeah, We have to met Sofia, Catherine, Nick and Warrick at the crime scene, which is in Blue Diamond at 1534 west-way road.
Gil: We should go get dress then.
Sarah: One of us needs to go tell Helen, that we have to go into work.

A few second later Helen’s comes out of Jorja bedroom and is carry the baby girl in her arms. Sarah can see by the look on her daughter face and the crying sound she is making that she is hunger and wants to be feed right away.

Sarah: I think that I need to feed Jorja and then wake Jadon up to feed him, before getting ready to head into work.
Gil: Says like a good idea honey.

Helen hands Jorja to Sarah and goes into her grandson bedroom and gets him up. An hour and half later Gil is pull his and Sarah suv up to the crime scene and they both see Sofia wait from them by the front door of the house. Sofia walks up to them as they are getting out of the suv.

Sarah: Sofia, Do you know that the top button of your Jeans is not buttoned.
Sofia: Yeah, I know it will not stay buttoned.
Sarah: It’s time that you buy a bigger size of Jeans then.
Sofia: I did not think I would start gaining weight so soon, see that I only just ended the seven weeks of the pregnancy.
Sarah: Everyone gains pregnancy weight different and some women gain it fast then other, But you look like you gain it all over and will not end up gaining all your baby weight in the front like I did.
Gil: Sofia, fill as in on the case!
Sofia: (Sighs) This is what happened, The mother come home from shopping to find her ex- husband of five months had broken into the house and killed the babysitter and to see him rape they eight month old daughter. Their oldest daughter who is seven come run over to her and said he rape her five- year -old sister, her and now the baby. The mother lost it at this point and runs into the kitchen and grab a 7" Chef Knife and stabs her husband fifteen times in the chest.
Gil: What do you need us to do?
Sofia: I need Sarah to process the mother, then go with the three girls to the hospital to have SAFE kits running on each of them and take pictures of any bruise. Gil, I need you to help Catherine, Warrick and Nick. Catherine processing the Seven- year- old room. Nick, is process the Five- year- olds bedroom. Warrick is processing the kitchen, so I need you to process the living room where the babysitter was killed along with the where baby was rape. Lastly also is the room that the father was stabbed to death in.
Sarah and Gil: Ok, Sofia.

The three of them head inside the house and Gil gets right to work taking pictures of the living room because David is still checking the Babysitting and father body temperatures. Sarah walks over and looks the mother over and can see she is cover in blood from head to toe. She can hear and see the eight -month baby girl setting on the floor and that the girl is staring at her mother and there are tears running down the baby girl face. Sarah starts to process the mother from the feet first. A half hour later she has finished processing the mother and was put the eight months old into a carseat in the back of one of the lab suv. The eight-year-old was helping her five-year-old sister into the booster seat, she then gets into the suv and puts her seatbelt on. Sarah gets behind the wheel and can no longer hold back the tears. The tears start roll down her face at the sometime she starts the suv up. The five- year-old who setting in the middle see that the CSI with the brown hair that just past her shoulder is crying.

Cindy: (Five -year- old.) Why are you crying Lady?
Sarah: Because what happened to the three of you is wrong and very sad and I know what it feels like to go through it.
Cassie: (Seven- year-old.) Your father made you have sex with him Mrs. Grissom?
Sarah:( As she is pull out of the drive way.) Yeah.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was quiet, beside for the eight- month old who starts to cry, because she was scary and hunger.
Chapter Nine: Will Father every stop sexual abuse their daughters?
Sarah has finish take pictures of the girls bruises and has the SAFE kits. She holding eight- month- old Carly and is feeding her a bottle of baby formula and singing to all the girls. The five and seven -year old has fallen to sleep, but the Carly is still wide a wake and eating. Sarah burps the little girl when she is done with the bottle Sarah goes to put Carly down into the crib the hospital room they in waiting for the social worker. But as she goes to lay her down the girl starts crying. Sarah picks her back up and walks around the room with her and sing to her some more. She wishes that the social worker would get through, so she can get the SAFE kits and the pictures, back to the crime lab and then go home to be with her daughter, but she know the choice of getting to go home after drops there two items off is slim to none. A half hour later Carly has gone to sleep with her right ear rest on Sarah’s chest. A few minutes later and Mrs. Hope walks into the room and sees Sarah holding the little girl asleep in her arms.

Mrs. Hope: Sarah nice to see you again, but I did not think you would be back to work so soon?
Sarah: Greg out Sick, so I come in to help out.
Mrs. Hope: What did the SAFE kits say?
Sarah:( Hands Carly to Mrs. Hope.) They let us know what the seven -year old told her mom and Sofia that the father rape them. I have to get back to the lab.

Sarah picks up the Safe kits and her camera and purse. She then runs out of the hospital to the suv. She puts the camera and the kits on the backseat then gets behind the wheel she calls Gil and her cellphone. After a few rings he picks up his cellphone and takes her call.

Gil: Honey, what wrong it sounds like you are crying?
Sarah: This case is too much for me to handle after only given birth eleven days ago, can I drop the film and the SAFE kits off then go home.
Gil: Yeah, but just swing by the scene and pick our suv up Catherine can give me a ride home in the morning.
Sarah: Ok, thanks. See you in a few.

A few minutes later Sarah pull back up to the crime scene. She parks and turns the suv off. Then gets out and lock it up. Gil walks up to his wife and takes the suv key from her and kiss her on the lips. Sarah’s kiss him back and then Gil walks her over to their suv. He looks at his wife and knows she is really upset about something. He knows she should not be alone, he runs his hands through her hair and then kiss her forehead. She smiles at him then gives Gil a hug.

Gil: Do you want me to come home with you?
Sarah: ( Crying really hard.) No, I will be fine.
Gil: You are not fine Sarah!
Sarah: Gil, why do fathers have to sexual abuse they daughters don’t they know it hurts them?
Gil: (Hug his Wife.) I am not sure, I think they have something wrong with them and do not know what they are doing.
Sarah: Gil, that what we say to the younger victims when they ask us, but what the real reason they did it?
Gil: Sarah honey, what wrong?
Sarah: My real father and some of the fostered father sexual abuse me as I was growing up.
Gil: Sarah, I am sorry I did not know that your real father father sexual abuse you, I know only know that the fostered fathers abuse you.
Sarah: I don’t like talking about it, it one of the reason my mom stab him, she was tire of being abuse physical and sexual and him doing the something to me. He did not start sexual abuse till my brother move out at eighteen.
Gil: Go home and rest and play with our son and daughter. Call me if you need anything.
Sarah: What are you going to tell Catherine when she asks you the reason that I went home?
Gil: I tell her that you forget your breast pump and you need to go home, so you could pump because your breast was starting to hurt from being engorge with milk. I will also tell her you are tire and need to get some sleep.
Sarah: Thanks, I see you when you get home.

Sarah gets into they suv and drives home, the drive to they house take twenty minutes when she walks through the garage door into the living room. She does not see Helen around so she walks into the kitchen and see her bedroom door open. She looks into the room and see that Helen is a sleep. Gil and her dog Bruno come walk up to her, She pat his hand and then write a note for Helen and set it on the counter. She then hands upstairs and changes back into her PJ. She then look in on her son and picks him up. She then goes into her daughter room and picks her up and carries them into her and Gil bedroom and lays them into their bassinets that are next to the bed. She watching Jorja and Jadon sleep for a few minutes then picks her book off the Nightstand and starts to read.
Correct grammar and Spelling

Chapter Nine: Will Father every stop sexual abuse their daughters?
Sarah has finish take pictures of the girls bruises and has the SAFE kits. She holding eight- month- old Carly and is feeding her a bottle of baby formula and singing to all the girls. The five and seven -year old has fallen to sleep, but Carly is still wide a wake and eating. Sarah burps the little girl when she is done with the bottle Sarah goes to put Carly down into the crib that in the hospital room they are waiting in for the social worker. But as she goes to lay her down the girl starts crying. Sarah picks her back up and walks around the room with her and sing to her some more. She wishes that the social worker would get there, so she can get the SAFE kits and the pictures, back to the crime lab and then go home to be with her daughter and son, but she know the choice of getting to go home after drops there two items off is slim to none. A half hour later Carly has gone to sleep with her right ear rest on Sarah’s chest. A few minutes later and Mrs. Hope walks into the room and sees Sarah holding the little girl and that the girl is asleep in Sarah arms.

Mrs. Hope: Sarah nice to see you again, but I did not think you would be back to work so soon?
Sarah: Greg out Sick, so I come in to help out.
Mrs. Hope: What did the SAFE kits say?
Sarah:( Hands Carly to Mrs. Hope.) They let us know what the seven -year old told her mom and Sofia that the father rape them. I have to get back to the lab.

Sarah picks up the Safe kits and her camera and purse. She then runs out of the hospital to the suv. She puts the camera and the kits on the backseat, then gets behind the wheel. She calls Gil on her cellphone, after a few rings he picks up his cellphone and takes Sarah call.

Gil: Honey, what wrong it sounds like you are crying?
Sarah: This case is too much for me to handle after only given birth eleven days ago, can I drop the film and the SAFE kits off then go home.
Gil: Yeah, but just swing by the scene and pick our suv up Catherine can give me a ride home in the morning.
Sarah: Ok, thanks. See you in a few.

A few minutes later Sarah pulls back up to the crime scene. She parks and turns the suv off. Then gets out and lock it up. Gil walks up to his wife and takes the suv key from her and kiss her on the lips. Sarah’s kiss him back and then Gil walks her over to their suv. He looks at his wife and knows she is really upset about something. He knows she should not be alone, he runs his hands through her hair and then kiss her forehead. She smiles at him then gives Gil a hug.

Gil: Do you want me to come home with you?
Sarah: ( Crying really hard.) No, I will be fine.
Gil: You are not fine Sarah!
Sarah: Gil, why do fathers have to sexual abuse they daughters don’t they know it hurts them?
Gil: (Hug his Wife.) I am not sure, I think they have something wrong with them and do not know what they are doing.
Sarah: Gil, that what we say to the younger victims when they ask us that question, but what the real reason they rape their daughters?
Gil: Sarah’s honey, what wrong?
Sarah: My real father and some of the fostered father sexual abuse me as I was growing up.
Gil: Sarah, I am sorry I did not know that your real father father sexual abuse you, I only know about the fostered fathers abuse you.
Sarah: I don’t like talking about it. But its one of the reason my mom stab him, she was tire of being abuse physical and sexual.. She was also tired of him sexual abuse me, he did not start sexual abuse me till my brother move out at eighteen.
Gil: Go home and rest and play with our son and daughter. If you need anything, call me.
Sarah: What are you going to tell Catherine when she asks you the reason that I went home?
Gil: I tell her that you forget your breast pump and you need to go home to pump, because your breast was starting to hurt from being engorge with milk. I will also tell her you are tire and need to get some sleep.
Sarah: Thanks, I see you when you get home.

Sarah gets into they suv and drives home, the drive to they house take twenty minutes when she walks through the garage door into the living room. She does not see Helen around, so she walks into the kitchen and see her bedroom door open. She looks into the room and see that Helen is a sleep. Gil and her dog Bruno come walk up to her, She pat his hand and then write a note for Helen and set it on the counter. She then hands upstairs and changes back into her PJ. She then look in on her son and picks him up. She then goes into her daughter room and picks her up and carries them into her and Gil bedroom and lays them into their bassinets that are next to the bed. She watching Jorja and Jadon sleep for a few minutes then picks her book off the Nightstand and starts to read.
Chapter Ten: Balance family and work!
It has been seventeen days since the July 16, 2007, physical and Sexual abuses case take place. It’s now 9:45 a.m. on August 3. 2007. Gil, Sarah and Helen are taking Jorja and Jadon to the Las Vegas zoo for the first time, Caitlin is coming to the Zoo too. But she is meeting them at the zoo, because she is coming straight from gymnastic practice. Sarah, Gil and Helen get to the zoo before Caitlin, Sarah goes around to the back of the KIA Sportge and open up the hatch and get the double baby stroller out and unfold the stroller and set it up. Once the baby stroller is ready, she pushes the stroller over to the driver side of the suv. She gets Jorja, car seat off the base and hooks her car seat into the front. Gil walks over and hooks Jadon, car seat into the back. Then Gil, Helen and Sarah’s pushes the stroller heads to the entrance of the zoo, which is where they are met Caitlin at. Caitlin gets to the zoo entrance one minute after Gil, Sara, Helen, Jorja and Jadon. The six of them head into the zoo and they go and see the tigers first. When the six of them get to the tiger incloses Sarah, turn the stroller, so that both her son and daughter are facing the tigers. When the female tiger walks by Jorja and Jadon, they both start smiles. Gil takes a picture of his son and daughter reacting to the tiger. After a few minutes the six of them heads over to the lion inclose. When the baby lions walk over and stops in front of Jorja and Jadon then start looking at them. Sarah and Gil are watching their daughter and son reacting, when Jorja and Jadon reach toward the fence and start smiles again. Gil takes another picture of his daughter and son.

Caitlin: Sarah can we go and see the monkeys next?
Sarah: Sure, Gil will you push the stroller to the monkey house?
Gil: Sure, Honey.

Gil gets behind the stroller and starts push the baby stroller towards the monkey house. Sarah walks next to her husband. Helen and Caitlin walk next to the baby stroller. When they get to the monkey house the zoo keeper takes a picture of Sarah, Gil, Helen, Caitlin, Jorja and Jadon in front of the outside monkey cages, with the baby monkeys hang from the trees in the background. After the picture is taken, the zoo keeper gives Gil back his camera. As they are watching the monkey Jorja and Jadon start fuss, because they are hunger. Sarah unzips the large cooler that has bottles of breast milk in it and takes out two bottles. Caitlin gets Jorja out of her car seat and then takes one of the bottle from Sarah and starts feeding Jorja. Sarah gets Jadon out of his car seat and then starts feeding her son.

Caitlin: Gil, Sarah’s were the two of you, able to get off work to come watch me compete in the world championship in Stuttgart Germany?
Sarah: Yes Gil, Helen, Jorja, Jadon and I will get to Germany three days before the meet starts.
Caitlin: Cool, I will not have a lot of free time to spent with y’all, but the practice are open to the public watch.
Gil and Sarah: We understand that.
Sarah: We get there three days before the meet starts so we can do some sight seeing and to get use to the time change.
Caitlin: I understand that.
Helen: When my grandson and granddaughter finishes ate lets go see the Seal.
Sarah, Gil and Caitlin: Ok

At that moment both Jorja and Jadon finish their bottles, so Sarah and Caitlin burp them and then put them back into their car seats. The six of them head to the seal incloses and watch them. When they are finish watching the seals the six of them, go to the food court. So Sarah, Gil, Helen and Caitlin can get lunch. Sarah and Caitlin both order stuff eggplant and bottle water. Gil orders Nachos and bottle water. Helen orders a salad and a bottle of water. Sarah has no soon finish eaten when both babies’ starts fuss because they need their diaper changes. After Caitlin kisses her cousin bye before leave the zoo for afternoon gymnastics practice, Sarah and Helen takes Jorja and Jadon into the ladies room and changes their diaper. Gil, Sara, Helen, Jorja and Jadon spend another hour at the zoo, then they head home. When they get home Sarah takes Jadon and Jorja up to their bedroom and lays them down for they nap. She then grabs the clothing hamper out of her son and daughter bedroom. She then takes the hamper downstairs into the coat/ Laundry room. She takes the whites out of both hamper and puts them into the washing machine. She then turns the water on and adds the baby laundry detergent into the washing machine. As she is closing the lid the house phone starts ringing, she hears Gil picks up the phone and he takes the call. Sarah walks out of the coat/ Laundry room and goes into the living room and lays down on the couch. Gil walks into the living room and kneels down in front of his wife.

Gil: That was Eckile there been 426 (Sexual Assault)/ 424 (Abuse/Neglect) in Blue Diamond at 5243 High-low, street. Eckile, wants the whole night shift on this case, but I told him that you could not make into work and that you also have take time off till after we get back from Germany, so you can spend more time getting to know your son and daughter.
Sarah: Thanks, I am tired. I am going to take a nap why Jorja and Jadon down for they nap.
Gil: Ok honey, I see you when I get off work.

Sarah and Gil kiss eachother goodbye, then Gil walks out of the living room goes into the coat/ Laundry room. He puts on his shoes then walks out of the room and to the door leads into the garage and the staircase to the above garage apartment. The door is a few feet away from the coat/ Laundry room which is on the left-hand side. He gets into the suv and back out of the garage once the garage door open. He then backs out of the drive way and head to the crime lab to clock in and get his kit out of his locker and pick up one of the lab suv. Meanwhile, across town at Cat Gymnastics Center Caitlin practice her new balance beam dismounts, which is a back handspring, layout step-out to a triple twist. She lands the dismount and coach Rice walks over to her.

Coach Rice: I think you have roundoff to a back handspring, layout step-out to a triple twist down cool. Do you want to put in your routine for worlds?
Caitlin: Yeah, Let add the back handspring, layout step-out to a triple twist too, my routine.
Coach Rice: Ok, Now go take a shower and change. Then head home finish packing for germay and get some rest, because we need to be at the airport at four a.m.
Caitlin: You are still pick me up right?
Coach Rice: Yeah
Caitlin: Ok, see you tomorrow. I will take a shower and change when I get home.
Coach Rice: Ok.

Caitlin slips on her flip flops, she then takes her keys out of her gym bag. She put her gym bag on her shoulder and heads out of the gym to the blue ford focus, she gets into her car. She set her gym bag on the passenger’s seat and turns on the car. I am so luck that Sarah’s give me her old car instead of sale it. As she is drive home from gymnastics practice, she is thinking about what she needs to get done before going to bed that night. She pulls into the drive way on the left sides and parks her car and turns it off. She grabs her gym bag, then get out of the car. She heads into the house by the front door and puts her flip flops into the coat/ Laundry room. Caitlin looks into the living room and sees that Sarah is taking a nap, so Caitlin’s quiet heads upstairs. She goes into her bedroom and closes her door behind her. She then grabs her shower stuff. She goes through the door that connects her bedroom with the bathroom. She locks the bathroom door that leads into to the hallway. Once undress she gets into the shower. At the crime scene in Blue Diamond, Gil has just walk into the house the crime happened at and sees a guy setting on the couch handcuff. Sofia walks over to him with a smile on her face.

Sofia: We have the father from the physical and Sexual abuses case seventeen days ago. The guy setting on the couch in handcuffs is the three girls father.
Gil: Tell me what happened, Sofia?
Sofia: This is the girls grandmother house on the mom side and the father come here to sexual abuse the girls, but the girls grandmother walk out of the bathroom. The father decide to stay with her instead. Grandmother was strong then he thought she was has he start to rape her she push him off and he hit his hand on the wall. As grandmother was fighting him off of her. Cassie called 911 for help. I just need you to process the father then Office Flavor can take to the police department.
Gil: Ok

Gil Grissom walks over to the man and starts process him. He takes a swab out of his crime lab vest and swab the cut on Mr. Juices left-arm. Two hours later Gil walks through the front door of his and Sarah house and is carrying a Bouquet of pink, purple, red roses for his wife. He walks up to Sarah who is fold baby clothing in the kitchen and hands her the roses. She hugs Gil and kisses on the lip. She then read the card that with the roses. Which say I love you so much, for being a great wife, friend. For give me to lovely children and being a great-aunt to Caitlin. I am so glad that we end up been husband and wife. Love Gil Grissom.