"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Wow! I just got done watching it for the first time! I didn't know how into it I really was. I just realized I'm shaking! I was yelling at the screen and clinging to my pillow the whole time! Awesome episode!!

Sorrry, I just had to say that. Continue talking.
As to showing it all, i guess cause bush tends to be long winded at times, maybe they were afraid he would run over more then normal, and ruin it anyway, better safe then sorry, other then that i have no idea.

That's a good point! I hadn't thought of that! :)
As per usual, I was crying at the end and hugging one of my kittys. I don't know why that last scene just gets to me. I just felt so bad for Nick who simply wanted some closure and she wouldn't give it to him. She showed no compassion for him or empathy. I know it wasn't her fault directly, but God woman, give the man some heart. I just wanted to jump into the tv and hug Nick like there was no tommorow.
As to showing it all, i guess cause bush tends to be long winded at times, maybe they were afraid he would run over more then normal, and ruin it anyway, better safe then sorry, other then that i have no idea.
That's a good point! I hadn't thought of that!

The start time couldn't be guaranteed and a lot of people like me didn't watch the speech so you wouldn't know exactly when GD would start. Basically Bush would have been a horrible lead-in for CSI.

They couldn't do it Friday because the two hour series premiere of Threshold is on. The best thing to have done was put it on next Tuesday. The Wednesday night is bad because there's a decent Lost crossover audience and a lot of people (like me) want to check out Invasion as well. :rolleyes:
Hmmm, is "Lost" on next Wednesday or Thursday? I'm thinking the Canadian station may have saved us some problems by airing Grave Danger last night afterall. Plus I got Veronica Mars to worry about.

I'm still surprised CTV shoed GD last night. I figured they would have showed the other 2 episodes as well. Maybe they just wanted to keep next Wed free or something! But no way will they be showing the NY premiere before the States that's for sure.

All I know is, I've watched that ep more than a few times already, and last night I still felt emotional in certain spots: When they all first see Nick on screen while that music's playing, and when they first open the coffin and he starts to cry. Gets me everytime!
*** wanders off grumbling about the foolish Emmy committee***
Hmmm, is "Lost" on next Wednesday or Thursday? I'm thinking the Canadian station may have saved us some problems by airing Grave Danger last night afterall. Plus I got Veronica Mars to worry about.

I'm still surprised CTV shoed GD last night. I figured they would have showed the other 2 episodes as well. Maybe they just wanted to keep next Wed free or something! But no way will they be showing the NY premiere before the States that's for sure.

All I know is, I've watched that ep more than a few times already, and last night I still felt emotional in certain spots: When they all first see Nick on screen while that music's playing, and when they first open the coffin and he starts to cry. Gets me everytime!
*** wanders off grumbling about the foolish Emmy committee***

Remembering those scenes makes me mad all over again that they didn't show "GD"!

They changed "Lost" in the US, which is a problem. It used to be on at 7 on wednesdays, and now it's on at 8 (still wednesdays, though). I think I may just tape "Lost" and watch "GD." Or maybe tape "GD" again and watch "Lost"... Grrrrr! I had everything planned out! Oh well, at least only 6 more days until new "CSI!" :)
Premiere week with all these shows is going to be a madhouse! I got to search the listings and be sure my VCR is set for all the things it needs to be! Geesh......... Too many good shows in one week!

I do know that I will be home in front of my TV Monday night for Miami and Thursday night for Las Vegas.........everything else is relative! :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

i've already watched the episode sometime ago... hehe i can tell you the ending if you want :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Check out my latest entry of my Xanga. I posted a lot of icons that generally show the story of the episode.


I love icons. And the finale. :)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Wow, those are amazing. What's the "the moment" one though? I can't figure it out.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Wow, those are amazing. What's the "the moment" one though? I can't figure it out.

It's Nick grabbing Grissom's arm right after they opened the lid.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

are any of those icons available for use for avatars with credit to you? If not thats cool... they are just soooo good!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I loved GD. Absolutely 100% cried my eyes out, and loved it.