"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

My reason for starting it is that I feel as those of us who are not for GSR are just in the minority and practically don't have a voice.
okay guys iam still confused with the GD schedule

i just went to cbs website and it says that there is csi today the 15th at 9:30 :confused:

so what is that mean that instead of GD they are showing Iced?
alittle help i am confused :confused:
My guess would be that they're showing two single episodes, just in case the President's speech runs long, or they want to show some commentary/what-have-you afterwards that would make them have to cut one of the hours out.

I'm not sure if this is the kind of speech where they are obligated to let the other side respond or not.
I'd participate.

It's not that I have anything against Grissom and Sara having a relationship. I just think it would be a big mistake. They are so WRONG for each other.

Amen! That is one relationship that just makes NO sense to me what so ever. I have always said it would go against everything we know about Grissom.
OK, let's get out of the shipping, anti-shipping zone please, I'm begging you. There's a reason why I don't go to that forum! :p

Next discussion, please.
Gosh is there anything that hasn't been said about GD, other then. I really hope QT does another CSI because he just did such an awesome job.
Shipping discussions go to "Shipper Central" There are ep discussions reguarding the eps that aired in place of grave danger, to discuss them in.
Thank you for bring this around to the orginial topic. ;)
*raises hand with hopes that Destiny sees*

I have a question! Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! I have a question!


With "Grave Danger" and "Bodies In Motion" airing within one day of each other, when is the "Bodies In Motion" tacky coming up and when is the "Grave Danger" tacky going down? Just wondering...
:lol: I see you.

Grave Danger was set to orginially come down on sunday the 18th, but now it will remain up till Thursday afternoon then it will come down.

Bodies in motion will be tacked up probably no later then Sunday, giving enough time to discuss it, i will talk to TallyHo about seeing if we will be doing that before then though, since its the premiere. ;)
I also wondered why in the world they didn't just air GD if they were going to run it for 2 hours anyway. And also the question that was raised about airing both GD and the NY premiere.

It's not that hard to do the pres. address, and show them all!!!!!
This is crazy. CTV is airing Grave Danger as scheduled, but the CBS affiliate on another channel is showing Iced right now! I'm getting the best of both worlds!

Whoh- sorry. Didn't mean to brag. ;)
Heck i am watching both CSI's "Iced" and "Invisiable Evidence", course i have directv and i am watching it on west coast CBS channel.

As to showing it all, i guess cause bush tends to be long winded at times, maybe they were afraid he would run over more then normal, and ruin it anyway, better safe then sorry, other then that i have no idea.
This is just great they didn't show the speech and they didn't show grave danger. They couldv'e easily show Grave danger.
BabaOReilly, you are so lucky; you are getting the best of both worlds darn!