"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

I happen to think that the President's speech is slightly more important than a rerun, and that Mr. Bush has more important things to worry about than inconveniencing a few tv show fans.

But I do think it's odd that they would bump a premiere in order to show a repeat.

I can't imagine that the President will speak for two solid hours. Wouldn't it have made more sense, maybe, to show the first hour of GD at CSI's regularly scheduled time tomorrow, then the second hour during the hour before the season premiere next Thursday?

I would agree with this... if you could guarantee he won't be spewing the same "covering my ineffective, useless ass" rhetoric that he always bellows forth, and with great grammatical atrocities forthcoming. If he had anything useful to say about what's going to be done for the suffering in the South, or how the American public can help, then I'd be all for it.

But I seriously doubt that will be the case.

I totally agree with you Baba. Most people I know (myself included) were disgusted by all levels of government about the response to the hurricane and the aftermath, and this speech isn't going to smooth things out. It should have been give long ago. On a good note, maybe more ineffetive "leaders" will be resigning/fired. Where to start... :)

I'm more of a LV and Miami fan, but it's not fair to the NY fans.
Just to give a reminder in an article here at CSI Files.

"Grave Danger" has been pushed back and will now air Wednesday September 21st, one night before the show premieres.
Though the CSI episode will begin at 9 p.m. it'll run for two hours, overlapping CSI: New York's 10 p.m. timeslot. Fans of New York will now have to wait until September 28th at 10. p.m. to see the premiere.
Wow, I feel bad for NY fans. Not that Bush's speech isn't important, but this is such short notice.

So, does this mean GD won't be shown on CTV this week, either? Oh well, I guess I could wait another week. It's not like I'll be able to watch it "live", anyway. But imagine the CSI goodness we'll get next week! :D
Yeah, it's OK for us Vegas fans, but NY fans are getting screwed.

edited to add... Plus, my priorities are just fine, since I'm Canadian! ;)
Not to be rude but

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't think of a situation that a speech from our Prime Minister would pre-empt anything. Its nice living in such a boring country. Of course the All Blacks winning the world cup would (will) push everything off the TV. We've got our priorities straight :lol:

And remember patience is a virtue. If they push back a show now it just means that when everyone else is showing reruns there will be a new-to-air show for us to see.
Psst...OT to Destiny. Happy Birthday tomorrow! Did you know you share a birthday with Dame Agatha Christie? She'd be 115, if she was still alive. :D
WHAT its being pushed back???!!!! ARRGGGGHHHH I hate that! I have been soooo pumped for so long to see it and now I have to wait another week!! NO WAY!! ARgh
This is not the place for political discussion, so I won't get into it except to say that there are more people than just Mr. Bush who need to look at themselves and explain their actions (or lack thereof). That being said, however, I still believe that a Presidential speech, whichever political party he belongs to, and regardless of what kind of rhetoric he may be spewing, is still more important than a television show.

Hey, if you can have your say, then the rest of us can have ours. And frankly, Dubya has already admitted to the country on-air what so many of us wanted to hear: he takes full responsibility. Therefore, I have no desire to watch him dole out ridiculous platitudes with his 'ah shucks' accent, and spoiling my valuable prime time viewing pleasure.

But to keep on subject, I wonder what episode will be aired tomorrow after the dreaded speech? Hopefully, it will be one that hasn't already been shown during the rerun season. I'd really like to see "Who Shot Sherlock", "King Baby" or "Spark of Life." That would make me feel a whole lot better about tomorrow night's intrusion into my quiet time.
I can't help but wonder why they couldn't have Grave Danger start at 8 and finish at 10 THEN show the premiere of New York..I don't think it would kill anyone to have three hours worth of CSI would it?

AND why couldn't they show GD on Tuesday? Or show GD on Friday..Why postpone any premiere? I mean it's not fair to the New York fans for them to wait.

Must be the Canuck in me..I like compromise.

BY the way..not to change the subject, but U2 totally rocked Toronto tonight..anyways back to CSI
Here's an interesting question. How come Mr President doesn't hold his little speeches during the weekends? Override a few sports fans and see where it gets.
This is not happening :mad: Not happening I been waiting five and something days before six months for Grave danger to air. If it ever aired which it was suppose to air today, but nooooooooo. Can't they just show the speech on CNN or Fox News, and for that amount of time allow people that don't have cable to watch it themselves. I mean give the transcipts to the newspapers. Or air it on Friday when half of the newspecial come on because there's nothing on TV. :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :( :(
The episode will be Nesting Dolls...god..more GSR.on top of the misery..

May I just say "Bleah"?

They've already re-run this eppy....show us something else.
Something like King Baby. I absolutely adore the scene where Gil and Nick go to the baby store together.

Whose your Daddy? :devil:
The episode will be Nesting Dolls...god..more GSR.on top of the misery..

May I just say "Bleah"?

They've already re-run this eppy....show us something else.
Something like King Baby. I absolutely adore the scene where Gil and Nick go to the baby store together.

Whose your Daddy? :devil:

YES you may say 'BLEAH' and other words that come to mind describing the world of a nonGSR CSI fans. The minority in the bunch.

Loved KING BABY, love the WOOBIE scene and Grissom and Nick the baby store...and Nick's and Grissom's faces when she said to Nick, 'oh ain't you got a nice daddy'..

I wish I could start a nonGSR thread for those of us who hate, are bored with and couldn't care less about GSR..
I wish I could start a nonGSR thread for those of us who hate, are bored with and couldn't care less about GSR..

I'd participate.

It's not that I have anything against Grissom and Sara having a relationship. I just think it would be a big mistake. They are so WRONG for each other.

Nick and Sara are much better matched, to be honest. Although if Nick is going to be deeply scarred by his GD experiences, that would spoil that relationship's chances, too.