Grade 'Veritas'

How would you grade Veritas?

  • A+

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • A

    Votes: 24 34.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • B+

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • B

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Premium Member
Season five starts tonight! Let us know what you thought of the premiere episode. :cool:
<<< VCR / TIVO ALERT >>>

The Associated Press has announced that President Bush will be delivering a prime time speech to the nation tonight about the finiancial crisis. It is supposed to run about 14 minutes (but you know how wordy politicians can get) but the news item doesn't mention what time. If you are recording tonight's episode, give yourself an extra half hour or so just in case.

We now return you to your regular thread subject.
(Oops, sorry to double-post. I figured someone would have posted before me. :eek:)

Ok, I'm typing stuff as I'm watching. I'll submit it when I'm done.

~ Oh Stella, do naughty things to me please. Rawr! :devil:

~ Mac needs hugs. *offers hugs*

~ Adam!

~ Concerned!Danny and Concerned!Hawkes - aww. *smish* Why can't we get a group hug? :p

~ Danny looks like he smells something unpleasant. :p

~ SID! And his snazzy gadget!

~ Oh Sid, I love you. ^_^

~ Mac needs hugs - and cookies. :p

~ Ooh, a bullet!

~ SOME B*STARD SHOT AT MY MAC?! :mad: Oh no you DI'INT!

~ Sheldon, you are such a sexy beast. Ravage me please. Rawr!

(I wish Adam would pop up behind Sheldon like 'hey, what's going on?' and make Sheldon jump. :p)

~ *snorgles the Danny woobie*

~ ADAAAAAM! Aww, listen to his wacky science jargon. :D

~ [random] This show needs more manhugs. Just sayin'. [/random]

~ Why don't you make a big ole mess, Joe?

~ Mwuahaha, Mac is callin' you, fool!

~ Mmm, pissy!Flack :devil:

~ Aww, Adam in the precinct with Flack! I DEMAND ICONS NOW!

~ Adam's so sweet, coming to Flack first - I hope he doesn't get in trouble for waiting like Flack asked him to. *pets the boys*

~ Mac, you can has more hugs now. *hugs*

~ Danny should totally hug Mac. Mac could stand there and look all awkward. It would be awesome. :D

~ Aww, Sam is cute.

~ Ok, nervous-and-guilty!Adam is adorable. It's nice to see that he's getting so much screentime. :D

~ Hahaha, Adam, ILU BB! *smish* "That went well."

~ Aww, Danny is sweet with Flack's sister.

~ Ooh, protective!Flack.

~ Aww, poor Flacks. *pets them both*

~ Sid again! *tackle-hug*

[I've been without this show for too long, apparently. I want to hug everybody. :p]

~ Mac and Stella at the High Line - I remember reading about them filming on location there.

~ *ravages Stella* She's looking foxy in that tank top. :devil:

(I'm bad, I know. Forgive me. :p)

~ Daaaaaamn! :eek: That flashback of what happened to Lauren was :wtf:

[I'm not making many comments now because it's all going so fast and I'm keeping up. :lol:]

~ Go Stella!

~ Why point your gun if you don't plan to SHOOT it when the person is in sight? Just shoot him in the foot or something.


~ Haha, and of course Adam has the answer.

~ Sweet! I pity the fool that messes with Mac! "But most of all, for pissin' me off." Woot!

Overall, a very good episode, and hopefully a sign of the season to come. It was great to see everybody again (which sounds cheesy, I know). I loved seeing multiple scenes with Sid and plenty of Adam. And so far, I really like Sam. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her. She's a firecracker, but I love her dynamic with Flack. Good stuff.

Preview: SIIIIIIIID! :(
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I thought it was a good episode. I had to wait about fifteen minutes to watch it, ugh! Anyways, of course lots of Mac but expected that since it's continuing from the last episode/the finale. I'm not a big fan of Adam but what he did was sweet and what he said to Mac about it was sweet too. I loved his expression and such when Mac left. Flack looked great! Loved how overprotective he was of his sister. Maybe we'll see Flack Sr. this year? Would be cool! Oh and the end, my favorite part was what Mac said last. :lol: Go Mac! Can't wait for next weeks episode already! It's been way too long since we got new epis!
I thought this was a good eppie. I really liked the introduction of Flack's sister. I wonder what their dad must be like, if she's begging Flack not to tell him what happened. Adam was awesome. I loved him telling Mac and asking him if he has a sister. There was just something about the way Adam said it.
Argh I missed a bit I think...what did happen to Flack's sister? I admit, I was watching the show and finishing up Twilight at the same time lol
Mel, nothing happened to Samantha Flack, but her friend Lauren was killed.

When Mac said to Joe that he was under arrest and then rattled off all the charges and then said, "but most of all"... I knew he was gonna say "for pissing me off". I said it in my head about five secs before he actually said it. And of course the line made me chuckle. Best line of the ep!

Hey, I thought they were adding Angell to the opening credits.

Neat gadget Sid had.

Aww at nervous Adam. He's so cute.

What was with Danny bouncing back and forth on his feet while talking to Mac? It was like he was nervous or something.

Sam really looks like she could be Flack's sister. Good casting choice there.
They picked the perfect person to play Flack's sister. She had beautiful blue eyes just like him.

Adam was amazing and I got a full on step-dad glare for squeeking when he was in the credits finally.

Gary Sinise is a BAMF. And that's all I have to say about that.
GregNickRyanFan said:

Hey, I thought they were adding Angell to the opening credits
Nah, I don't think she'll show up for another few episodes yet. In any case, she's still recurring. It would be great if she was eventually added to the main cast, though. :D

Sam really looks like she could be Flack's sister. Good casting choice there.
Gouvy said:

They picked the perfect person to play Flack's sister. She had beautiful blue eyes just like him.
Yeah, they really did. Kathleen is a great choice, and she and Eddie were great in their scenes. I'm looking forward to more of them. :D

Gary Sinise is a BAMF
Sho' nuff! :p
In comparison to CSI Miami's last lines, NY totally rocked!
That was one big list of charges Mac read out

I liked Big Brother Flack, but the stubbornness seems to run in the family
I think his sister is very much like him...and that'S what bothers him, because that means he can't push her around

Adam was great with Mac...all nervous but keeping his head up
He needs a shirt "I pissed off my boss and all I got was an angry stare and this lousy T-shirt"

Stella: cellphone+chopper=bad background noise ;)

I found it a little confusing though...
why would Joe put his real passport with all the fake ones? That made it really easy to identify him

And why would Lauren who was in on the deal drive by and accidentally save Mac? She should have known that it's no coincidence that a bank robbery occurred and suddenly there's an officer needing help (at the place where the gang met before, if she knew about that meeting)
It would have been so easy for her to say "Sorry I don't trust you, I'm alone in my car" and so on, and drive on, and Mac could have been saved by someone else, and he still might have remembered her as the nervous woman
A good episode but nothing really great over all. It's just to me, the whole reason for the robbery was somehow just too convoluted.

Mac is just one lucky bastard IMO! :lol: I for one can't believe he was outsmarted by Ethan. He fell for his story, so I was glad at the end when he said that now they were playing by his rules. That was a really satisfying ending.

I know most people here have been hankering for some Flack family story line and I'm glad we finally got to meet a member of Flack's family. I really love Flack's scenes with Samantha. The family tension was so palpable and believable. Anyone with a sibling can relate to this scene. I know I do since I've got a very protective older brother. I totally agree that they cast the perfect actress to play Flack's little sister. They could really pass off as siblings, having almost the same baby blues. I love the whole Flack family drama and it really bodes well for the rest of the season (I hope).

Hah, Stella on the roof chasing Ethan made me tense for a moment and when she fell over, well, I think I almost screamed. :p I guess Rambo Stella is back, the way she handled saving herself from injury or perhaps even certain death.

Adam was really adorable! I loved his scenes. He was so funny when he went to Mac about giving info to Flack first. That scene was so priceless and adorkable! I totally loved it! :lol:
Good episode. It was especially great to see the lovely Bob and AJ in the credits! :D

Mac - Once again, this was the Mac show. But it always is, so it's not really a complaint. Mac is the only guy who can get shot without getting shot. :lol: Super!Mac, or maybe just very lucky. :lol: His last line was hilarious, even if it made me roll my eyes. Yes, double murder, hostage taking and everything is very bad, but it's nothing compared to pissing off Super!Mac. :lol: Oh, and I love that Mac was "sensing" a demonstration from Lindsay. And that despite his obvious concussion he still insists on controlling the investigation.

Stella - I always find that if someone doesn't stop when I wave a gun and shout "Stop!" it works when you do it again and add "Damn it!" on the end. No? Thought not. I get that perhaps you can't shoot an unarmed man, but he was dangerous, so what was her point if not to take him down? That said, I was slightly shocked when she was dangling over the side. :eek:

Adam - Loved how he told Flack about the car. And then I loved how worried and slightly terrified he looked when he told Mac. :lol: That was a great scene, and if it was Mac's sister he would have told him first. :lol: Ah, way to get out of trouble Adam. Mac's angry face was hilarious, and there's nothing worse than silence when you know you're in trouble...

Flack - I love him. And good casting of his sister. I'll look forward to seeing some more interaction between them. He plays a good big brother, and his obvious concern (and slight annoyance) was interesting to see.

(I found myself slightly in love with Adam/Flack. Yep, as a potential couple). :adore: :lol: It's probably just because they are both so adorable. And I'm not sure I've seen them interact before. I want to hug them both.

Yes, I enjoyed the episode, but I'm not sure if it will be one of my season favourites, it wasn't that good. I think perhaps I'll have to watch it again to fully appreciate it. I don't have much to say about Danny, Hawkes or Lindsay. They were there, but I don't remember anything significant, although Danny and Hawkes' concern for Mac was lovely to see.

Roll on episode 2! I love that CSI: NY is back. I've missed it. :) :thumbsup:
I thought it was pretty damn good. But you're right, Stella and her scene chasing after Joe? That was pretty stupid, what she said.

I admit that I was scared that she might fall...but I knew they wouldn't kill her off. I just thought that Joe might shoot her and then Mac would be VERY pissed off. ;)

Sam Flack makes an appearance. Nice to introduce her and get to know her. She's the black sheep in the family. We'll see if she shows up again.

Nice epi for the premiere...exciting out of the box. :thumbsup: