(Oops, sorry to double-post. I figured someone would have posted before me.
Ok, I'm typing stuff as I'm watching. I'll submit it when I'm done.
~ Oh Stella, do naughty things to me please. Rawr! :devil:
~ Mac needs hugs. *offers hugs*
~ Adam!
~ Concerned!Danny and Concerned!Hawkes - aww. *smish* Why can't we get a group hug?
~ Danny looks like he smells something unpleasant.
~ SID! And his snazzy gadget!
~ Oh Sid, I love you. ^_^
~ Mac needs hugs - and cookies.
~ Ooh, a bullet!
Oh no you DI'INT!
~ Sheldon, you are such a sexy beast. Ravage me please. Rawr!
(I wish Adam would pop up behind Sheldon like 'hey, what's going on?' and make Sheldon jump.
~ *snorgles the Danny woobie*
~ ADAAAAAM! Aww, listen to his wacky science jargon.
~ [random] This show needs more manhugs. Just sayin'. [/random]
~ Why don't you make a big ole mess, Joe?
~ Mwuahaha, Mac is callin' you, fool!
~ Mmm, pissy!Flack :devil:
~ Aww, Adam in the precinct with Flack! I DEMAND ICONS NOW!
~ Adam's so sweet, coming to Flack first - I hope he doesn't get in trouble for waiting like Flack asked him to. *pets the boys*
~ Mac, you can has more hugs now. *hugs*
~ Danny should totally hug Mac. Mac could stand there and look all awkward. It would be awesome.
~ Aww, Sam is cute.
~ Ok, nervous-and-guilty!Adam is adorable. It's nice to see that he's getting so much screentime.
~ Hahaha, Adam, ILU BB! *smish* "That went well."
~ Aww, Danny is sweet with Flack's sister.
~ Ooh, protective!Flack.
~ Aww, poor Flacks. *pets them both*
~ Sid again! *tackle-hug*
[I've been without this show for too long, apparently. I want to hug everybody.
~ Mac and Stella at the High Line - I remember reading about them filming on location there.
~ *ravages Stella* She's looking foxy in that tank top. :devil:
(I'm bad, I know. Forgive me.
~ Daaaaaamn!
That flashback of what happened to Lauren was :wtf:
[I'm not making many comments now because it's all going so fast and I'm keeping up. :lol:]
~ Go Stella!
~ Why point your gun if you don't plan to SHOOT it when the person is in sight? Just shoot him in the foot or something.
~ Haha, and of course Adam has the answer.
~ Sweet! I pity the fool that messes with Mac! "But most of all, for pissin' me off." Woot!
Overall, a very good episode, and hopefully a sign of the season to come. It was great to see everybody again (which sounds cheesy, I know). I loved seeing multiple scenes with Sid and plenty of Adam. And so far, I really like Sam. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her. She's a firecracker, but I love her dynamic with Flack. Good stuff.