Why do they need to use those huge cameras? Why can't they use a small digital one? Is there a reason they use the bigger ones?
They use the bigger cameras because they take better quality pictures. A small digital camera would not be able to take as good of a picture which would be blown up for court or whatever it's needed for. Also, the bigger cameras are less resistant to shaking, and the shutter speed is faster so they can document things faster. Plus, they look a lot cooler than the small digital cameras
My grade: A
The episode was good. I think the guest star who played Sam did a fabulous job of showing the atrocities associated with watching his brother get shot. Normally, I don't like sad episodes because they aren't done right. This one played out very well.
Things I didn't like (it's easier for me to spot them than things I really liked):
-Stella coming down on Flack for wanting to believe a 12 year old kid even against the evidence. Look who's calling the kettle black.
-A twelve year old is robbing a bank? Oh sorry, it was his fourteen year old brother. Now it all makes sense...
-I like Mac and Aubrey but that ending seemed out of place. It was funny, don't get me wrong, but I thought it was random.
Things I liked:
-Adam and the pig scene. That was really funny even though Mac seems to like everything. I never pictured him as a movie buff, but that is a pretty famous movie so I'll let it slide.
-Sid and Adam were really funny. That is my excuse for letting it slide that they've already done this entrance/exit wound thing before. But it made me happy that I remembered what episode it was in.
-Mac wearing a light blue shirt again. I think the color works on him so it made me happy. I also think that it has something to do with his girlfriend because the last time I remember seeing him in one was season 4 with Peyton
-HAWKES!!! He's so gorgeous, and he is just amazing. Although if I were him, I would want to handle some things with Danny for not informing his superiors of that whole badge situation.
-Flack standing up for his belief in the kid. That was so great. I love that about his character. He's willing to stand up for the underdog, and he is opinionated. He isn't afraid to take on those "smarter than him", meaning more literate in the sciences. He's a cop and isn't afraid to use that type of logic. Also he looked amazing in this episode.
So all in all, it's a solid A.