I've finally gotten the chance to see it. I'd already been spoiled through and through, but I wanted to see it for myself in order to discover if the episode was half as bad as I read. It was twice as bad. Everything was so conveniently wrapped with a ribbon on top. I can imagine Dunbrook plotting his revenge from his office of evil and news fabricating while laughing wickedly like a maniac. Such a megalomaniac guy, with his image everywhere *rolls eyes* His ego has nothing to envy Mac's.
Thank you, God, because you gave us SuperMac! to look after New York City. Thank you, because without him, we'd be doomed. He is our savior and nothing, nothing at all can stop him. Oh, wait, there were these other meaningless, unimportant people beside him... I think you call them a "team" or something. Anyhow, it doesn't matter.