Grade 'The Lying Game'

trishob said:
The smirk at her "moo" comment was a nice affectionate touch, but if I were directing, I would have had Carmine let the smile fade, then stare off into space with a thoughtful, maybe quizzical look, as if he were thinking, "Now what the heck is going on in Montana?" :confused:

Exactly. It kinda seems like something's missing in that scene. He smirks, and then Mac comes in and they're all business again.
I gave it an A-. The storyline was interesting. The acting was great.

My favorite scene was the dog dropping and the blood spatter. Very cleverly done.
Carmine seems to be phoning it in with the Lindsay scenes. Not that I blame him, given how poorly it's handled, but it seemed like he glanced at the card and dismissed it awfully quickly given that Danny is supposed to have feelings for Lindsay.

privatename said:
Personally, that is the last thing I want to see. Lindsay is fine. I don't hate her, but to me she is the weak link of the cast. I don't want them to highlight her in any way. Gary is a great actor and can play with anyone, but he deserves to be able to act with and explore the chemisty he has with others on the cast who, as actors, are far superior to Lindsay.

Fair point. Believe me, I think the best thing for the show would be to jettison their weakest link, but if that's not going to happen, they might as well put her in scenes with the one actor she seems to have the remotest bit of chemistry with. It's not even just Carmine--she's flat with Melina, Hill and Eddie, too. Gary's so good he seems to make up for her. :lol: But I agree that he shouldn't be relegated to Anna duty too often--he has great chemistry with everyone else on the show, too.
I haven't watched it yet.... maybe not for another six months. But judging on the page1 posts.....

That scene ... that bad?

chaostheory08 said:
I haven't watched it yet.... maybe not for another six months. But judging on the page1 posts.....

That scene ... that bad?


I know, it's depressing isn't it....... :(
I don't know, it could have been worse, it could have been better though. and i must say i thought the card thing was really cute but im a sucker for little things like that...i really did like flacks one liners though that preaty much made my week
I thought the card thing was funny *shrugs*

I'm gonna give it a B. For Flack's humor and Mac looking incredibly sexy in his ubiquitous blue suits. Yeah, I'm shallow that way.

The drag queen case was interesting, too, with the congressman being involved and all. Also, I thought the scene between Mac, Stella & Lindsay was well played out. I don't give a f*ck about the whole D/L thing unless I deem it annoying (which it didn't in this ep IMO) but maybe that's because I'm not that invested in their relationship (or their characters) I always see them as peripherals anyhow (Did I say use the right word? Sorry, English is not my first language)
So, Top convinced me to watch a few episodes here and there throughout the season and I’ve obliged commenting here and there, but it’s been awhile since I’ve decided upon CSI:NY for my viewing pleasure though my trusty TIVO keeps on keeping on. I recently sat down and watched an episode of NY and there were moments when I was perplexed and puzzled but soon it turned to annoyance and outrage because I realized what had been bothering me all along. My TIVO recorded not CSI: NY that hard-hitting innovative gritty and dynamic show but Degrassi Jr. Sweet Valley Creek and I was irate. So, what would you do, well that is exactly what I did, I called the damn TIVO customer service and voiced my displeasure well first I talked to Les and he told me to fuck off that what I saw was the brilliant portrayal of unrequited love yet to be with a bit of science classism, sexism, and wit thrown in and hung up on me, but not before asking if I had a nice rack. So, I called back and this time I talked to Anthony but he was too busy rubbing himself against photocopied images of girls that could kick his portly ass so I hung up on him while he moaned something about suicide. Well, third time’s a charm so I called again and spoke to what seemed to be a collection of people, but it was really just some chick named Stef Wryter with a case of multiple personality disorder. Now it took some time to convince Stef Wryter to watch what I watched because she too believed it was CSI: NY but after I told her about the damn “moo” and the attempted wistful looks through the cab window (by the way, we agreed that all that was missing was some artfully placed rain drops) that this indeed was not CSI: NY. Then we bonded over talk of Vicaro, Maka, hell even creepy ass Chad into the wee hours of the morn, when we finally parted, Stef promised to bring about change and I promised to stop throwing around phrases like shrill annoying sycophant, poor Carmine, obsequious drivel, Anti-Christ equals Moonves, etc. Two days later, I read reports of one Stef Wryter having gone missing and on the same day, I noticed a long black limo parked at the edge of my driveway. I tried to make out the letters on the door as it sped away but all I got were the letters C, B, and S.

By the way, thank you so much Top for keeping me in the loop I am forever in your debt.

Some thoughts on the cases:

1. Where would we be without Flack? Banging our heads against walls, crying ourselves to sleep, forming a lynch mob, I don't know your guess is as good as mine.

2. It is nice to see that those rejected by Calvin Klein for underwear modeling jobs have futures on CSI: NY as suspects and murderers.

3. Someone on staff needs to get over their golf ball obsession.

4. I love that the writers believe we are special needs and have to give us a line explaining Lindsay’s issue with giving mothers bad news. I guess none of the girls had fathers because as we all know fathers never feel or show grief. Bad writing coupled with bad acting made for a bad scene, not even Melina or Gary could save it. I didn’t believe for a minute that Lindsay was remembering or feeling anything horrible terrible or bloody in her past it was the emotional equivalent of reciting a grocery list.

5. As far as he assertion by some that the moo reference in the note was an inside joke about Anna’s pregnancy, well I’ll just say, as someone who was recently pregnant that an inside joke involving me being compared to a bovine would not in any way be funny, at least not to me, though I only gained baby weight. Perhaps, if I had gained extra-unneeded weight I might guffaw at being called a cow. I think that idea is just wishful thinking, wishing that the writers hadn’t written something so juvenile.

6. I wonder where Danny keeps his balls now. How pathetic and sad.

7. The cases weren’t half bad. Maybe they were even a bit interesting if not edge of your seat thrilling.

8. Mac’s x-ray vision eyes are pretty damn cool, though not as cool as the x-ray glasses I bought at the dollar store. Detecting ink patterns with the naked eye, please people try harder.

9. Is it wrong that I hope the cabbie drove to the edge of Queens and told Lindsay to get out? You tell the cabbie the address; he knows you’re going to Queens. I can only hope that as I type this she is wandering the streets of Queens aimlessly wondering what the hell happened and how she got there. Maybe she’ll even learn to emote to a believable level and some family will take pity on her and offer her a home and a room under the stairs where she will live out the rest of her days. Just more wishful thinking.
Where would we be without Flack?
Hopelessly lost, I'm afraid.

I wonder where Danny keeps his balls now. How pathetic and sad.
Well, you didn't hear this from me, but I believe a friend of a friend saw them in a jar locked in the bottom drawer of Sid's filing cabinet. I can't imagine what possible use he could have for them, though...

some family will take pity on her and offer her a home and a room under the stairs where she will live out the rest of her days.
Until a giant starts to send her letters by owl and she is wisked off to a secret school up north in, er, Canada, where she can be slightly emo and, like, totally save the world with kickass magic. :D
JDonne said:
So, Top convinced me to watch a few episodes here and there throughout the season and I’ve obliged commenting here and there, but it’s been awhile since I’ve decided upon CSI:NY for my viewing pleasure though my trusty TIVO keeps on keeping on. I recently sat down and watched an episode of NY and there were moments when I was perplexed and puzzled but soon it turned to annoyance and outrage because I realized what had been bothering me all along. My TIVO recorded not CSI: NY that hard-hitting innovative gritty and dynamic show but Degrassi Jr. Sweet Valley Creek and I was irate. So, what would you do, well that is exactly what I did, I called the damn TIVO customer service and voiced my displeasure well first I talked to Les and he told me to fuck off that what I saw was the brilliant portrayal of unrequited love yet to be with a bit of science classism, sexism, and wit thrown in and hung up on me, but not before asking if I had a nice rack. So, I called back and this time I talked to Anthony but he was too busy rubbing himself against photocopied images of girls that could kick his portly ass so I hung up on him while he moaned something about suicide. Well, third time’s a charm so I called again and spoke to what seemed to be a collection of people, but it was really just some chick named Stef Wryter with a case of multiple personality disorder. Now it took some time to convince Stef Wryter to watch what I watched because she too believed it was CSI: NY but after I told her about the damn “moo” and the attempted wistful looks through the cab window (by the way, we agreed that all that was missing was some artfully placed rain drops) that this indeed was not CSI: NY. Then we bonded over talk of Vicaro, Maka, hell even creepy ass Chad into the wee hours of the morn, when we finally parted, Stef promised to bring about change and I promised to stop throwing around phrases like shrill annoying sycophant, poor Carmine, obsequious drivel, Anti-Christ equals Moonves, etc. Two days later, I read reports of one Stef Wryter having gone missing and on the same day, I noticed a long black limo parked at the edge of my driveway. I tried to make out the letters on the door as it sped away but all I got were the letters C, B, and S.

LMFAO. :lol: I could not stop laughing while reading that.

By the way, thank you so much Top for keeping me in the loop I am forever in your debt.

She's manipulative. :p

1. Where would we be without Flack? Banging our heads against walls, crying ourselves to sleep, forming a lynch mob, I don't know your guess is as good as mine.

We would. He adds a great dynamic to the show and he really has a different personality from the others. He's great.

3. Someone on staff needs to get over their golf ball obsession.

Fixating on balls? Hmm... :p

6. I wonder where Danny keeps his balls now. How pathetic and sad.

I have a smart ass comment to that, but I'll hold on to it. :p

I loved your review JDonne! I hope you come to the summer meeting in LA!

Faylinn said:
some family will take pity on her and offer her a home and a room under the stairs where she will live out the rest of her days.
Until a giant starts to send her letters by owl and she is wisked off to a secret school up north in, er, Canada, where she can be slightly emo and, like, totally save the world with kickass magic. :D

We can't let that happen what happens if she magics hereself back to CSI: NY? Then all the cabbies efforts and my wishful thinking will be for naught. Besides, she could never be slightly emo, because she is devoid of all emotion. Though, I'm all for one of those owls visiting her in her cubby under the stairs and flying away with her to parts unknown, unheard of, and of course, unseen.

vegaslights said:
JDonne said:
By the way, thank you so much Top for keeping me in the loop I am forever in your debt.

She's manipulative. :p

She is indeed, just like an itch. ;)

I loved your review JDonne! I hope you come to the summer meeting in LA!


Thank you very much. I am coming, I have no choice, the aforementioned itch is making me despite the very real possibility that CBS has put a contract out on my life. :lol: So, I will see you there.
Hey! :p

I say our next fan project should be to rescue Stef Wryter. ;)

If only Lindsay would get lost in Queens and never return. :lol:

I think we should petition Sid to return Danny's balls immediately!
ROFL!! I have a visual involving tweezers and a microscope. "I don't see...oh wait this could be them, I'll need a microscope" *dies laughing*