Grade 'The Lying Game'

I can't help but wonder if it was an inside joke - the whole cow thing - toward Anna. Maybe a wink/nod that she has to leave the show because she's so preggers .... she looked soooooo uncomfortable, I expected her to drop the baby right there on the set, lol.

Good eppy, though. Love Flack.
I thought Anna looked like she was ready to pop.

I loved the references Flack made..I'm glad they kept them in the script. My favorites:

Flack: Then you find out the hard way that she's actually a he and you lose it. Maybe you knew she was a guy all along. Maybe you liked it. Did you ever see Brokeback Mountain Frank?


Flack: What's the problem kitten.

I must admit that the Danny/Mac case was kinda boring. I don't even remember much about it. Also, I noticed the cut they part where Hawkes was supposed to say "everybody knows how you two feel about each other".

Considering all the scenes I saw for Flack were left in except one, I have hope for the Danny/Angell scene in ep 16.

I noticed that Danny almost knocked the letter under his desk. Too bad he hadn't. It would have been interesting to see him find it several weeks later.
So many things to love about this episode. Flack gets better every week. We got a good dose of Sid. Danny's pain watching Lindsay hug Stella and Mac. Montana stopping the taxi to watch Danny as she left NYC (yeah, the note was lame).
The cases were decent but somewhat predictable. I shoulda voted on CSI:Q tonight, because I had the killer picked out in both cases. However, I wondered what the motive for murder would be in the B case, and it was fun how everything tied together. Even so, I thought it was a pretty weak motive.
I'm going to miss Anna, and I hope we later get to see what happens in Montana. But, boy, the pregnancy was very obvious tonight.
The cases tonight were solid, but Anna Belknap delivered the single worst scene in the history of the show. Danny could produce more angst while passing a kidney stone. For someone wracked with guilt over confronting the demons of her past, Lindsay was very bland. Did she take a fistful of Sominex?

And what was the point of the scene in the cab? She never told Danny where she would be in that card, so how could she reasonably have thought that he was rushing after her to say goodbye? He's not Kreskin. If he continues to pursue her after this, he clearly has no self-respect.

Aside from that, I loved the Flack-Stella interaction, and setting aside my beloved crack goggles, I sensed a Flack/Stella vibe. They may not consummate the pairing, but they're definitely seeding the groundwork in case they want to take that route.

Until they do, however, I intend to play with my crack pairing of Flack/Rebecca(OFC).

Speaking of Flack, so much love for him schmoozing with the baby to get the rattle. It was adorable. Not to mention his ass was sticking out at a delectable angle.

Rebecca would've pinched it. Just so you know.
Meh, nothing special in this episode so I gave it a B-. I loved Flack tonight, especially when he approached the baby & the BBM reference. I also cracked up at Stella's face when that congressman told her the only way he would talk is if she bought him a drink. I was hoping she would make a witty remark but her facial expression was enough :lol:. Man, I love Melina.
vegaslights said:
I wonder if Anna realizes how bad of an actress she is.

Wait, I take that back. She doesn't.


I haven't watched it yet, but I got quite a few giggles out of that.
I just finished the watching it. I found it to be one of the better episodes tonight. The episode reminded me why I became a fan of the show.

I loved the part where she watches him go into the station (though I don't think he knew she was there) she just watched him it was so cute.

Then Danny was reading the card, he looked so freakin cute, and that smirk. I think the reason that she didn't tell him right off was so that he wouldn't worry about her, and facing her past.

I'm going to miss my D/L scenes. *sniff*
I wished he would have told her.

We did get some PissyMac hehe :)

Flack and the kids is always cute, just as long as he doesn't become a Horatio clone, always having them pop up in his storylines. Unless it's his kid <g>

Not outstanding but not terrible. I gave it a B-.
Must de-lurk to express my delight at Flack's mention of Brokeback Mountain. What do you think, Faylinn??
Heh. I've known about that line for weeks and been crossing my fingers and toes that they'd leave it in. So much laughing in the BC chat. :lol:

And that 'female impersonator,' as they kept saying, was hot. I'm jealous of a man that makes a better woman than I do. :lol:

The case Mac and Danny worked didn't keep my attention. I barely watched any of the scenes. Actually, I have no idea what the motive was. I did, however, see the scene where Mac and Danny call the phone numbers to check on the guys' alibis and got the same woman--very funny. :p

Flack, however, was the star of the episode. He was golden in this one. See, writers, why we love him? Give the man some more attention. :lol: He and Stella work so well together. :D

Speaking of Flack, so much love for him schmoozing with the baby to get the rattle. It was adorable. Not to mention his ass was sticking out at a delectable angle.
The scene with the baby was great. The dialogue was supposed to be a bit longer, but they cut off a line. It's a shame, because Flack with a baby is too cute. *sigh*

Aside from that, I loved the Flack-Stella interaction, and setting aside my beloved crack goggles, I sensed a Flack/Stella vibe. They may not consummate the pairing, but they're definitely seeding the groundwork in case they want to take that route.

Until they do, however, I intend to play with my crack pairing of Flack/Rebecca(OFC).
I don't really ship Flack/Stella, but I can see the basis for it. If the writers went with it, I could see it, and the chemistry that's there would make it hard to screw up, even for them--however, that's still a risk, and I can't help hoping they keep their hands off of it. Don't mess with a good thing. ;) Besides, with Mac/Peyton (now you see it, now you don't) and Danny/Lindsay (isn't high school luv so sweet?? The gurl he lieks left him a letterz!), hooking up two more major characters would never work.

But continue with your crack, my darling, and I'll continue with mine. ;)

Now to the Lindsay bit:

The letter Lindsay left was as lame as the idea of her leaving him a note in the first place. I can easily buy the 'cow' reference being a little thing from the set, a joke from the people involved, but it really doesn't fit on the show itself.

The idea of Danny knocking the letter under his desk and not finding it immediately could actually have been a good storyline, 1CSIMfan. He doesn't think she did anything to tell him goodbye, and then he finds the note several episodes down the road, bringing Lindsay up during her absence. *shrug* But they didn't, so there was no mystery there.

And you know, I kind of thought we'd learn more about Lindsay's past than what we'd already figured out. That scene with Mac and Stella was...I liked that they both showed their support, and that Mac gave her the hug and everything. Overall, however, I didn't feel that it was a satisfactory way to send the character off of the show for 4+ episodes.

I thought it was good that they at least tried to switch things up with covering Anna's pregnancy by moving the camera to keep it above her stomach--but unless I'm very much mistaken, when she stood up she wobbled a bit, like a Weeble or something. :lol: That poor woman looked ready to pop--I hope she finished that episode, went home, and put her feet up. ;) She more than deserves a rest.

I'll have to rewatch and actually pay attention to the b-case before I vote, but I'm thinking A- to A. Not stellar, but much better than some others this season.
Havne't watched the episode yet but, uhm... did that letter seriously appear in the episode? Thought you guys were joking about it. *shakes head*

Where's a brick wall when you need one? :(
^ Haven't watched it yet either. But ... what a lame effing letter. I swear. How old is she? I I wonder if she dotted her 'i's with little love hearts. :rolleyes:

This is getting way too gooey for my likings. Gag me. Excuse me while I go hurl.

(Hope the new version of the board has hurling smilies - from the spoiler thread it looks like I'd be stamping it on my freaking FOREHEAD which is currently in need of medical attention from the all the smacking it on brick walls ... wall is this way Orison, I haven't left it all day :lol: :lol:)

I couldn't quite get into Mac and Danny's case.

But the case with the trans sexual was very entertaining. Good story line with that senator. I really thought he or his assistent was the killer until Stella and Hawkes started to follow that bleeched water trail.

I loved how they handled Lindsay's departure. They showed how Stella was still supporting her and that Mac really already knew about her past. And we found out that the killing of her friends happened 10 years ago, she didn't know who killed them and the (suspected) killer was caught a few months back.

And the card was actually better than I anticipated. Much more lighthearted (but I agree that the cow reference :) was probably an inside joke).
HMMMM Haven't been in here awhile. Been busy watching S2(which I finished up. LOved the ep last night. Wished Lindsay had said goodbye to Danny in person. Especially knowing the attraction between them. As far as the cow reference didn't Danny tease her about cows after she atrted there? Can't remember that neither. (old age here) LOL. They did good hiding her but getting into the cab I caught a glimpse of her belly. She;s due in a few mos isn't she? I don't remember. I cracked up when Flack made reference to Brokeback Mt. I loved the way Stella suppoeted Lindsay also. I think she tried to tell Stella sometime back about it or did. Bad memory again. Mac wasn't surprised at all. I really enjoyed it. All i n all I give it an A.