Grade 'The Lying Game'

Flack, my darling, have all of my babies please.

Fay, you make me laugh with everything you type.

Lindsay storyline pissed me off. I am not in love with her as a character but I feel that she definitely got the shaft in this episode. I mean if Mac, Stella or Danny etc… were leaving the show it would have been a much much bigger part of the episode and Lindsay was just like “yeah I’m leaving bye” that it.

I think that it was very much in Lindsay's character not to make a big goodbye out of her leaving. It's also for the storyline, (sorry to all the anti-DLers) but I think they did that because of where the DL storyline is going to go. It just kinda seemed that way. But in the end I thought TPTB made her exit very well.

It was also hard to have a big goodbye scene because of her pregnancy. If my info is correct we should be learning more about her "secret" later on this season.
I didn't like it.

I liked Flack. I liked Hawkes. And I liked Flack and Stella playing off of each other ( they always do that well ), but I found myself completely bored with the rest of it.

Which happens a lot when they make the "chemistry" between Danny and Lindsay the focus of the episode, actually.

I think the writers need to do Anna more justice. She's not being given much to work with, is she? And they need a new way to approach this bond she and Danny share, because it's becoming critically soap opera-esque. If their so keen on pairing this duo, fine -- it might lead to interesting plot turns. But they need to re-think the way they're handling this "developing relationship."
I have to say I didn’t love this episode at all. I mean Flack/Stella case was funny and definitely there for comic relief. Flack was hilarious; I would have loved it if the Drag Queen case was Danny/Flack case. Could you image how much Danny would have gotten hit on? The Alibi case was ok, kind of a cool new idea. I did like that the 2 suspects were actually covering up an affair and not murder. But I felt the other guys motive was really weak and lame. And not enough Hawkes or Sid in this episode.

I was hoping Mac would explain it to the killer about the fake receipts (the other partner using them as alibis to cover up his affair with the girl golfer) and that's why the partner that was killed didn't know/understand why the killer was so upset about them. Would loved to have seen the look on the killer's face to realize he killed the partner for no reason. Too bad they couldn't charge the fake alibi partner for something because it was his phony alibi receipts that led to the murder!

Flack and Stella are a great duo together and they play off of each other fairly well, I loved the Brokeback Mountain reference that Flack made to the guy who killed the transsexual, it fit in with his personality very well. That and finding out that the transsexual was a man, classic.

The whole Lindsay leaving: YAY! :D The 12 year old is gone!, well, for a little bit anyway. Her actions are some of the lamest, most juvenile thing that I have seen in a long time. For the love of God Lindsay, grow a pair, will ya?
I liked the episode and consequently graded it A+.

1. Lindsay's "deep dark secret" was finally disclosed, so she can finally testify and hopefully heal. Plus, the "secret" won't be dragged out any more. Anna produced a quality scene with Gary and Melina. She wasn't hysterical or overwrought, nor was she cold and impersonal as if detached. She experienced the pain and remembered the pain; however, she refused to allow the pain to rule her. Truthfully, I don't think Anna/Lindsay is being given a fair shake :confused:. If she acts with gusto, she's too emotional. If she acts laid-back, she's phoning it in. We need to make up our minds.

2. Flack had the best dialogue of the night: "John Doe" and "Brokeback Mountain." I almost fell out of my chair, because I was laughing so hard and thinking of you girls. :lol: Stella wasn't too far behind, particularly in the interrogation with Flack. Also, Danny's mention of his mother telling him to stay off skateboards because they were dangerous. Hello, her husband was a mobster, and her other son was Tanglewood. How dangerous was a skateboard in comparison? :rolleyes:

3. The teamwork shone through last night: Mac, Stella and Hawkes supported Lindsay; Danny and Mac seemed to be on great terms considering all that transpired between them in the past; Flack appeared to be back to his old self after the situation with Mac and the dirty cops; and finally, Danny and Lindsay seemed to be on solid ground, whether it ends up only as friends and partners, or something more. The cohesiveness is back. Why does that make me feel that something big is coming for the team? I don't know. When things start going good, watch out. This doesn't come from spoilers...just gut instinct.
I actually enjoyed this episode. The drag queen case was great and I was sad to see Linds leave though. But it kept me on the edge of my seat!

Sorry, but the cases were boring and characters interaction aside there wasn't much else to remember.
I really loved that "John Doe" and "Brokeback Mountain" lines, although Flack doesn't have a lot of screen time, but he always stands out (he's the main reason I watch CSI:NY lol).
Everytime when Flack has a good line, I wonder whether Eddie got if off the script or he ad-libbed it (eventhough I tend to think the credit should go to Eddie) ^o^.
I'm also glad that Lindsay will be off for a little while, poor Anna just looked SO pregnant, and kind of swollen too....
PrettyEyes said:
1. Lindsay's "deep dark secret" was finally disclosed, so she can finally testify and hopefully heal. Plus, the "secret" won't be dragged out any more. Anna produced a quality scene with Gary and Melina. She wasn't hysterical or overwrought, nor was she cold and impersonal as if detached. She experienced the pain and remembered the pain; however, she refused to allow the pain to rule her. Truthfully, I don't think Anna/Lindsay is being given a fair shake :confused:. If she acts with gusto, she's too emotional. If she acts laid-back, she's phoning it in. We need to make up our minds.

I think "we" have--she's a bad actress. :p I thought she was okay in this episode--no real emotion over leaving, but anything is better than her trying to cry or act upset, which she clearly can't do well. So I'll take phoning it in over histronics from her anyday. :lol:

I also found the fact that the redneck guy was the killer cliched. I wasn't expecting it, but that didn't make it a good surprise. I actually thought the congressman's aide--the guy standing next to him when Stella and Flack questioned him was the killer.
My two bob's worth:

B - OK. Not earth shattering, but not bad.

Miscellaneous notes:

  • It was funny to watch Stella, Hawkes and Flack all figuring out ... hmm, big feet, big hands, and you could see them thinking ... err, okay..... I loved that Flack bit the bullet, gingerly lifted the trannie's skirt and announced "it's a John Doe". Classic Flack.
  • I was rather entranced with the camera shots from inside the toilet bowl and in the water - very clever.
  • ARGH THE DOG!!! I was flapping my hands in despair, even knowing the spoilers LOL! I couldn't have handled it had the dog actually gone splat on the pavement after the disgruntled ex threw it off the balony.
  • What is it with Danny and golf balls? This is the third case involving Danny and a golf ball :lol:
  • LOVED the Hammerback montage while he was working on the trannie. All because of the music. Lou Rhodes - Each Moment New - from my favourite album of 2006 - Beloved One. The one consistent decent thing about this season has been the music. I'm a big fan of whoever gets to pick and choose the music :D
  • Poor Anna Belknap - looked like she was full term or close enough to. No wonder they had the poor girl sitting down.
  • Lindsay/Anna - you know, I don't mind her when she's working in the lab. I don't mind her when she is in a scene with Mac. Gary Sinise is the only actor I see her share any chemistry with (but then, what person wouldn't? the guy is truly a genius actor).
  • I loved the dual telephone calls by Mac and Danny. Danny made me laugh when he asked about kundalini yoga classes - that face - said 'I have NO freaking idea'. They made it easy for the viewer to notice that the voice was the same on both calls, using an Australian actress.
  • A small return of pissy!Mac in the first interrogation. I LOVE it when Mac starts raising his voice. Liked the line "the real Soho Regency or a taco stand?"
  • Excuse me, but what was the point of Lindsay stopping the cab to stare at Danny crossing the street? She didn't look like she was deciding whether to jump out and talk to him, so why the disappointed slump when he went inside?
  • The Brokeback Mountain reference gave me a smile.
  • Even the trannies are drop dead gorgeous in this show (I mean, a lot of them are anyway, but this one was stunningly beautiful). And the cliched Southern redneck was a 'beautiful person' too. What gives with that?
Again, all little things that grabbed my interest. That's actually a bit of a worry :eek:
crankyjules said:
My two bob's worth:

B - OK. Not earth shattering, but not bad.

Miscellaneous notes:

  • It was funny to watch Stella, Hawkes and Flack all figuring out ... hmm, big feet, big hands, and you could see them thinking ... err, okay..... I loved that Flack bit the bullet, gingerly lifted the trannie's skirt and announced "it's a John Doe". Classic Flack.

  • I loved that! Flack makes me laugh once an episode usually and that scene was great. I love his reactions--Eddie Cahill really is a comedic genius. He's so good at keeping a straight face.

    [*]What is it with Danny and golf balls? This is the third case involving Danny and a golf ball :lol:

    The third? I remember Necrophilia Americana...hmmm, maybe it's an inside joke or something. :lol:

    [*]Lindsay/Anna - you know, I don't mind her when she's working in the lab. I don't mind her when she is in a scene with Mac. Gary Sinise is the only actor I see her share any chemistry with (but then, what person wouldn't? the guy is truly a genius actor).

    She does do well with Gary, maybe because she seems to loosen up around him. I like how she jokes around with him--much of the time Lindsay seems to have a stick up her ass, so it's nice to see she's much more at ease around Mac than anyone else. I wish they'd explore that more.

    [*]Excuse me, but what was the point of Lindsay stopping the cab to stare at Danny crossing the street? She didn't look like she was deciding whether to jump out and talk to him, so why the disappointed slump when he went inside?

    Maybe she was hoping he'd psychically sense her presence? :lol: I think maybe she wanted to go but couldn't work up the courage and then when he went inside she realized her chance had passed.
Top41 said:
Maybe she was hoping he'd psychically sense her presence? :lol: I think maybe she wanted to go but couldn't work up the courage and then when he went inside she realized her chance had passed.

:lol: Yeah, I think she was hoping he'd casually glance in her direction, see her inside the taxi and walk up to her. I actually thought it was going to happen, but then I remembered the note. The note... *headdesk* please tell me again why they chose to write about cows in that one...

Speaking of which, Danny's amused expression after reading it kinda supports my 'they're just friends' theory. I admit I just watched it once but IMHO there was nothing whatsoever in his behaviour or facial expression that told me he was upset she'd left.
Orison said:
Speaking of which, Danny's amused expression after reading it kinda supports my 'they're just friends' theory. I admit I just watched it once but IMHO there was nothing whatsoever in his behaviour or facial expression that told me he was upset she'd left.

I kind of expected more of a bemused or bewildered expression, after seeing the goings on in Mac's office without the benefit of an audio track, then her leaving him a card with a rather cryptic message that explained nothing. The smirk at her "moo" comment was a nice affectionate touch, but if I were directing, I would have had Carmine let the smile fade, then stare off into space with a thoughtful, maybe quizzical look, as if he were thinking, "Now what the heck is going on in Montana?" :confused:

Speaking of the goings-on in Mac's office, oh, to be in Anna's shoes and at the receiving end of a hug from Mac... <sigh>
She does do well with Gary, maybe because she seems to loosen up around him. I like how she jokes around with him--much of the time Lindsay seems to have a stick up her ass, so it's nice to see she's much more at ease around Mac than anyone else. I wish they'd explore that more.

Personally, that is the last thing I want to see. Lindsay is fine. I don't hate her, but to me she is the weak link of the cast. I don't want them to highlight her in any way. Gary is a great actor and can play with anyone, but he deserves to be able to act with and explore the chemisty he has with others on the cast who, as actors, are far superior to Lindsay.