Lab Technician
That's just speculation that maybe he did.Maybe he did, just not on the phone. Not that I necessarily think he did but it's possible. I imagine something had to convince Lindsay to retract her plans to 'let go'. Many men struggle to say those words. I wonder if Danny's one of them.
Of course it's just speculation, hence the words 'maybe', 'it's possible', 'I wonder' etc.
If tptb want us to see this honest and caring relationship between them you'd think they'd at least have Danny showing some kind of loving emotion toward her than what we've seen. He really shows no emotion toward her at all and that 'I know you' bit-it certainly didn't come off as loving on Lindsay's part. I took it as she thought Danny would bail on his child just like he bailed on her because you know, it's all about Lindsay.Telling him that and then taking off is her M.O. She seems to enjoy having Danny run after her when she's mad at him since it seems to be the only time he pays attention to her.
While I agree that taking off is Lindsay's M.O., she certainly didn't look to me like she was enjoying it. But then again, it's obvious that I view Lindsay differently to you. I do think Danny has shown emotion towards her, I think it's been obvious from early on that he has feelings towards her that are different to his feelings for the rest of the team.
Sure they've had sex but sex does not equal love. Also, remember Danny's words to Mac in Til Death Do We Part. Danny was pretty adamant about NOT wanting to fall in love and even though that was Season 1, I still haven't seen anything that would prove he is in love. I have this feeling the first thing he'll truly love will be this baby.
They're just two screwed up people who are terrible at communicating with each other and now because somebody didn't bother with birth control (and don't get me started on 'the condom broke' excuse:scream: How would condom makers stay in business if their product was THAT bad?), two screwed up people are going to have to learn how to be parents. Hopefully they will both do a lot of growing up before this baby gets here or I really feel for it.
Yes, he's had sex with her. He's even been in a relationship with her. I think his comments to Mac in S1 are irrelevant. I think not wanting to fall in love won't actually stop it from happening, particularly when his words back then were that of a typical young man enjoying playing the field, things change. Unless/until he says the words we won't know how he feels for sure, but I saw affection in this episode which indicates (to me at least) that it's entirely possible he loves her.
As for the whole condom issue. Read the box. 98% effective if you use them properly. I wonder how many people ever read the instructions? Again it's probably irrelevant as I don't think they're ever going to explore the if, but's and maybe's of conception.