Grade 'Taxi'

How would you grade Taxi?

  • A+

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B+

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • B-

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
New ep tonight--the last one before the season finale! Let us know what you thought of it... :cool:
Geeze, already I'm confused and it's just begun :brickwall:
So they were arresting a suspect, who tried to escape, then some cop fell out of the taxi?:confused:

EDIT: "You followed the code of your office, I'm following the code of mine." Seems fair. Sometimes Mac can get too damn sanctimonious (and let's not forget NO punishment for provoking a fight last season) :scream::scream::scream:
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I know!! That confused the heck out of me when Mac confronted Reed :confused:! I could have sworn he got into the cab of the cabbie killer last epi.
basically. Ya I'm confused to and what the heck? I'm was ticked with the cliffy that we got from the last episode and how it didn't carry over the way i expected. oh well 45 minutes to go.
Oh, there's your cliffhanger.

I feel sorry for the cabdrivers who killed Jimmy...doesn't excuse it, but it does explain it.
Ok, typing as I watch again, then I'll submit when the episode is over.

~ Angell makes my panties tingle on a good day, but kicking ass and saving Flack? Oh Angell, have my babies please. :drool:

~ That's one action-packed way to start an episode, I gotta say! ;)

~ Haha at Flack's mention of having some girl in the back of his dad's car, by the way. :lol: Oh, Flack. :p

~ Mac, give Flack a break. ;)

~ Aww, poor Flack isn't a happy bunny. *pet pet*

~ Mmm, Danny, you're looking vewwy pwetty!

~ Yay, D/F screencaps--I don't ask for much. :p

~ Aww, Quinn. :( *hugs*

~ SHELDON YOU SEXY BASTARD! *tackles and does unspeakably naughty things to him* :devil:

~ Oh Flack, ILU BB! :lol:

~ Montaaaana! :rolleyes: At least that scene went quick.

~ SID!

~ Not killed by the cabbie killer? Iiinteresting. :eek:

~ Flack, Angell and Danny together? Oh, be still my tinglepants--er, I mean heart! :drool:

~ 20 minutes in--obviously, he ain't the killer, yo.


~ Heh, I thought Jordan was Kendall for a second there.

~ Stella, more cleavage, please. :)

~ :wtf: Oh dear, Reed. :(

~ I thought Reed got kidnapped last week? I guess the killer let him out of the cab? Or maybe it wasn't actually the killer's cab he got into?...I'm cornfuzed. :wtf:

~ I didn't see if AJ's name was at the beginning. I'm having Adam withdrawals. :( If he's not here this week, I'll be sad (even though I know he's in the finale because he was filming for it recently). *sigh* I don't think he's here. He must be at home, eating Ho Hos and playing Second Life.

~ I love Mac and Stella's friendship. ^_^ And of course she'd know just how Reed reacted to Mac's approach--and how Mac approached him in the first place. I love you, Stella. ;)

~ Ew, monkey meat? Bleh! :wtf:

~ Pissy!Flack. Tasty. :devil:

~ Ooh, Flack referred to Angell as his 'partner'. This makes my panties tingle just a little bit more. ;)

~ Ooh, pissy!Quinn. And she didn't know Mac knew Reed? Interesting--although I'm not sure how she would know, of course. I guess I just assumed it was common knowledge.

~ Reed! (It kinda lessens the impact when we already thought he'd been kidnapped, though, I gotta say. It's kinda like, 'Oh, he's been kidnapped for real this time.' :p)

~ Must make more noise to get her attention--DO THE WORM TO SAVE A LIFE, REED!!!

~ Aww, poor Reed. :(


~ Ooh, good acting on the part of the crazy-ass cabbie killer.

~ CHARON!!!!

~ Ooh, clever Reed. Poor baby, using Claire's name. :(

~ Yeah, Quinn, now STFU.

~ Maybe if ADAM was there, he could track Reed down. Don't leave Lindsay to do an expert's job, yo. *nod*

~ How can you have that technology and not find her, Mac? BECAUSE YOU F*CKING NEED ADAM, DAMNIT!

~ Good job, Mac! See, you and Reed are on the same wavelength. :)

~ Mmm, kevlar.

~ OMG REED! :( :( :(

~ "Don't die on me"--*sniff* Reminds me of "Charge of this Post" :(

~ Aww, Mac with Reed in the ambulance. *hug*

~ Ooh, nice Stella-Jordan scene.

~ Interesting twist with the reason for the killer setting Jimmy up.

~ Mac and Reed. :( *hugs them both*

~ I would NOT be able to keep track of time in a trunk like that.

~ Good Reed. *pets him*


~ Aww, Mac and Reed in the taxi. I guess Mac's okie-dokie with taxis now.

~ I wonder what that voice-over was? I was thinking it might be Reed's blog, but I'm not sure--did it show what it was from? (I wasn't paying 100% attention.)

~ Where are Reed's parents?

~ Shitty bluescreen work with the back window of the taxi.

Preview: The finale should be good. *hugs Mac*
A =]

I thought it was an excellent episode. LOVED the ass kicking Angell in this episode, too-finally Flack gets to have someone in shining armor rescue him:lol:

The case was thrilling, too. It was tense and exciting throughout the entire episode, and there was even one point where I thought Reed might not make it--which made the episode even better for me. When a non-main character gets in trouble, there is a chance he might not come out of it alive, but I'm very glad he does. Kyle Gallner did a great job in this ep, and I loved the way he and Gary Sinise played off of each other-i hope its something we see in future episodes:) (I started a thread for Kyle/Reed, too, after this ep, FYI:))

Doesn't make the A+ though because no Adam and not enough Hawkes. :(
~ Maybe if ADAM was there, he could track Reed down. Don't leave Lindsay to do an expert's job, yo. *nod*

~ How can you have that technology and not find her, Mac? BECAUSE YOU F*CKING NEED ADAM, DAMNIT!

:lol: Faylinn, i love your episode notes.

And I agree wholeheartedly.