Grade 'Second Chances'

How would you grade Second Chances?

  • A+

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • A

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • A-

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • B+

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • B

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • B-

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • C-

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • D

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • D-

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
~Mac & Stella getting a Christmas their conversation at the beginning...actually made me feel warm & fuzzy

hehe me too and that's not something that happens often!:lol:

Overall it was a good feel-good episode. Favorite line was Danny in interrogation: "you jacking Santa...?" The look on his face was so telling of the childlike nature of his character and made me smile. I felt like Danny was more himself in this episode than at any time previously this season. The "boom" thing was cute and I didn't hate Lindsay for it.

i thought danny was very much his old self again, which was great - his wink at lindsay was just like something pre-danny would've done. i didn't hate lindsay for it either - when i said lindsay was a killjoy i meant to add a ;) - i thought it was in character for both of them, i think lindsay is a killjoy sometimes but usually in a fairly playful way, and that seemed to fit quite well.

I have always liked the way Stella and Mac interact even though I don't ship them as a romantic couple. Whether romantic or not I see them as family and I like how the writers use Stella to lighten Mac's countenance.

same, i'm not bothered about the romance thing, but it's lovely that the writers have remembered how well they work together because for a few eps there everyone seemed to've forgotten!

i meant to say in my last one - i also missed adam and sid - both characters who (for me anyway) would be ideal in an xmas team shot setting as they both have a real sense of fun.

also, i liked how gary got his "day job" (!) into the xmas tree scene, of mentioning doing stuff for kids whose parents are killed in action. i wonder if the writers would've put that in anyway knowing him, or whether they originally put some other group of kids and he changed/added it? hmm *ponders*
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Icestorm19;1029446~Oh look said:
Hee hee!!

Wow. I really hate stunt casting. Didn't recognize the singer or Vanessa. Kardashian looked like a cardboard cutout and emoted about as well one. All her scenes were with Flack....the only plus.

I had great hopes in the beginning. Loved the casual, happy tree fetching.

I thought the promos were misleading (again!). The best humanity has to offer? (or something like that..) Seems to me like it was a typical case filled with selfish, amoral people. The ending was nice, but, yes, Stella and Mac should have been dressed up too.

Meh. I gave it a C, because I like to look at Flack and he got some good screen time.

The ending was nice, but, yes, Stella and Mac should have been dressed up too.

I totally agree with that. After all, it was their idea (or Mac's idea) so I find it kinda normal they dress up (and it would have been fun). Seems like the scenarists wanted to keep the proper image of Mac & Stella (aka bosses).

I gave it a D because of several things...
:( Where is ADAM? And SID? I mean, come on... Christmas episode isn't really a Christmas episode if all CSI familly isn't there! I missed them and not only because I'm a big fan of Adam. Simply because they could have bring some kind of atmosphere with their laughs and jokes.
:( I would have like more of the ending scene. I mean, like some long scene where the team would share presents with each other. And we would see the bonds between them, that would have given a great familly atmosphere (because Christmas is a familly period, more than any other one).
:( What the... with the two suspects? Come on, that was so crazy. Besides, I don't like those girls.

:) Flack looked yummy ^^.

I liked the opening scene with Stella and Mac. I also liked the "Boom" scene with Stella and Danny, that was a funny moment.
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Well OK, It wasn't as bad as I expected.

Altho KK and VM are about as convincing as a doorknob and a broom handle.
Only one word comes to mind with these stunt castings : mindnumbing :scream:

Edit : the guy from TRAIN was good, tho.

I liked the plot and i agree with what somebody said earlier that if the guest stars were actually actresses it could have been awesome.

The ending was cute, the elves costumes and all, considering tis the season, it went down easily.

Glad to see Lindsay back ! Miss Adam !

Gave it a B-
I don't know why the feel the need to hire people who aren't actors on the show. That just does not make sense to me.

It was a little blah but not terrible. KK and VM's acting on the other hand was truly awful. I'm not sure the extra 500k viewers was worth bringing them in when proper actors would have likely been much more compelling.

I really liked the whole 'BOOM' thing. To me, it reflected what I like about D/L. Lindsay being a little anal, and Danny just ignoring her and her anal-isms. With that in mind, I can't imagine that Lindsay made him promise to stop with the BOOM-ing and honestly expected him to comply. I can just imagine Danny being all 'yes dear, whatever you say dear', then using it all the more when she's not around - I don't imagine that Lindsay would mind all that much. Plus, BOOM's a pretty cool first word imo. :)

I thought Mac & Stella stuck out like sore thumbs with the whole elf thing. I hate that tptb have made them into the archetypal 'good' mother & father while making the rest of the characters the naughty children who need to be taught a lesson in humilty and grace. And what's with having Danny and Flack dressing up like that without a complaint between them? While I have no doubt that they would both be more than willing to hand out gifts to the kids, I'm damn sure they'd be at least one complaint between them about the outfit! :rolleyes:

The stunt casting and overall complete cheesiness of the ending detracted from what was otherwise a decent episode. I think if the two murderesses had been played by actual actresses and not reality show/VJ stars, that final reveal would have been really chilling. The dialogue was great--the coldness of their words was truly horrifying. It's just too bad it wasn't delivered better. (Though I will say the Minnillo and Kardashian were better in the final interrogations than any other point in the episode.)

The fake tear running down Minnillo's cheek when she saw the body and Kardashian's posturing to Flack were probably the worst parts of their performances.

The guy from Train was pretty good, as was the other VJ. And because I like Train, I didn't mind the two songs.

The end was cheesy beyond belief. That whole ending--I get that they want to send a nice message for the holidays, but gah, it's so unsubtle and just cheesy. Why weren't Mac and Stella in those awful elf costumes? Could it be because they're ridiculous? And if so, why make everyone else get into them. We could have seen them volunteering without dressing up as elves. :rolleyes: And I don't believe Flack didn't complain. Or Danny, who complains about everything!

Speaking of Danny...

Overall it was a good feel-good episode. Favorite line was Danny in interrogation: "you jacking Santa...?" The look on his face was so telling of the childlike nature of his character and made me smile.

That was a sweet moment, and underscores how even after doing this job for years and even after all the bad things that have happened to him (getting taken hostage, getting shot, Ruben's death, etc.), Danny still hasn't lost... I don't know if innocence is the right word, but something along those lines. He still doesn't quite comprehend the terrible things that people do to each other. Danny is pretty childlike in that regard, and it's easy to see why the other characters are so protective of him.

I felt like Danny was more himself in this episode than at any time previously this season. The "boom" thing was cute and I didn't hate Lindsay for it.

I didn't "hate" Lindsay for it, but I do think it underscores how wrong they are as a couple. "Boom" sums up who Danny is--his enthusiasm, his passion, his childlike glee. Does it get annoying? Sure, but her trying to get him to stop saying it totally encapsulates her fundamental lack of understanding of him. If she's trying to take away something so small--and yet so representative of who he is--what does she love about him? I think Lindsay loves the idea of Danny more than she's ever actually loved Danny himself. Who cares if "boom" is Lucy's first word? It would be cute, because it's something her father says. It's not like it's a swear word. It's a small thing, but I think it's a microcosm for their relationship as a whole--and why it isn't healthy in the least.

As for Mac and Stella, I don't want to see them together romantically either, but I thought the tree scene was cute. At least until it turned into another PSA for Helping Out During the Holidays. :rolleyes:
I didn't watch the episode and I have no desire to do so, but from reading the reviews I have to say this:

I'm not all for Messer Family Fun Time, but I think it would be hilarious if they showed Lindsay, Danny and Lucy together and it's Lindsay who lets a "boom" slip and that's when Lucy decides to repeat it. Then Danny can be all, "HAHAHAHA! It was YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!" :p
The stunt casting didn't bother me in the sense of who they really were because I had no idea who they really were (and still don't). But it did bother me in the sense that they couldn't act. The two main female characters were written to be deliciously evil, but the actors:rolleyes: were little more than cardboard cutouts. They completely took the drama out of their scenes.

The guy wasn't bad and his songs were okay but they took time away from the story. When are TPTB going to go back to two stories per episode?

I loved the Boom! bit. It's Danny's signature line and I don't like Lindsay trying to take it away. What's wrong with Lucy saying Boom!?

The guys might have worn the elf costumes but they definitely would have complained. I can just hear Danny's and Flack's snarky comments. Of course, those remarks wouldn't have been allowed on network tv.;)

To me it wasn't a special episode. But I liked it enough anyway.
I really liked the whole 'BOOM' thing. To me, it reflected what I like about D/L. Lindsay being a little anal, and Danny just ignoring her and her anal-isms. With that in mind, I can't imagine that Lindsay made him promise to stop with the BOOM-ing and honestly expected him to comply. I can just imagine Danny being all 'yes dear, whatever you say dear', then using it all the more when she's not around - I don't imagine that Lindsay would mind all that much. Plus, BOOM's a pretty cool first word imo. :)

haha that's what i was trying to say earlier!!

Top41 said:
The stunt casting and overall complete cheesiness of the ending detracted from what was otherwise a decent episode. I think if the two murderesses had been played by actual actresses and not reality show/VJ stars, that final reveal would have been really chilling. The dialogue was great--the coldness of their words was truly horrifying. It's just too bad it wasn't delivered better. (Though I will say the Minnillo and Kardashian were better in the final interrogations than any other point in the episode.)

yes, i completely agree with this.
I gave it a B.

No adam. BOO!! We haven't had Lindsay for a few episodes but this episode felt like they were choking me with her. I thought it would be funny if they had adam being Santa Claus.:drool: adorable
I'm not all for Messer Family Fun Time, but I think it would be hilarious if they showed Lindsay, Danny and Lucy together and it's Lindsay who lets a "boom" slip and that's when Lucy decides to repeat it. Then Danny can be all, "HAHAHAHA! It was YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!" :p
:guffaw::guffaw:OOHHH!! I can just see Danny pointing at Lindsay and saying those words!! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
Just a little something I saw when I re-watched the ep that was noteworthy, to me anyway.

Although we didn't see Sid or Adam, there was a reference to Adam that made him a part of the show. When everyone was in Mac's office talking about the elf suits and gifts, Lindsay mentioned that Adam had been collecting money a few weeks ago for this cause.

This is exactly what I have been wanting for Lindsay. I thought it was ironic that it was Lindsay mentioning the "missing" character when she has been offscreen several times this season with nary a mention. Just the mere mention of a character in a conversation keeps that character's presence alive.

I don't care if they tie it in to her being home with Lucy or on a different shift or something totally separate, as with the Adam reference in this episode. I think its appropriate and needed.