Grade 'Second Chances'

How would you grade Second Chances?

  • A+

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • A

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • A-

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • B+

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • B

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • B-

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • C-

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • D

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • D-

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
Last new CSI: NY episode of 2009! Watch and let us know what you thought. :cool:
~The tree conversation made me laugh.
~At least Stella can feel better that James straightened himself out.
~Hee. Way to be a rebel, Danny. Just don't say it in front of Lucy so that she doesn't decide to repeat you.
~Pat Monahan, I presume? He looks like the guy on that album that song's on. (Okay, enough with the music video. No, seriously. Stop dragging this out. No, really. I didn't even hate the song. I just don't want it on this show.)
~Oh look, it's Kim Kardashian.
~"This is harassment" is probably the most-used phrase on crime television.
~Mac Taylor's Weekly Morality Statement.
~I notice that Mac and Stella aren't volunteering to wear elf costumes.
~Wait, Pat Monahan sang "Calling All Angels"? Was he in a band before he broke off into individual musician?
~I'd still like to know who babysits Lucy.
Wow. This episode was...largely underwhelming. Flack was the best part. (And his interrogation with Danny. And Flack and Hawkes in elf hats. :adore:)

No Sid or Adam isn't fun, but them not being around wouldn't be so bad if there hadn't been ~special guest stars~. Pat Monahan did pretty well IMO, but Vanessa and Kim shouldn't quit their day jobs. (I can't remember how well Lala did because she was only in one scene and I didn't think to pay attention to her acting until later on when I remembered that she was a ~special guest star~ too.)

My head is sore - I think it's because of all of the times the show (especially Mac) whacked me over the head with volunteering and the like. :shifty:

Overall, I wish the last episode of 2009 had been better - it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. Mostly, it was just forgettable.
Our preveious reviewer was correct, Kim should keep he day job.:p I too was underwhelmed by this "SPECIAL EPISODE' I gave it a D- for two reasons
1. NO Adam:(
2. No Adam and Stella:(

But cheer up. In my market here in Texas next week is a rerun with Adam in it and there is also some good Adam and Stella. It is Green Pieces from season 5;)

Merry Christmas to all and a happpy and safe New Year to all of you and you families:)
1. Why did Mac & Stella not wear elf costumes when the whole thing was clearly their idea?
2. Where was Adam?
3. Where was Sid?

Also, Danny said "boom" earlier in the episode when Joe Ross' name came up from the DNA off the cigarette.
~Wait, Pat Monahan sang "Calling All Angels"? Was he in a band before he broke off into individual musician?
He's been with Train since the beginning he just did a solo CD as well.

Perfect holiday episode with SMacked.

LOVED how Mac talked about Taylor family traditions.

Train is brilliant band:thumbsup::thumbsup:
And the ending.....well my shipper heart nearly made me pass out.

Thank You
Happy Holidays
Horribly corny, sappy and meaningless, way to go! Not to mention I'd seen that exact storyline (two ladies helping bums and druggies only to subscribe life policies, kill them and collect the money) in another show, "The Closer", maybe? I don't remember and I don't care. All I know is the women playing the perps in that other show could definitely act. Minillo and Kardashian were painful to watch. Can Razzies be awarded to television shows and actors? Because they were fighting hard to get one. Also, who cares about Adam and Sid, wonderful, well-played characters when you can have two bimbos reciting their script? Curse you, TPTB!
Horribly corny, sappy and meaningless, way to go! Not to mention I'd seen that exact storyline (two ladies helping bums and druggies only to subscribe life policies, kill them and collect the money) in another show, "The Closer", maybe? I don't remember and I don't care. All I know is the women playing the perps in that other show could definitely act. Minillo and Kardashian were painful to watch. Can Razzies be awarded to television shows and actors? Because they were fighting hard to get one. Also, who cares about Adam and Sid, wonderful, well-played characters when you can have two bimbos reciting their script? Curse you, TPTB!

It was in The Closer season 4 , episode 2 Speed Bump :D
Yawn, very boring. Kardashian could be replaced by a cardboard cut out and it's probably be more interesting. Preferably with Adam talking through the cut-out. haha.

Adam and Sid not being there just made this episode very droll. No spark, no fun, just a lot of talk about giving. Felt like I was listening to a sermon instead of watching a TV show.

The only redeeming moment was the music and Flack/Danny interrogation. I really think CSI NY should stick with what it has and stop trying to add special crap to it. I like the characters. I want the characters. I don't want a bunch of attention whores taking the spotlight from good hardworking actors.
i dunno, i kinda liked it, and i really don't do xmas cheer. there were things that bothered me, like:

* the endless promo videos for the band. nice idea to get a band in for an xmas ep but there's no need to overdo it.

* kim & thingie - wtf? mind you at least they were cast as something like themselves, park ave rich bitches.

* mac and stella *both* stealing lines from the horatio caine book of cheese.

* the constant bashes over the head about volunteering - however.... i used to volunteer at homeless shelters so i know how much those places need all the help they can get, especially at this time of year, so if it helps, that's fair enough. they could've been a tad more subtle though.

however i did quite like the following:

* the mac/stella/tree thing - that was a lovely way to open; relaxed and smiley mac, a bit of smacked for those that wanted it, a nice lighthearted scene, which was nice. i liked later when she tapped him on the arm (after hawkes found the biopsy), it was a throwback to when writers remembered that mac and stella actually get along.

* the d/l teamwork scene - that was cute and reminded us their marriage exists without shoving it down throats which has happened in recent episodes. i quite liked the ban on boom too, but danny didn't last long did he? anyway, lindsay's a killjoy, it'd be a cute first word!

* the final scene. and this is from someone who hates xmas. it was kinda cute, and yes a bit sickly, but not too bad. flack really looked good in that outfit! i agree mac & stella should've stepped up and worn them too - actually, they should've been santa + mrs claus! - but i guess as the boss you get some delegation rights! and if they were elf-ed up, we wouldn't have got that little "moment" at the end :)

* the interrogations, i thought they worked them well this week.

* oddly enough the case itself - i haven't seen that ep of the closer so i haven't seen the story before, and it kept me interested and even kept me guessing a bit too, which is the point!

oh and did anyone else notice the blatant nod to the usual suspects in the reconstruction of the crime? the gloved hand flicking the cigarette butt and it spinning in the air onto the trail of gas? keyser soze!!!!!

i gave it a B+ - there were issues, but none that bothered me too much really. it was an xmas ep and i hate xmas so i was expecting to be pissed off by all the xmas overkill, but it wasn't so bad and the elf outfits definitely helped.
Loved it!:thumbsup:They were able too balance the good and bad things that happen at Christmastime. Although there was no Adam and Sid which I missed, but my little shipper heart has been on a steady Pitta pat ever since! And boy did I have a pleasent sleep last night! After the first episode. It still irritates me too think of it, ruined my fondness for the innocence of Adam and OOC for Stella. Didnt even mind D/L too much which is a major step for me because I use too like them untill they got rammed down my throat but they were actually not bad last night, and I'm with Scrooge up there^^^ Lindsey is such a "kill joy" I hope Lucy DOES say "Boom"! The airhead twins were not over wowing, but it still kept my interest (did not see the Closer by the way). It was good to have it end on such a light hearted note after all it is Christmastime:). A+
Last episode of the year and I was a little disappointed. Kim & Vanessa need to go back to their celeb-reality worlds...can someone remind me what these two are famous for again?

I did like a few things:

~Saxaphonist at the beginning of the episode. Reminded me of a friend who passed away, he was a talented sax player who gave his life for a greater cause (sorry I digress)

~Mac & Stella getting a Christmas their conversation at the beginning...actually made me feel warm & fuzzy

~Danny saying boom after he told Stella that Lindsay didn't want him saying it watch, that'll be the baby's first word

~The volunteering at the end. It was nice to see the team come together, but they were missing two people (damn budget cuts)

~Flack makes a cute elf, can someone send him to my house :D
Loved it! Mac ♥ Stella. :)

It's interesting. The previous episode is the best so far I think but this one is light and this makes sense. In time for the holidays. Sooooo A+ :D
Overall it was a good feel-good episode. Favorite line was Danny in interrogation: "you jacking Santa...?" The look on his face was so telling of the childlike nature of his character and made me smile. I felt like Danny was more himself in this episode than at any time previously this season. The "boom" thing was cute and I didn't hate Lindsay for it.

I have always liked the way Stella and Mac interact even though I don't ship them as a romantic couple. Whether romantic or not I see them as family and I like how the writers use Stella to lighten Mac's countenance. He gets very cardboard with his delivery and is usually serious to a fault and Stella pulls him out of that.

I liked the D/L teamwork. I hated thing 1 and thing know who I mean:rolleyes:. Loved the guest singer, loved Soul Sister, Sam Baker can come stay with me next:drool:.

Christmas wish: That the show would bring back the magic of seasons past. There were glimpses of it in this episode and it made it just that much more apparent that things are not the same. Personally, I am glad that they are trying to keep all the main characters. Even though we, as fans, each might have at least one that we could easily do without. I want the two case episodes back with everyone involved and on screen. I will keep watching and hoping that the overall economy will recover and this will happen.

Hey, how about that...short for a change!