Grade Season One of CSI: NY

Favourite Episode of Season 7

  • Resurrection

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Won't Get Fueled Again

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • And How Does That Make You Kill?

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Raging Cannibal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bombshell

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Wrecking Crew

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • Cheating Death

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Gone Baby Gone

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Power Trip

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • The DeLuca Motel

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Tipping Point

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Head Case

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • And They're Offed

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Smoke Gets In Your CSIs

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • Presumed Guilty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sink or Swim

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • Divorce Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flight Risk

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Target Specific

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing

    Votes: 24 48.0%
  • Chip/Tuck

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Dead on Arrival

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • Collateral Damage

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Dissolved

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • Seeing Red

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
The first season of NY has finished up in the U.S. What's your overall impression of it? Did you think NY got off to a good start? What's your impression of the season as a whole? Will you be tuning in next season?

If you live outside the U.S. and the season hasn't finished up yet, I leave it up to you about voting in the poll. I'll leave it up all summer so that you can vote when you finish up the first season if you want, or if you'd rather vote now, that's fine, too! :)
I guess I'd give it an A because I'm so in love with NY right now. The season started out slow, but I do like a lot of the early episodes like "Blink" and "Outside Man." Overall, I'd say NY had the best season of the three CSI shows, though I might be biased because I really like the characters so much.

I love NY. :)
I gave it an A-

-Some of the episodes were slow. I think the show was still trying to find its sea legs.

-I dislike the massive focus on Danny in the second half of the season. I felt like Aiden, Hawkes, and Flack were disadvantaged by this.
I gave it an F because I personaly found it terrible and poorly done.
B+ I wasn't a big fan of it, but it's a good season. I'll buy it when it's out of DVD. Don't care much for TV right now. Can only drag myself to it to watch E.R. and CSI: LV.

ctx :D
I gave it an A. With it being the first season and all you have to cut it some slack. I did like the first couple of dark episodes, but from there the character driven episodes have won me over.

NY is my favorite, and a rerun of Vegas is even on right now and I am online talking about the NY show!
A: pretty good for a first season. It had its good and bad moments, but what show doesn't. There were some unresolved issues this season, that carried over, will make next season better.
A-It came out and performed in true CSI fashion. Plus, drag or not, it did what a first season is meant to do-introduce us to the characters, places, and situations that are bound to come up over the next seasons. It was a great setup for things to come. I believe I will be tuning in next season (of course, as long as Carmine's on the show it could be crap for all I care, I would still tune in).
i really like the first season (A)... it put a challenge to us all if we would watch or not coz if you think about it CSI has saturated the network...

i like the feel/groove it has, i mean it's set in a harsh environment with harsh cases yet the juxtaposition of the character reactions and relationships in the latter half of the season made it worth watching

i do agree that some of the characters were more fleshed out than the rest but THAT'S why we have a second season

in the words of Riddick... "Just wait."
I graded A because IMO i think it was Fooking brilliant even with all it's faults, i dunno there was something about it that really drew me in to the point of obsessive behaviour so for that alone ive got to take my hat off to it.
thanks Top for keeping it up till the summer i want to vote once i have seen all the eps!

although i really like(love) NY i still want to wait to vote!
I gave what I saw an A. I missed the first 6 or 7 episodes, so I still have a little to look forward to this summer. I will most definitely be tuning in for season 2. They got me; hook, line and sinker.