Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

How would you grade Rush to Judgment?

  • A+

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • A

    Votes: 27 42.9%
  • A-

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • B

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • C

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I liked this episode alot I gave it an A!!!
I Think that it was really sweet of Lindsay to bring the Flowers the the guys wife.
I liked Eddie is this episode!!!
Alot of you are right Flack is a good Cop, but he is not by the book sometimes but most of the time he is:)
Grade: B

Good episode but i wasn't too impressed. However there were good points and (i'm afraid) shadows too

Father's boy--->Oh George Newbern, George Newbern!!!!!!!!! I really missed your Owen, you know! I'm glad he came back from "Providence". Usually I don't read cast list so i discovered him at the end of this episode. It's funny how Melina's old mates perfom in CSI NY but they never share scenes together (Seth Peterson was the other one in "Boo")

Sid---> Oh My!:guffaw: when he had the hand on his own hands he gave a new meaning to the word CREEPY:guffaw:

Don's case---> why the IAB jumped on Donnnie when the autopsy report wasn't finished yet? There are many reasons to have convulsions. Yes, i do understand it was too suspicious he was with the kid inside the interrogation room but still.. Also the cause of death was...(sorry did Sid say apoxia? and then a heart failure because of it?) When you have a convulsive attack the way you get without oxygen is if your jaws dropped and your tongue dropped too closing you airways

Lindsay---> i'm glad she worked with Stella. Now she is being recovered (very slowly) as a CSI. Later we will need to recover her as a friend. It would be nice if she had more social interaction (EXCEPT Danny of course)with everyone. It was odd she said "Boom". when are these writers going to learn they can't become a character into another character just because they can? Last week was Hawkes. Now is Danny. Could they just try to give her body language and habits of her own?????

Angell---> Oh Boy!:vulcan: where was Angell anyway? was she kinapped and sent away to Mars or anytthing like that?:vulcan: how is possible Don was under scrutiny and she was worried about "gossips"? couldn't she tell he was affected (beyond the fact he was innocent) and her words about the rumours were...just NOT right????:vulcan: (well wrong moment). Also if a relationship between two police officers is accepted...why was she so worried anyway?:cardie:

Mac---> he changed after Veritas. he is more tolerant and sweet with all those who sorround him. Of course he gets upset time to time but it was nice how confident he was about Don's behaviour and how he let Don knew he was there for him:thumbsup:The ending with Mac explaining to the father he killed the coach for nothing It was like "Here it's to you Mrs Azrael" when Stella had to explain the mother she killed her own daughter (but it wasn't as effective this time)

Danny--> kiddo, you need garlics (tons of them) tied with a red lace just to frighten away your bad luck:rolleyes:

Hawkes---> i would have like a continuity regarding Kara. But this was Don's storyline anyway. On the other hand it was nice to have him full time as Stella's sidekick (Adam is the other:thumbsup:

Stella and Mac---> LOL i LOVE them together:drool::drool::drool:. If there is something about how a couple must behave they are a fine example (even when they are not a couple...yet:drool:) I loved how Mac handled Stella's ansiety regarding Don and made her focus again on the case:p Also i loved how they fed each other's intelligence at the end to solve the case:bolian: . I LOVE them. Period:lol:

Stella and Flack---> i am known for being a die hard Smacked fan but the scene they had together was one of the sweetest i can remember (even much better than in All Access). She made time just to go downstairs to let him know she was there for him as he was years before for her:thumbsup:I don't have words to describe it. Actually not even Stella had words enough to comfort him.

Direction---> I must confess i liked the double screen and the "two days ago" reverse images in fast motion
I truly LOVE IT!:thumbsup: (not as shipper but as CSI NY fan)

Debbie :thumbsup:

ps: I missed Adam

ps2: The next episode will be about...?:wtf: Only it was mentioned Don will be back at work:thumbsup: and hopefully Angell will be back from outterspace to have a nice scene with him:bolian:
I thought this episode was entertaining. I enjoyed it.
I don't get the big hype on Lindsay saying 'Boom'? I thought it was subtle and cute. I barely registered it until I rewatched it.
Its not like every episode they have Danny and Lindsay mackin' out, or saying their "I love you's" I like that it is there that they are together without stupidity.
I really enjoy Lindsay, I think shes adorable on her own. When she gave the woman roses, I got a little teary. it was sweet.
LpoHeartsNick, I think the deal about "Boom" is more of a thing with, like, "Oh, are they trying to make her and Danny more alike", etc. It's just a thing with whether or not having Lindsay use Danny's "catch phrase" is just TPTB trying to push the "See? They're a couple! Don't you see?"

I'm torn about the Flack/Angell thing. On one hand, SQUEE! On the other hand, was she a bit too worried about their relationship instead of Flack's perdicament. Personally, if I separate myself from the shipper in me, I have to say that it didn't really strike me as uncaring. I would've liked a comment from her to him about it, but from my perspective at that point in time she was more stressed about the fact that anything she said in defense of him in the interview was pretty much negated by the fact that IAB knows they're together. That's how the scene read from my POV- it wasn't necessarily that she was placing the knowledge of their relationship over Flack being removed from active duty, it was a bit more of a "no matter what I said in that interview, they aren't going to believe it because it's possible that I lied because we're seeing each other".
I did enjoy this episode it had teh promise to really let Eddie shine but for some reason i found there was little focus on him in my eyes i thought there was a chance for so much more.

The whole going backwards stuff was cool, It did confuse me that they reused the whole scene in the police station which i thought wasn't totally needed we had only seen it not long before, i understand a small recap but not near enough whole scene.

Sid creeped me out with the hand, it was just eww.

Danny falling over was just totally unexpecting it was a moment when i had to think did it happen in the shooting of the scene and they went lets just run with it. But it definatley shows he needs his glasses back.

I loved the stella/flack scene it was unbelievably cute and cut the tension slightly and nice to see flack it doing proper work while he is on desk duty.

Overall it was good ep i think can't really find much else to say about it.
I don't know why the boys had to access the coach's wi-fi to get into his e-mail account. Couldn't they have just hacked into his account from their own home?

I also wonder why the coach's internet connection wasn't secured. One would thing that the internet provider would want to protect their customer and that a teacher would know to have it secure. And way was it on, when the wife just got home from work? Our box is off when no one is using the computer.

The chase scene with the high school kid didn't make much sense to me, either. Why couldn't they have just gone in when school was in session and pull him out of class. Although it was cool to see Angell tackle that freaking brat and bring him to the ground.

Danny needs to put his glasses back on. He squints too much without them.
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I give it a C-. For not enough Flack and too much Angell (which is ANY Angell IMO. Sorry.).

Seriously though the tough girl attitude and the slow motion was a bit overdone. I mean I'm all for a strong woman but that one guy was tossing people around and she walks right up and is all "Hey that's my desk". And in a room full of detectives and unis she's the only one to pull her gun and ends the crisis.

Not to mention, all of a sudden she and Flack are secret lovers now?? :wtf:
And let me tell ya she's quite the supportive girlfriend. Flack is having the worst day of his life and all she cares about is herself and accuses him of outing their relationship. ...As she strikes up this conversation in the middle of the precinct. :rolleyes:

The main thing that bugs me though is that her character was never really established. People weren't even sure what her first name was for like 2 seasons! She popped in now and then and now she's just a love interest for Flack. And really, I know I'm kinda the minority here, but I don't see the chemistry at all. Angell falls completely flat for me in every scene she's in.

I dunno, I just wish we had more development before they were suddenly in a secret relationship. I know this is a procedural but still. I'd rather them not do relationships at all if they're not even going to build and develop them well. I'm so sick of all this assuming and resorting to "it happened off screen" the way we had to do with DL 90% of the time.

If you're gonna do the relationship thing then DO IT. On screen. With some real basis.

Lastly, I was disappointed that Flack still didn't get that much screen time. I was hoping this would be his "On The Job" or "Raising Shane". I wanted the ep and the case to be all about him. It would have been better if the case was trying to figure out how the boy died and whatnot.

Bah. Maybe my hopes were just too high for this ep. I mean there were parts I definitely enjoyed but I wanted an entirely Flack centric episode. He is a fan favorite after all!! And for God's sake give us a friggin Danny/Flack scene where Danny is finally the one supporting Flack and not the other way around.

Also, just as an aside, I also miss Danny being the take down guy but the reason is because Carmine herniated a disc or something so he can't really tackle people anymore. He said so in the video game extra thing where they interviewed him. So don't get mad at the writers!

Here's the interview:
The story was pretty interesting, and rather gruesome with having to put the victim back together, but I have to agree with the other poster who said it felt like Flack's story got pushed aside when it should have been the main focus.

I missed seeing a scene between Danny and Flack. So far, Flack has failed to make any mention of the fact that his best friend is going to be a father, and now said friend has failed to show him any support when his job is on the line.

What on Earth was up with all those bizarre split screens and slow motion shots? It was so distracting and kept taking me out of the story. Isn't that usually CSI:Miami's routine? I hope CSI:NY isn't going to make a habit out of this...

I did like Lindsay giving the victim's widow the boquet of roses, I thought that was very sweet, and as a lover of bad puns I liked her "Can I give you a hand?" line. However I could do without the "Boom!" line.

Flack and Angell are a couple? Since when? Didn't they have only one on-screen kiss so far? At least they have better chemistry than Danny and Lindsay...
Flack and Angell are a couple? Since when? Didn't they have only one on-screen kiss so far?
I don't mean to sound dismissive or argumentative, but isn't that how many couples start on TV?

The slow motion shots are getting on my nerves though. Flack's tackle last week and Angell's tackle this week would've actually been better if they had been in regular speed. It just looks cheesey, and I'm not exactly happy with it.

By the way, I've seen this in multiple TV shows, and it's always confused me. Flack was doing CPR, Angell checks the kid's pulse, and says he's dead. Isn't the point of CPR to restart a not beating heart? IE, try to make him not dead?
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The episode needed more Flack, for sure. They set us up nicely at the beginning, and just let us down as the episode progressed.
Flack and Angell are a couple? Since when? Didn't they have only one on-screen kiss so far?

I don't mean to sound dismissive or argumentative, but isn't that how many couples start on TV?

The slow motion shots are getting on my nerves though. Flack's tackle last week and Angell's tackle this week would've actually been better if they had been in regular speed. It just looks cheesey, and I'm not exactly happy with it.

Re: Flack & Angell

I guess so. Maybe I was just thinking that there would be a little more build up to the reveal or something I dunno. Or maybe it was just the way it was revealed. I can't explain it.

I really hope that the slow motion and the split screens won't be permanent. Sometimes split screens can work when you need to give out a lot of information to the audience that can't be done it a single frame, but other times it's just distracting.
*laughs* Well, I had been expecting a question about whether or not they were dating, not a statement about how they were dating, so I guess I agree with you on that, Carrieattheprom.

Again, I'm biased so I don't really mind how it was revealed. (Although if it had gone D/L style, I would have been very unhappy, because one is enough, thank you.)
I need to add something. When i wrote my review i forgot to add one of the "shadows"

Could CSI NY's TPTB just get back Stella's old wardrobe?????????????. I know it's winter there (in South America we are being fried as bacon grrrrr) but her clothes are....just NOT right
I miss her cleavage. I don't care if she looks professional or not but she can't turn from Sexy Stella to Mother Superior Stella
Pleaseeeeeeee her old wardrobe MUST be back

(Btw i like her new necklace) ;)

Debbs :D

ps: House's TPTB should be the same advice about my beloved Cuddy's clothes. Both Stella and Cuddy are looking like nuns this season grrrrrr
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I really hope that the slow motion and the split screens won't be permanent. Sometimes split screens can work when you need to give out a lot of information to the audience that can't be done it a single frame, but other times it's just distracting.

Oh, I so agree with you there. Those annoyed the crap out was like they were trying to make the show cool and hip by doing freeze frames on random things and slow motion and split really doesn't look cool to me at all, just distracting and downright annoying.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good
-Yes a dramatic episode that focus on Flack, I have been waiting for this since season 1.
- The scene when Flack doing the chest compressions on the kid and Angel telling him that it was too lat but Flack kept doing them. Than the look on his face when it finally sunk in that the kid was dead was SO, SO sad. I just wanted to take Flack in my arms and tell him it was going to be all right! :luvlove:
-Great that others had to come to Flacks rescue, and great for Eddie playing Flack as all uncomfortable with it. :thumbsup:
- D/L Baby bump, Phase I. Though I am not thrilled with the story line, at least Lindsey is not about to be swallowed whole by her lab coat; or constantly stuck behind a huge-ass computer or table like in season 3.
- Trouble in paradise, secrets out about Flack and Angel. Angel blames Flack and Flack snaps back at her. Could there be a break up in the works (please God, PLEASE!!!)
- The scene where Hawks shows Mac the kiddies-porn. That look on Gary’s face was priceless, someone please give that man an Emmy!!!!! :thumbsup:
- The crazy guy in the precinct, the assistant coach, the victim, the killer, most of the cops; all hot. This episode was dripping with man-candy!!!!!:drool:
-Sniff…Sniff…I miss you Mr. Potato-head! :(
-”Here let me give you guys a hand,” he he very puny Lindsey!
-”If the glove fits,” and “ I have heard of regifting…,” ah-man great lines!:guffaw:
-Great scene with Stella and Flack, he was there for her when she got attacked and now she’s returning the favor. So Sweet!!!
-The scene with the coaches wife, Lindsey and Stella as they are pressing her for info. They look like the really feel sorry for her, great scene.
-The whole murder case this week reminded me of “Here’s to you Mrs. Azreal” form season 3, the whole fact that Dad killed someone, felt completely justified about it, but who was a completely innocent, just a victim of his sons black-mail scheme, D’HO!!!!!! :brickwall:
-Sweet ending between Mac and Flack! And Mac willing to sit through a hockey game for him, aw! Hmm..I think I feel a new slash fiction brewing!!!!

The Bad
-Hmm…looks like everyone in the department knows Flack and Angel are doing the horizontal mambo. Looks like the NYPD’s got its own Gossip Girl.
-Hope Angel’s Police Captain Daddy hasn’t heard the news or Flack may go from rubber gun squad to meter maid overnight.
- Danny trips on a snow board. He can juggle two women at a time and even knock one of them up but can’t catch a teen without a prate fall. Luckily Angel was with him for one of her cool take downs.
-The miracles properties of alligator blood…eeeeew!!!!! :wtf:
-You spill your alligator blood at the victims home, and then e-mailed the photos to yourselves????? Man what are they teaching kids today in schools??? Why when I was their age I never got caught when I would…um, never mind.
-Come on using a common hand-held chain saw to cut up the body. You know how much of a mess that makes. Why its much easier to…um, again, never mind.
-Absolutely no Adam! :angryrazz:
-How come we don’t ever see Mac actually trying to clear Flack until the end!
-Man swallowing that may Anti-depressants is just going to make you puke-up your guts. You should swallow…Ok, I’m just going to stop talking now! :censored:

The Ugly
-Shirtless, skinny, blonde boy? Wasn’t that kiddie porn short form a Calvin Kline ad in the ‘90s?????
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