Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

How would you grade Rush to Judgment?

  • A+

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • A

    Votes: 27 42.9%
  • A-

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • B

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • C

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I meant to do this with the episode "My Name Is Mac Taylor" but I didn't. So I'll try my hand at recapping this episode.

LOL Flack. Flack--"Six pens in his leg and a bunch of screws loose in his head. And I was hoping for a slow day."
Muscle Man is loose.
LOL Angell. Angell--"Hey. That's my desk. Get down."
DANG. How many cops did it take to subdue Muscle Man???
He's dead. Poor Flack. Flack tried to revive him.

:klingon:Commercials. Don't you just hate them???:klingon:
That's why I love ON DEMAND. Only about 4 commercials the whole show. One before the show and 2 spaced way apart during the show. And one after the show.

Flack you should listen to Mac and wait for the union rep.
Happy New Year. Flack made confetti out of that paper.
Quick time rewind.
Ick. Dude landed very close to, almost on the foot.
LOL Stella. Stella--"I've heard of re-gifting but this is pushing it."
There's the arm Danny and Hawkes found. Wrapped in the same Christmas wrapping paper.
LOL Danny. Danny--"I'm thinking Christmas with the in-laws." Christmas with the in-laws. Hmmm. That sounds like a good name for a Christmas themed romantic-comedy movie.
LMAO. Lindsay--"Maybe I can give you a hand." Then hands Sid the hand.
Cool song.
Someone didn't admire him.
There's the blood.
LOL...Lindsay said "boom."
Someone tell the poor pregnant CSI that "boom" is Danny's line.
Coach lied to his wife about where he was Thursday nights.
The blood isn't human. It's gator blood.
Alligator??? I didn't know they had gators in New York. I knew they had gators in Miami.

:klingon:I HATE COMMERCIALS!!!:klingon:

Pretty helicopter view of snow covered New York.
LOL Danny. Danny--"You obsessed? No."
Lindsay's mom smoked??? Learn something new...
Chainsaw montage to funky music.
LOL Flack. Flack--"Mind if I cut in?"
What kind of accent is that she has???
Kiddie Porn.
Mac's not the only one that makes sick. Makes me sick, too.
And now we're right back where we started.

:klingon:MORE STINKING COMMERCIALS!!!:klingon:

Sounds like Sid was implying Flack did it.
You tell him, Angell.
Inquiry is the IA way of saying "We're gonna fry the guy."
They're IA. Of course they think Flack's guilty.
Found the chopped up guy's head.
Nice Stella/Flack scene.
Pervert. Leave Stella alone. She'll shoot you.
Lady, your husband lied about where he was on Thursday nights. You don't know him well as you think.
Love that thru the computer shot.
LOL Danny. Danny--"I got good news and I got good news. Which you want first?"
LOL Mac. Mac--"Whatever's faster."
Dude's running.
Nice take down, Angell.
4 older brothers??? Wow.

:klingon:UGH!!! Commercials!!!:klingon:

They got you dude.
I agree. I think the pics got the coach killed.
OOH. The scumbag doesn't like being called "Scumbag."
Where's Hawkes and what's he doing???
Your son sent the pic, dude.
Sad song. I may cry before it's over.
Short sad song. No crying.
I'm glad they cleared Flack.
Love that Mac/Flack moment.
LOL Flack. Flack--"I didn't know you liked hockey."
LOL Mac. Mac--"I don't."

I give this episode an A. Maybe an A+. I'll come back, edit this post and tell you how I voted after I vote. ;)

OK...I voted. I went with...drumroll...A+. :cool:
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Argh why is there no ep next week???? *cries*

I was a little nervous about tonight but I probably shouldn't have been, there's no way they wouldn't clear him. Although when Mac was the one being investigated, it took him several eps to get cleared.

Not a bad ep though, even if not outstanding. I'll go with a B.

I wish I knew how to do good commentary but I like reading all of yours.

There is one problem with On Demand. You can't really FF through the short commercials because it takes like five seconds to stop FF'ing and if you time it wrong you go way past where you wanted to be.
Next week they're going to re-run Veritas, and the following week they're going to re-run Page Turner, no new episode until the 11th of February.

Also, I forget which episode it was but Flack said "Boom" and either Mac or Stella told him he'd been working with Danny too long. (So I assumed when Lindsay said it, it was because she had been spending a lot of time with Danny).

And Angell's take down was quite good.
Also, I forget which episode it was but Flack said "Boom" and either Mac or Stella told him he'd been working with Danny too long. (So I assumed when Lindsay said it, it was because she had been spending a lot of time with Danny).

The season 4 episode "Admissions" is where Flack used "boom".
Mac and Stella ask together "Who discovered the body?" To which Flack said "You 2 have been working together way too long." Then when Flack is telling them about the person finding the body "A student came in looking for her keys and... boom." To which Mac replies "Boom? You and Danny have been working together way too long.":guffaw:
That's my favorite scene in that episode.
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I'm not sure which is scarier:

Danny with a chainsaw....
...OR the fact that I have that very same chainsaw.

And I got it for Christmas last year! (and no, it wasn't wrapped in blue

And my only gripe about the saw part of the ep? The saw has a maximum
cut radius of 9 inches. Now I don't know about the rest of him, but that
dude's neck looked a lot bigger than 9 inches.

Ah well. I can forgive them the small stuff.
i loved this ep! one of the best to date!

- angst flack was great to see. eddie did a great job with this. flack had cute moments with stella and mac. whisks will never be the same again. :lol: although, was there a danny-comforting-flack scene? did i miss it or was there none really? :confused:

- angell kicked serious butt this ep. haha. she caught the kid all by herself without danny's help. he tripped. lool. i bet tptb purposely did this so angell could have her shining moment, and i am not complaining about it. :p

- iab knows about flack and angell's "relationship"? sneaky. pssh. but i am glad that tptb finally confirmed that they were seeing each other. and i agree with fay that they can be and are professionals when they're on the job, and they don't let their personal deals mess with work, so all's good. the whole "there are more things to be worried about than the gossip" scene was kinda tense, but they still look hot together anyway :devil: :lol:

- i wish flack caught the dancer in his arms. i think the girl would just die.:guffaw:

- no adam? and lindsay saying boom. uhhh. okay. we got pretty good quotes this ep. i loved mac's "private salsa lessons? is that what they call it these days?" lol. and when danny asked angell after tackling the kid, high school wrestling team? angell: "four older brothers." hahaha. and how can i forget danny's christmas with the in-laws and stella and flack's whisk. haha.

i give it an A... or A+. imma think about it first. :p
I gave it a very disappointing C. I think I was so disappointed because I'd realy been looking forward to the potential of this episode but it just didn't come to fruition for me.

Firstly, this was a perfect opportunity to see Danny offering support to Don after all the times Don's been there for him. Instead tptb took that opportunity away by having both Stella and Mac be the support. Not that I minded that, it was all really nice and Don absolutely deserved that support but where was Danny?

Second, I was really frustrated by Angell this episode. Normally I kind of like her although on the whole don't see anything particularly compelling about her character. I hated the contrived way they had her being the tough cop, not just once but twice. I tolerated the way she dragged Don over the cab to safety in S4 despite how ridiculous it was. This, was just too much though. If anything her actions here were more realistic than dragging a man twice her size anywhere but it just felt like overkill. The situation in the precinct was laughable. Was she the only officer armed? Were the other cops a bunch of rookies on their first day? Then having her do the take down while Danny was busy tripping over his own feet? Not bad in itself but it really felt like tptb were just trying to big Jess up and for me it didn't work, just succeeded in making me feel a little irritated. The nail in the 'irritated with Angell' coffin was her lack of support for Don. She was more concerned with people knowing about them than she was with him, just walking away when he said he had other things to worry about. What was that all about? Weird.

The best thing was Eddie. He kept Don perfectly in character when it would have been very easy to go a little over the top. Great job.
This was really a dissapointed episode,and for me one of the worse to date.
Everything fell just flat and I really hated the fact that they tried to make Flack some sort of martyr who can`t do anything wrong.
I feared that we wouldn`t get any Danny/Flack scenes and low and behold we didn`t.
We get the revalation that Flack and Angell are dating,which is gonna be just as worse as Danny/Lindsay dating.
Cause it will probally be getting more attention and will be more drama on the relationship front.

The lights in the episode were the comments from Danny,Sid and Hawkes,otherwise this episode would be sinking.
Had to get that out of my system.

I gave the episode an A because I genuinly enjoyed it despite spitting out my drink and nearly gagging upon hearing Marc Anthony during the dancing scene.

Flack did a great job throughout the episode and its always great to see them all step up and take a stand for their buddy when hes being accused.
Flack and Angel were adorable I definately knew something had been going on with those two before they even had the talk at his desk or with IAB just something about the looks in the opening few scenes when they brought the kid into the station.

EWWWWWWW Sid with his hand inside somebody else's skin that made me wanna barf.
Lindsay is the size of a freakin house...did anybody else notice how she seems to go from not showing at all to being the size of a house very quickly. My friend actually didnt start showing till about her fifth month and then she ballooned to being house size lol.

Flack and Stella and the Whisk was adorable I love how loyal Stella is to her friends and colleagues no matter what. *Smacks Flack for not knowing what a whisk is" even I know what a whisk is and Ive yet to be seen cooking in my entire 22 years of life ;)

The whole dismemberment was just nasty and that stuff always makes me a little queezy (sp?).
I whsih they would for once let us see the development of the relationship instead of suddenly being like of yeah and these people are now magically a couple.
And another thing. Did any of you notice the kid whos dad killed the coach said that his father was poor and couldnt afford to send him to college adn yet when they went to raid the guys definately didnt look like they were that strapped for cash?

This episode could have been a lot better than it was, but instead we were robbed of any dramatic tension by it being so obvious from the get-go that Flack had nothing to do with the suspect's death. Eddie was awesome, and he had me believing in Flack's frustration and worry despite the fact that the story itself really didn't play into a notion of any real peril for Flack.

And Danny was too busy making bad jokes about the dead body to take the time to offer Flack, who has done so much for him, a few words of support? Truly lame. It makes Danny look so self-absorbed.

Nice to see Lindsay actually show compassion for another human being--too bad it was mostly in action and not in words. A nice gesture, but it never gets beneath the surface of "Lindsay feels bad for the sad widow." The complete lack of depth to the character boggles sometimes, but hey, at least we saw her thinking of someone other than herself for once.

I liked Flack and Angell together in this episode--she doesn't coddle him (Flack would never go for that) and backs down when he tells her he's got bigger problems than who spilled the beans about their relationship. Nice to see a mature relationship between the two, without the storming off and lack of communication that characterizes Danny and Lindsay's relationship.
Yeah angell kickin' ass once again :D
That was very sweet of Lindsay to bring the woman white roses as her late husband used to do.
Angell & Flack in relationship, whooptidoe! :D

Loved the episode all around!
I gave it an A-

1) Yes, apparently Lost is more important that CSI:NY. That's OK - I saw it this morning. Gotta watch it again, tho, since I was getting ready for work, and didn't pay close attention to it. I apparently missed the music that everyone is talking about!

2) My review, not necessarily in the order in which things happened:
Lindsay just shouldn't say Boom. Never. Got it?
I agree - manhugs were in order, but I didn't see them. Writers: are you listening? MANHUGS!!!!
That grey makes me melt. He's the same age I am. Most people our age are just starting to get grey hair. He looks distinguished, and I look....old. :eek:
Seriously, where were all those parts coming from? Nevermind. Just know that they had pieces to the puzzle so that the team can find the killer.
Mr. Potato Head conversation, well, coulda been left on the cutting room floor.
Hey, Angell, why you so worried about what other people think? Your man is in trouble. Isn't that just a little more important than gossip or people finding out that you have a wittew boyfwend?
Seriously - Danny got to try out the chainsaws? And, BTW, does the lab ALWAYS have just the right tool/instrument - you know, the same kind as the one the killer used? And, why is there always a fairly quick answer to the problem? *SIGH* It's the magic of TV.
I notice Adam is missing. HMMMM :confused: I want Adam.....
Blood on the roof - not human, it's alligator. Oooooh. And, lo and behold, SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT!!!! Do I sound surprised? :shifty:
Thanks, Mac, for takin' care of Flack!
Stella kissin' Flack - sweet, but BACK OFF! He's mine!!!!
Danny, where you at boy? You're supposed to help Flack. He helped you.
Carolyn, just wait a few more hours and watch it OnDemand! I did! Oh, wait, hubby had to watch....Lost. I wasn't pleased. Maybe we can plead for a commercial-free hour, just once?
Khanada - I was wondering about that saw. I mean, really, how do you get through the torso? Seriously......

I liked the way Eddie played this out. He did an excellent job. I never really took to Angell, esp. once she and Flack started showing interest in each other. But, she's grown on me, and I can tolerate her. Acutally, I almost like her!
I want manhugs. Have I said that before?
Mac is great for takin' care of his own.
Stella was sweet for caring about Don.
Danny. Well, he wasn't there for Don. What's up with that?
Lindsay. She needs to ineract with the rest of the scene and show some emotion. Really, she should. Oh, and never say boom again.
Adam.....Adam......Adam....Where's Adam? I wanna see Adam in action. I guess AJ was taking a bit of a break? Maybe he's resting to prepare for the rest of the season.
I liked the episode. Let's get that out of the way right now, because I have issues with the episode's presentation, and by the time I'm done ranting and raving and waggling my baboon-red ass at the PTB for everything that burned my cheese, I'm afraid that truth might be lost. So, I liked the episode. It started with a bang and held my attention throughout, and for once, I felt for the victim. Usually, I roll my eyes and think, Oh, gee, another rich, white turd bites the dust. Pass me a cracker, but this time, I had profound sympathy for the wrestling coach who was killed in the mistaken belief that he was a pedophile. I also had profound sympathy for his poor wife, who was being barraged on all sides by police and nasty phone vigilantes and who was still staunchly trying to defend her husband's honor.

It was a subtle parallel to the CSIs staunch defense of Flack's honor when the young suspect dies in his custody. Mac is quick to reassure Don at the scene, and he butts heads with Sid when Hammerback is forced to admit that the victim sustained a mystery blow to the head near the time of his death. Stella, too, lends her support in a wonderful, genuinely warm scene. They've clearly rallied around Flack, and it was a marked improvement from "Charge of This Post", wherein the CSIs were alarmingly disinterested in the fact that he'd had his guts unraveled by a bomb and gawped at his supine form through the glass walls of his hospital room as though he were the tenth stop on an excruciatingly boring visit to the zoo.

However, this episode was a squandered opportunity and a gross miscarriage of advertising. I expected this to be a Flack-centric episode, but what I got was a peripheral framework that surrounded the case proper and was treated as an aside, and an inconsequential one, at that. After the teaser, I expected that Flack's quandary would be the primary focus. More fool, me. After he's accused, Flack disappears almost entirely from the narrative, and when we do see him, he's bizarrely unruffled by the fact that his integrity as an officer is being questioned, and that he is facing disgrace and a possible murder trial.

I know Flack is much more even-keeled than Danny, but there is a difference between composure and indifference. I didn't expect Flack to lock himself in the bathroom and cry or head down to Sullivan's and drown his sorrows until Mac dragged him out, but I did expect more outrage, more indignation. He's being accused of killing a teenage boy, and yet, he sits at his desk and does crossword puzzles. When Stella asked him how he was holding up, it was a prime opportunity for him to vent, to admit that he was angry or worried, but he only muttered, "Fantastic," and kept on working his puzzle. Are you serious? Passionate Flack, who gets worked up when the integrity of his fellow officers is questioned, and who foams at the mouth at the idea of killers going free because a cop's character was sullied, isn't going to be angry on his own behalf or worry about all the dirtbags he put away? Kiss my chapped ass, PTB. Flack should be pissed. He should be incensed. Instead, he behaved as though he'd downed a few of the victim's antidepressants and was on a cruise to Far-Out Island. What a shameful waste of Eddie Cahill's prodigious talents.

There were so many opportunities for development. We could've had Flack Sr. barrage the precinct and IAB offices with angry phone calls. Sam could've put in an appearance in solidarity. Danny, who owes Flack a million times over, could've returned the favor. But no. Lucky us. We're gifted with an answer to a question few of us were terribly concerned with. Flack and Angell are apparently "seeing each other." Oh, joy. Just what I wanted to know, that this show is about to be freighted with more soapy relationship drama. Right now, it's ambiguous enough that the PTB can back away slowly, but given the stunning lack of finesse they've demonstrated in their handling of the mangy, reeking DL Drama Llama, I fully expect to see them picking out curtains by season's end.

Memo to Det Angell: When your lover tells you that he's been stripped of his badge and gun(read, emasculated) by the department to which he's devoted himself for twelve years, that is not the time to accuse him of outing your clandestine love affair. Some support would be nice, you know, like the kind Stella offered five minutes later. A simple, "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" would've sufficed. Instead, you immediately hectored him about who he told that you were greasing his skids. Because clearly, you've been so discreet, sitting on his desk and undressing him with your eyes. I'm sure no one noticed a thing. It's not like you were surrounded by people trained to notice details and nuances in behavior. Oh, wait...

Also, if you're trying to keep your torrid affair secret, it might be a good idea not to discuss it in the middle of a quiet squadroom. Just a thought there.

And for God's sake, stow the wounded butthurt that Flack doesn't share your paranoid concern for the fact that the brass and your colleagues might think you're the squadroom skank. If you were so concerned about the opinions of other officers, then maybe you should've considered that before you broke the rules by dating a fellow officer in the same precinct. He's right: he does have bigger concerns at the moment than who's been spreading gossip. Like the possibility of having to arrange for conjugal visits in Sing Sing. Suck it up.


Dear Flack,

I think you stepped in it. It would be wise of you to sever ties before she breaks into your apartment and knifes your framed Messier jersey and boils your rabbit, but since that won't happen, might I suggest coffee and a massage at your place?


Two final points: What about that much ballyhooed bump on the victim's head? Was it ever explained? It was supposed to be the most damning evidence against Flack, yet it was never explained or even mentioned again. I assume it happened when the kid fell out of the chair, but I shouldn't have to assume.

How did Mac get Flack's badge? Shouldn't the oddly sanguine IAB officer have returned it? I'm assuming(once again)that Mac claimed it after delivering his patented evidentiary beatdown to the IAB. I would've liked to see that beatdown, but I'm sure it was axed in favor of that creepy scene of Lindsay delivering roses to the coach's widow. How did Lindsay know it was two days after their wedding anniversary, and what did she think it would accomplish? Was it her way of apologizing for the department's role in victimizing her during the worst days of her life? Whatever it was, it was nonsensical and out of place.

So, Mac doesn't like hockey, but he'll watch the Rangers game with Flack. How big of him. Danny and Stella should've been there as well, but that would've detracted from the awesomeness of Mac, and we can't have that.

B. It would've been an A if not for the criminally misleading advertising. I don't appreciate a bait and switch.
Decided to de-lurk, though i'm probably too old.

Two things annoyed me this week. Why did Mac the 'evidence man' not only jump to the conclusion that the victim was a pedophile, but allow Danny to say something like "he probably deserved it". The only one to wait for the evidence was Sheldon. If I was the widow, I would have decked Lindsay with those flowers. It would also be OOC for the original Danny to say something like that.

Secondly, when the camera panned to the other wrestler, I knew he was to blame. This is becoming normal practice. Last week the fiancee was allowed into the crime scene, just so we saw him and the helicopter girl from earlier in the season almost had a freeze-frame moment. I like to guess the 'baddy', but not in the first five minutes.

This was a Flack episode, err maybe not.

Whoever stole Adam, please bring him back.

If Danny was wearing his glasses, he would have known to jump higher.

Not another hidden romance set in stone, i'm expecting a prom for the finale. But please no 'wonder years' type relationship for Flack and Angel, one Kevin and Winnie is more than enough.

Didn't grade, too confusing. When I was at schooll, it was A - great, B - ok, C - Average, D - could do better and E - pick another subject.

Cast - generally A. Cases now mostly C and writers passing from D to E sadly.
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