Grade 'Right Next Door'

How would you grade Right Next Door

  • A+

    Votes: 22 24.7%
  • A

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • A-

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • B+

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • B

    Votes: 7 7.9%
  • B-

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 9 10.1%

  • Total voters
Get ready for one long-ass review. :lol: So much great stuff has been said already!

- Stella's boobs were riveting. :eek: :lol: I could hardly take my eyes off her cleavage every time the camera was on her! But seriously, this was her episode. Poor Stella, she lost all her personal belongings, and she being an orphan, they were probably all she had of her life. :( It's good to know she has wonderful, caring friends like Flack and Mac! :D

- Flack, that guy is so damn handsome every time, every week. Again, I didn't even notice any bad ties. It was like his face glowed. I enjoyed his various interrogation styles. It was great to hear him refer to Stella as someone he cares about. :) I expected no less from him. His expression when Bonnie was talking about how 'right' it was of her to kidnap those kids and keep them to herself was good too. Bonnie was creepy, possibly even creepier than last week's female villain because people like Bonnie are more common than we think.

- Mac was his fine self too. I laughed out loud at his facial expression when Stella turned down his offer to let her stay at his place! It seemed to say, "Whu? She turned down my offer? Whhhyy?" :lol: And did anyone else go, "Awwww," when Mac cuddled that cute, little girl out to safety and then touched her face and smiled warmly at her? That was very sweet. :D

- As some have mentioned, if it wasn't for the goldfishes, we would have barely seen Hawkes at all! Nice to see smart!Hawkes back again. In the scene where Lindsay goes all petulant on Danny, it was obvious Hawkes knew something was up with Lindsay and it had something to do with Danny. However, the way his expression looked, he seemed to be thinking, "Well, that wasn't very professional." (This isn't the first time Hawkes' witnessed Lindsay being that way. Remember him telling her off about leaving a card for Danny instead of talking to the guy face to face? Uh hmm.)

- Adam! Adam was cute and adorkable and his intelligent self as always. :D Is there ever a time when he does not PWN? His flirting with Stella was very cute too.

- And now, onto the Danny/Rikki Danny/Lindsay situation:

Faylinn, PerfectAnomaly and a number of other posters have stated excellent points regarding this. I want to put in my two cents as well because, really, all this rude name calling of Danny is ridiculous and downright immature. And can we say, totally jumping the gun here?

I give kudos to the writers for succeeding in catching our curiosity big time and maintaining it while still keeping us somewhat in the dark (at least until next week). To me, as it is so far, whatever's been going on between Danny and Lindsay is still undefined. Moreover, there's Carmine Giovinazzo's and Anna Belknap's statements in their recent interviews with CSI FIles and CSI magazine respectively to consider. They've both said that they 'don't know the status of D/L' and 'don't even know if D/L is even there or not'. This is coming from the very actors who've played Danny and Lindsay from the start. (And c'mon, ya guys think it's just a coincidence they would make such statements just a while before this week's episode aired? I'm certain TPTB was aware very early on of potentially vicious backlash they would receive from a specific group of people who've assumed Danny and Lindsay have been in a long term relationship all this time. Heh.)

About the inference thing, it's true that viewers can infer that Lindsay had attempted to be there for Danny, etc. but then that means viewers also have the right to infer that Lindsay didn't. It works both ways. The way things are, it makes more sense that Lindsay didn't since we have yet to be shown she's done anything close to giving Danny any support apart from a half-hearted try to talk to him in the morgue in episode 4x11. If that's Lindsay's epitome of giving support, she has more issues than she thinks!

I've noticed some reviewers saying that simply because they believe Danny and Lindsay have been in a long term relationship all this while, they have the right to think Danny cheated on Lindsay and that he's a [insert whatever silly expletive he's been called so far here].

Please repeat after me:


And before somebody comes up and points out they had sex in the season three finale ... if that's the measuring stick we're going to use to prove Danny and Lindsay are 'in love' or in some long term, exclusive relationship, well then. I guess Rikki, having had sex with Danny at least twice, must be guaranteed Danny's eternal love and his hand in marriage, hmm? ;)

However! I feel that no one's innocent in this situation. Not Danny, not Lindsay, not even Rikki. To shove all the blame on just one person is plain silly. Lindsay should have discussed things with Danny much, much earlier on instead of assuming things and hoping it would all turn out the way she expected. Danny should have told her the truth from the start if them having sex was just that, sex. As for Rikki ... I dunno. She did cringe from Danny in the church at the end of episode 11, but was it just an impulsive reaction during a time of grievance or a conscious action in which she felt repulsion towards Danny? Seeing as they're intimate now, I'm guessing it's the first. :p

About the Danny/Rikki scene, I'm gonna be blunt. I thought it was hot. Truly, in that scene alone, they have more natural chemistry and connection than Danny and Lindsay ever had in three seasons. Yes, the relationship certainly isn't your usual fanfare (which is just one of the reasons I love it), but it's realistic. It's believable. The scene is perfect proof of what happens when you put two good actors with good chemistry together! I for one hope that we will see much more of Rikki. I am very intrigued by how TPTB intends to handle the Danny/Rikki relationship. :) I really, really do not want TPTB to take the cliched, cheap road and turn Rikki into nothing more than a cheap plot device to get DL together. If that's their motive, they should have left Rikki out of it completely and showed both Danny and Lindsay to be mature adults for once!

And to end this insanely long post, here are a few more points about things:

- Rikki's comments about Danny being the 'guy she smiles at and jokes with at the mailbox' as well as saying she's just 'taking advantage of his guilt so she won't be alone' came off to me as very half-hearted attempts to push him away to protect HIM. Her telling Danny it's not his fault Ruben died implies that she doesn't blame him/has forgiven him of any wrongdoing and that she is aware he is still blaming himself for it. She knows them going into a relationship could end very badly but here's the thing ... Danny turned to her. Not only that, even after her protests, he insists on being with her and reassures her that he knows and that he 'doesn't care'.

Man, that's how much he yearns to be with her and to start something with her. :) I hesitate to say he's in love with her for now, but there's definitely something blooming between him and Rikki. Their attraction is very mutual and honest and deep.

- Lindsay's call to Danny? I don't think he was lying to Lindsay, just making excuses to not go out for lunch with her. When she asked what's wrong, the way he answered her seemed as if he was slightly annoyed with her, as if she was overstepping some boundary and she wasn't aware of it. (It corroborates the theory that she assumes they're an item because of their one time sex, while he thinks it was just a one time thing and a thing of the past.) And there's Danny telling her straight that he simply didn't want to go for lunch with her, why make a big deal out of it? Why, indeed.

About her saying it's her turn to buy? It sounded more like enticement to get him out than anything else. Remember Snow Day, people? Danny chose to have sex with Lindsay rather than pay up a hundred bucks. :guffaw:

So, writers? I know you're receiving a lot of nasty and probably rude feedback right now but believe you me, there are those of us who are happy with your work. Keep it up! I look forward to watching next week's episode.
I gave the episode an A but just because it was great and I closed my eyes during that scene, seems like that the scysofrenia bug got to the CSI: NY writters too :confused:

what I liked:

- no Angell
- Adam being all shy and dare I say flirty around Stella
- pissed Flack (he cares about her ;))
- Hawkes and the goldfishes
- Lindsay - she rocked in this episode, startiing with her wardrobe ending with her speech that showed in a nutshell what we have been asking ourselves since SD
- Stella being the focus point instead of Mac. it was refreshing

what I didnt like:

- Danny, there is a nomination for the Jerk of the year 2008 award right there
- Rikki still being in the picture - literally and figuratively speaking
- Mac should really leave the child whispering to Horatio :lol:

they managed to kill an otherwise incredible episode with one totally redundant scene. I could have eventually get over the fact that it happened, but I so didnt need to see it
*going to the pet store to buy some goldfish,will put them in a completely dark room for about 3 days to see if they really fade...*

Hawkes has inspired me... :drool:
I gave the episode an A but just because it was great and I closed my eyes during that scene, seems like that the scysofrenia bug got to the CSI: NY writters too :confused:

what I liked:

- no Angell
- Adam being all shy and dare I say flirty around Stella
- pissed Flack (he cares about her ;))
- Hawkes and the goldfishes
- Lindsay - she rocked in this episode, startiing with her wardrobe ending with her speech that showed in a nutshell what we have been asking ourselves since SD
- Stella being the focus point instead of Mac. it was refreshing

what I didnt like:

- Danny, there is a nomination for the Jerk of the year 2008 award right there
- Rikki still being in the picture - literally and figuratively speaking
- Mac should really leave the child whispering to Horatio :lol:

they managed to kill an otherwise incredible episode with one totally redundant scene. I could have eventually get over the fact that it happened, but I so didnt need to see it

Those are my exact feelings in a nutshell :lol:, I couldn't agree more. I didn't like the way Danny acted and Lindsay did an awesome job!
the first time watching the ep i thought it was ok then i watched it again and i liked it a bit more so i gave the ep a B-.

when i heard Stella was getting another personsal story i wanted to throw something at my TV. i like Stella she's a cool character but sometimes i get tired of seeing her drama. the fire in her place was good story, to me it kinda humbled Stella a bit and i felt bad that she didn't realize what the kid next door was doing.

the story with the woman taking the kid was messed up- not messed up on the writers writting this kind of story but just thinking that someone would actually really do something like that. i really give the writers credit for doing a great job of making this story personal for Stella but not having it revolve around her. that what the show should be all when it can: about the crimes but without the personal drama of one character front and center.

now onto Danny and Lindsay: i will gladly admit that i am a shipper of these two but they really need to get their shit together and grow up a bit (they're making Meredith Grey and Derek Sheperd look normal and mature in the relationship department lol). i like(d) to think that D/L were dating even if they never said it. as weird as it may sound i don't even they thought they were truly dating.

Danny i will say was a jerk for doing what he did with Rikki.... but at the same time he's most likely confused about where him and Lindsay stand i can't blame him, maybe he thought he was doing nothing wrong. i think what Lindsay said to him in the lab or office or whatever just snapped him back a little, the look on his face when she left look like one of guilt. it takes two to tango it wasn't just Danny's fault or just Rikki's fault for what happened it was both of them.

i'm willing to see where the writers take Danny and Rikki. like some have said it would be really stupid if this was the way to bring D/L closer together. it's cheap and could be handled a lot better in so many ways.

but anyway..... liked the ep one of the better ones of the season. Peter Lenkov said that this part of the season they were calling 4.5 b/c it's better and so far it really is.
I liked the episode. The plot was fairly easy to unravel in my opinion, but the flow was excellent and the plot was a bit more emotional. Missing children always tug at the heartstrings.

Mac carrying that little girl down from the building was probably my favorite scene from the whole episode. He's so tender and gentle with her. The way he brushes her hair back and then points out her parents for her was just amazing. *luffs on Mac*

There was not enough Flack in this episode. I did love his two interrogation scenes, although I wish they had allowed him to push a little harder with Connie to get even a tidbit of information from her.

I'm beginning to like the idea of a Stella/Adam pairing. They'd be cute together. Adam might make Stella more fun, and Stella would be a steady support for Adam. for Danny and Lindsay.

Danny cheated on Lindsay. It's that simple. I don't care if it's casual dating or if they are in a serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationship...he still screwed another woman. And I do NOT buy this idea that Danny had no idea that he was in any kind of relationship with Lindsay, or that he had NO idea that she liked him so much, blah blah. Unless you are admitting Danny is an utter moron, that's a stupid argument.

And he did lie to Lindsay, whether by omission of truth or by making excuses as to why he didn't want to get together for lunch with her. It doesn't matter the how of it or the why of it.

He LIED to her. It's something he was good at in Season One and I see he hasn't improved on that particular characteristic. I can understand the sex with Rikki, but I'm not digging the fact that he seems to expect Lindsay to just...what, wait around for him to be in a better mood.

F*cking the next door neighbor while in another relationship, even if it's just casual, is wrong. I'm an old-fashioned gal. I think if you're dating, you're mutual.

As for Lindsay. Good for her. She called Danny on his dreadful behavior, and she's letting him know he can't get away with it anymore. Grief and guilt can only be used as a buffer and an excuse for bad behavior for so long.

The pain is still pretty fresh, but Danny is being crappy boyfriend and an even lousier friend. And this is where I feel most people are missing the boat on what Lindsay said.

She said she feels like she has lost her best friend. Not her boyfriend. She did what he wanted and gave him space. She's obviously tried to be there for him but he doesn't want her help. She wants to do more for him, but he won't let her. She wants more from him, but she also realizes that it isn't what he wants, and she will have to learn to let go of it.

As much as Danny is a human and flawed character, so is Lindsay. She is reacting exactly how many of us would if our boyfriend or best friend blew us off and didn't want our help.

She is protecting herself from further pain by breaking it (whatever it is you think she has with him) off with Danny.

I was pleased with what she said to Danny. She's proven that she doesn't need Danny. Let's hope the writers don't make her fall all over him in the next few episodes.
Enjoyed the episode all around. Won't even touch the l& d drama. On a side note, that guy deserved an apology for being put through the wringer the way he was.
As for Lindsay. Good for her. She called Danny on his dreadful behavior, and she's letting him know he can't get away with it anymore. Grief and guilt can only be used as a buffer and an excuse for bad behavior for so long.

I really liked what you said and I totally agree.

we can maybe discuss the boyfriend factor but he did lied to her, he did act as a jerk and he did not realized it until she called him on it.

now we finally know what Lindsay wants from Danny but I also think that Danny has no idea what so ever what he wants right now

and I loved that it was him trying to talk to her while she was brushing him of and kept it professional for most part. it is a nice touch to her
I enjoyed the episode last night,

Im still hoping and praying that we will get Stella/Flack TOGETHER!

I am a D/L shipper, maybe im different but I see more chemistry between them the with him and Rikki, It is what it is, Danny blames himself. I personally thought he looked like Shit in this episode, Im glad Lindsey went off on him, he deserved it!! I thought Lindsey delieverd one of the best performance in along time.
Danny cheated on Lindsay. It's that simple. I don't care if it's casual dating or if they are in a serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationship...he still screwed another woman.

Except that one of the definitiions for "casual" is "Superficial: Not involving emotional commitment or loyalty, or lacking in thoroughness or seriousness." And from good ol' Web's Dic, "casual" can be something, "3): done without serious intent or commitment <casual sex>" If there's no commitment made to one specific person, cheating can't happen.

And I do NOT buy this idea that Danny had no idea that he was in any kind of relationship with Lindsay, or that he had NO idea that she liked him so much, blah blah. Unless you are admitting Danny is an utter moron, that's a stupid argument.

Danny and Lindsay both have serious communication problems. There has been nothing in Lindsay's canon behavior to suggest she was in love with Danny. Hell, there's been nothing in either Lindsay's or Danny's canon behavior all season - until this episode, obviously - to suggest anything happened between them after the sex in "Snow Day." To say that Danny could have had no idea that Lindsay felt the way she did or that Danny didn't think they were in an exclusive relationship does not in any way mean anyone is "admitting Danny is an utter moron." You may not agree with the people who believe this, but that hardly makes it "a stupid argument."
I wonder what happened to the girl we saw Adam wake up with a couple of episodes ago? They had great chemistry.
That was the season premiere. If Kendall shows up again, we'll see where they go with that--preferably nowhere if I had my way. I've enjoyed Bess Wohl in other roles, but Kendall just grates on my nerves.

I don't think people are being very fair to Lindsay.
(This is based on multiple comments, not specifically the one I quoted.)

People who don't even like her are saying they understand why she feels hurt. Personally, I don't think it's fair to call Danny a cheater or a bastard (or whatever else people have called him) based on assumptions when we know he's not the type to intentionally act that way--there's clearly more to the story, and considering that the writers STILL haven't clarified what type of relationship Danny and Lindsay had, it's hardly fair to assume that everybody should throw figurative stones at Danny.

Fact is, I like Danny more than Lindsay, and I'm going to be more sympathetic to him than to Lindsay. I admit it. I don't think she's to 'blame' for everything, nor do I think Danny is to 'blame'. I'm certainly not going to write off a character I really like based on assumptions--fact is, even if it's proven that he and Lindsay were zomg-practically-engaged when he slept with Rikki and he is a dirty, rotten man-h0r, I doubt I'll hate him. People are imperfect, and if I can't watch this show and think of them as 'real' people, what's the point of watching, of suspending reality for an hour each week? If someone I care about cheated on their significant other (assuming that Danny did cheat, which I'm not convinced of), I might not be happy with them, but I wouldn't automatically write them off.

I don't expect Danny to be a saint, and I'm already tired of the implication that I'm somehow wrong for not hating him after what he zomg-did-to-Montaaaaaana. (Again, not specifically about the post quoted.)

I completely feel for her, she was right, Danny and her are like best friends even before they got together and now Danny is just brushing her off and banging his neighbour.
They were like best friends? Really?

Perhaps Adam should swoop in and save the day for her??? ;) I sense a wee crush, *pleasant surprise* - not that this office should be encouraging romance...clearly they should re-examine their policies and take a cue from Miami Dade Police Dept...tee hee :lol:.
Nah, I doubt Adam having a crush on Stella would imply that they'd get together. I think a bit of one-sided affection would be cute. It goes nicely with Flack and Angell flirting without actually being together--it's realistic and cute without turning into relationship drama.

I would have had more respect for Danny if he'd been straight up with her...or even just left it at "I'm busy..."
I wonder if people would care as much about him making excuses if Rikki hadn't been there. If he just made excuses to avoid having lunch with Lindsay on any old day, would it be a big deal?

- Stella's boobs were riveting. :eek: :lol: I could hardly take my eyes off her cleavage every time the camera was on her!
Yes, I believe the reaction in the chat was "boooooobies" :lol:

About her saying it's her turn to buy? It sounded more like enticement to get him out than anything else.
I'm sure they all get lunch together or grab coffee or whatever else (and if you're with Flack at the time, I'm sure you're stopping for pizza and a cinnamon twist). When Danny said he was going to get coffee and asked if Lindsay wanted some, it seemed to me that he just thought, 'Hey, I'll get some coffee and offer some to my coworker', but Lindsay's reaction seemed like she assumed getting coffee was a symbol of something bigger.

Miscommunication, let me show you it.

Oh, and as a random note, last week they said it had been six weeks since "Down the Rabbit Hole"--that means that episodes 6-14 all took place in less than two months, so there was not even a whole week between the events of each episode.

And as another random note, I think now it's safe to say that the scene that was cut from the end of 4.13 where Danny brushes Lindsay off at the door to his apartment and is clearly waiting for someone else was implying that he was waiting for Rikki. It does make you wonder why they cut that scene out if it would have made this week's stuff seem a bit less out of the blue...

ETA: I take forever to post. There are like five or six new ones since I started this.

I refuse to believe that I either have to think Danny is a moron or label him a bastard. Talking about being 'fair', I don't think it's fair that those seem to be the only two options offered. Either he intentionally hurting Lindsay or he is a total dumbass? Gee, that's lovely. Complexity is for p*ssies, I guess.
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The pain is still pretty fresh, but Danny is being crappy boyfriend and an even lousier friend. And this is where I feel most people are missing the boat on what Lindsay said.
I am wondering what Danny has done to be a crappy boyfriend or a lousy friend. Aside from his night with Rikki which Lindsay doesn't know about yet, all we know is he forgot her birthday which while not great is hardly a tragedy especially given that many people really are very bad at remembering dates and then he didn't want to have lunch with her. Oh and she accused him in her speech that he has decided to handle all this on his own as if that was wrong on his part.

As far I as remember, that is all we have seen (that Lindsay also knows) about what kind of boyfriend or friend he is - if he is actually her boyfriend. She doesn't know he was lying about being too busy to have lunch nor does she know he slept with Rikki so in what way is she, at this point, justified in treating him like he has been a bad boyfriend or bad friend for that matter? Because he forgot her birthday, because he has decided to handle his grief on his own, or because he didn't want to have lunch with her??
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Ok I've watched the episode twice and have given it an A :D but after a very long day Im just going to make this guys have tierd me out with all your reviews!

- I'm glad we got another Stella episode.
- Loved the Stella/mac interaction... 'I snore' :lol:
- Naughty Danny! However even though im a big DL fan I dont think he cheated on Lindsay. He needs to get rid of this grief some how and like Rikki said it's just sex. But I hope that this is just a bump like was said ;)
- I like how Danny and Lindsay's convo in the office seemed to compare with the one in LRC but the ending of the convo shows how much stronger Lindsay is as a character!
- I love Adam :D He was so cute when talking about Stella's cooking but the best part was when he had his face in between the elevator doors :lol:
- I like the reference to 'All Access'...I always wondered if she moved out after she left her apartment at the end of the episode ;)
- Mac carrying out their young girl was so cute.
- I loved the ending with Stella and Austin :)
I don't think people are being very fair to Lindsay.
I completely feel for her, she was right, Danny and her are like best friends even before they got together and now Danny is just brushing her off and banging his neighbour.
It is going to break her heart when she finds out that he 'confided' in Rikki instead of her.
Danny is a jerk-off for doing that to her, and I am actually not diggin' his character anymore.
Good job writers for turning Danny into an A-typical guy.
I get that his and Rikki's situation is messed up, but come on!
I think the writers have shown Danny and Lindsay as in a relationship... they obviously dont show it all because the show is based around their jobs and if they were to be having sex on the light table in the lab it would be a little more then frowned upon.
Danny obviously knew he was in shit because he was acting like a coward... which kind of proves that he was in a relationship with Danny because he was trying to hide it... bike into service? PAH-LEEZE!

I am so on Lindsay's side.

Here Here!!! :)

I'm thankful to see I'm not the only one who read the episode/D/L relationship that way...I suspect there's more, they're just shy seeing as this thread has turned into yet another D/L-yes/no-war.
But seriously it's going to definitely take time, really good writing and/or something short of a miracle to forgive Danny this round. He's going to have to be dead to me for a while. :(

And then the dust clears for a bit and I realize this is only a TV show...despite the fact that I found my train of thought interrupted several times today thinking "Danny, how could you?" :brickwall:

I'm going to miss looking forward my weekly Danny fix for a while. Now it'll be "yay CSI:NY! Oh yeah, and that guy."
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