I give this episode a B. Partly because I always struggle with episodes about fire, they just aren't realistic, with fire like that Stella would simply have not been able to get in to the next door apartment, let alone find anyone alive in there.
Although why I'm complaining I don't know, it's not like this show is ever actually realistic. And if it was, it would be dull. :lol:
I have to say Mac and Stella's hug was cute, and why did she turn down his offer of a room? A hotel room cannot possibly be better than Mac's place. I did feel bad for Stella, she moved in two years ago and never entertains, she really doesn't have any luck does she? Nor does she clean. Two year of not finding some notes that had been stuck through a hole (which she did notice)? I know she's a busy woman, but think of all the dust that must have accumulated over the years? :lol:
OK, Danny and Rikki. Nice, natural chemistry, I think that they certainly enjoy each others company, and Rikki doesn't blame Danny for Ruben's death, which was nice to know. Danny and Lindsay's undefined relationship was confusing, but I don't know that Danny 'cheated on her' as such, I think it was cleverly left undefined in that way. Danny's not a bad person, he's just a guy who seems to lack some understanding of the way that women operate. As for Lindsay, her so-called 'monologue of doom' was work inappropriate but otherwise fairly interesting, I don't think her mentioning that she has lost people that she loved was necessarily a bad thing, she certainly seemed to be trying to be both empathetic to what he is going through and still get her feelings on their relationship across. Although with Lindsay's delivery and timing of these things it does always make her seem a bit 'all about me' about everything.
Their lack of eye contact when Danny first came into the lab, Lindsay looking obviously pissed off and Hawkes' obvious discomfort at the situation makes me wish they had decided to have the monologue take place outside of work, because they are hardly being professional, and there were much, much more important work related situations that they should have been focusing on, like finding a missing child...
Anyway, Flack was cute and great in interrogation as always.
Adam, crushing on Stella anyone????
Oh yes, that was so very awkwardly cute!
Final comments. I teared up at the end, and I'm not sure why because it wasn't sad. :lol: And, Danny's lack of vocabulary is really, really grating on me now. 'Boom' is not a word that he needs to use every week. Sometimes less is more.