The badge thing: If Stella had not picked up on the non-verbal war going on between the Messers, I don't think Danny would have told her at all.
I agree. I was also wondering what would finally prompt him to say anything.
I gotta say. I think that wee "non-verbal war" was among the least subtle things I've ever seen, but, the episode itself was filled to brimming with the patently ridiculous, so there it is. I guess I would also prefer Lindsay to have a non-verbal contribution to this so another mollifying point there :lol:. The fact there was NO reaction from Stella was mind-boggling, and I can only hope this is revisited in future. Even if Stella immediately computed that there were larger things afoot with an unresolved prison riot and colleague trapped within and larger consequences than she herself could reprimand him for, she coulda f*cking said
something. Even if it was along the lines of "we've other things to attend to, but this is not over."
Just. Gah. :brickwall:
ps and *thank you* for quoting one of my favourite film lines ever
Ha, no worries atall atall

. It deserves to be aired now and then :lol:
haha, it should! drinking games are always fun

i wonder what other elements could be used for it? ...
I think I'd hafta keep my parameters limited, or at least rotate them, I couldn't afford to $ustain such a habit with all that at once :lol:
viewing this episode as confirmation that the writers' room is equipped with it's own tardis. It's one of a small handful of theories I'm working on to explain NY's quirky relationship with Time.
well if they do have a tardis, they don't have a doctor to operate it, because otherwise their time lines would stack up more because they'd remember what they'd done. maybe the doctor was off saving a planet and they borrowed it but forgot to take notes?
:lol: I wasn't saying they've actually learned how to use it, even if they've tried to embrace its power :lol: Some people never learn to drive standard, ya know? Mebbe there's a clutch they haven't found yet...
hmm clearly i'm still feeling far too agreeable towards elwood....:lol:
...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... this would be problematic ...why?
but gotta admit I was largely wondering why Shane was being held there. Lol, weird.
agree. and the more people bring up points about it all the more absurd it all becomes :lol:. Why Pennsylvania, why general population, why violent convicts are housed in a facility where one stray bullet can spring not just one cell but the whole prison, where a simple kick to a wall can reveal conveniently man-sized duct-work, and prison bars can be pried apart widely enough to escape thru with a little mustard and rechargeable batteries :lol:
I didn't mind the Round Robin, tbh, because I thought it came off naturally; like break-room conversation over a case they were relating to ... rather than exposition to remind us Louie/Sam/Adam's dad existed. Unless someone has watched previous episodes where those guys were relevant/mentioned, they probably wouldn't know the characters had ever appeared.
I found it rather startling to realize what I was hearing, and contrived because *
every* single relative/character that everyone's been wondering and commenting about was suddenly mentioned within a thirty-second window, where they'd not been mentioned at all for ages. Falls into the realm exemplified most extremely by Communication Breakdown, where, after years of eps being populated by mostly shiny, rich, white people and focusing mostly on crimes involving them, the episode stocked a subway car with myriad ethnicities and languages other than english. > It wouldn't stand out so glaringly if the show were simply a tad more consistent as they went along instead of saving it all up for what feel like periodic and belated acknowledgments :lol:.
Danny finally confessed?Great. Besides it was to Stella!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, m'dear. Yet another one we see differently

...erm...he didn't exactly confess. He was caught in a moment where if he didn't up and own it, it would have been far worse to have had it come to light from an outside source. Call that protecting your ass from the greater of consequences. Moreover, knowing that Stella had seen the glance, Danny knew that Lindsay was now doubly on the line for him, not just as an earlier confidant but now in circumstances that upped the ante. Eg. if he didn't speak it would put her on the spot, to make another choice of whether to say something or continue covering for him.
I swear, if either one are somehow painted as stalked victims and absolved of all responsibilities for their non-actions within this in the face of Shane's diabolical brilliance, I will throw something at my teevee. Or perhaps just my teevee.
Besides i LOVED, LOVED, LOVED he told "Mommy Stell" first
Finally someone remembered Danny and Stella had a great relationship and they shared great conversations and teasing moments in the past:thumbsup::drool: All of them looked like guilty kids:lol:
they shoulda looked worse than guilty kids. Stella once made a housecall to Danny with the intent of ripping him one after he bailed on a crime scene during the Blu Flu, and left Hawkes hanging to fill in on a court appearance that ended poorly. Even though she toned down how she was going to say it (and in so doing demonstrated her inner conflict btw) she
still gave him minor whutfer. That's an example of being both a friend and boss and speaking her mind. The fact she said
nothing at all here, to me, is odd.
I have to assume that Mac now knows. Seeing as he knew about all the other details of the riot and warden & trooper's family etc by the time the ep ended.
If there isn't but one scene upcoming where Mac has something to say directly to Danny about the entire badge issue, I'm gonna figuratively drag each and every last one of them to the top of that bloody f*cking lighthouse and toss their respective asses off one by one and bounce their badges off whatever parts of them I can hit from there. I don't care if it's actually less than twenty feet up on a soundstage :lol:. That only means I can go down, haul them back up again, rinse and repeat until I'm too exhausted to continue, in which case I'm happy to use the skyjack I saw conveniently parked nearby in one of the other pics. It's okay. I have my ticket. I tell you I'll do it (*o my go0dness*).

. Okay. Fine. But bloody f*cking hell. :lol: For now my teevee off the balcony may hafta suffice.
Shane--> BEST VILLAIN EVER. I knew he was going to be run saying "I am Danny Messer"

but i enjoyed any single sec of him
In the immortal words of Mrs. Reisling, I beg to differ

. I was so hoping Casey, and his material, would live up to what was established for him a few years ago. When I read he was being trotted out again this season, I wanted to be optimistic, but was fighting a kernel of warbled dread from the start. I was hoping against hope. Perhaps his next appearance, where he's not obliged to start out looking like a stoned unibomber and transition to an uber-ebil genius hopped up on red bulls and caf pow, will be better.
This programme hasn't lost the plot, they've stolen the Lost plot.
Soooo. Um. Is Casey the Black Smoke? Trapped on Long Island and wanting to assume Messer's form?
"Wibbly wobbly timey wimey."
The stuff between Hawkes and Reggie was nice, and probably as complex as it could be in the space of 42 minutes.
Agree. I never mentioned that I did actually like the rapport between the two of them.
Why wouldn’t the lead SWAT negotiators establish direct communication with Sheldon once they realized he was on the inside with a phone and could move somewhat freely throughout the prison? ....
...why let logic interfere with a perfectly good waste of time and battery life where Danny and Lindsay could interrogate Sheldon about his sister while he was at risk for life and limb mid-riot instead?
.... it seems a bit odd that the assault team would let anyone go on their merry way (no matter what they were wearing) without some type of identification and debriefing on what had happened during the riot.
there you go, being all logical again :lol: that was among the most maddening aspects of the episode especially as it was so obvious how Messer's badge would figure into his escape, riot or not. Well, seeing as NY has such a plastic relationship with time, perhaps they've figured out even more complex things. Mebbe, just mebbe, they've gone into a multi-verse realm. Mebbe in NY's world there would be no incongruities with two Danny Messers running about; one a CSI, the other a patrol cop, one without a badge, one with. How many did Adam say there were, btw? Mebbe they planted the seeds of this all loooooong ago... :lol:. Sorry. But the plotholes of the arc revealed in the latest installement of an ep I'd been so looking forward to and now faced with a fortnight of reruns, well, whatever. NY is's... causing a :brickwall:/:guffaw: discombobulation. It's absurd. It's amusing. It hurts. And it's exasperating.
The storyline around Danny’s lost badge continues to be laughable. .... So it’s been a few months since Danny lost his badge, not a few weeks. What could Danny possibly have been waiting for? Was he seriously expecting the badge to somehow miraculously appear? And it’s not enough to have Lindsay and Flack complicit by their inaction, they have to drag Stella into it too. Not surprisingly, Mac still managed to escape the taint of this storyline, however, by conveniently managing to be out of the room during Danny’s confession.
:lol: Danny went from paralyzed to walking with Lucy in four episodes. In twice as many episodes, crossing one with a cultural mark of chronology in St. Patrick's Day no less, we're now told it's only been a coupla weeks since his badge was stolen :lol:.
I really really really really (really) hope the writers have some form of reckoning coming. And Carmine. Poor guy. He's always said he's the utility guy. But how his character's been twisted and folded to fit into each week's little box of absurdity is worse than a bag of pretzels.
I'm still working on the tardis theory. Another growing suspicion is that there's an internal game of capture the flag roving in the writers's room. The prize being control of a MIB Neuralizer. I think they think they've managed to flash the viewers with it during the fade to black whereupon they attempt to implant ludicrous rationalizations of ludicrous plot and continuity issuez. ...I think they keep forgetting to put on their sunglasses.
Anyways. Was gonna grade this. Meh. Shouldna left that after all. Now I'm remembering all the silly stuff and the memorable, deeper stuff, is proving less resonating. That's a problem for a teevee show. Call it a C- then. Sheldon's stuff elevated it, and it was a fun if eyerolling hour to watch, but general absurdities and Casey sucked it back down. C- is where it's levelled out. It hurts that an hour surrounding my boy Hawkes has wound up scoring among the lowest of eps I've bothered to grade all season.