See, this is what confuses me. This ep was about twenty times more entertaining than over half the season, so if they CAN pull out episodes like this why don`t they do it more often? The problem might well be the sporadic schedule; or hell, that I`m watching on a week-to-week basis (or however the schedule plays out). I don`t think the less-interesting eps would stand out as much if they weren`t the only new one I had to look forward to for a week or more. But this was one I could really enjoy watching more than once or twice. It strongly reminded me of episodes from earlier seasons. For the first half, it even almost felt like an old school two-case episode; if the second case were being covered entirely by Mac, but still. It was a great formula.
Weird things that struck me:
- I swear Lindsay`s outfit in that first scene was a duplicate of the one Natalia on Miami was wearing this week (and that mirror might`ve been easier to reach if she`d been wearing her heels :lol
- For some reason, I would not have pegged Stella to be ``chopstick-challenged``

So...they were probably for Mac, with his right-hand being broken and all.
- 8 months ago. At this stage, I have no clue what the date is in CSINYverse, but if they`re even pretending to follow earth-time, Mac moved into his place either shortly before Hawkes moved in with him, or shortly after Hawkes moved out.
- I...really liked Peyton in this one. Weird. Actually, I completely loved just about everyone in this ep, even the suspects. There was lots of focus on Mac, lots, but I honestly didn`t mind it here, even though there were a few times when his peeping tendencies showed up on that side of creepy. Their bantering was fun, especially since she turned out to be wrong in the end. Feel kind of bad for Aubrey, honestly, because of Mac`s `just friends` comment, and I`m not too sure about Peyton`s reason for The Letter (or that Mac didn`t seem too mad about it, but whatever). But it could`ve been much worse, and it wasn`t. Soapy? ...Yeah, kind of, but they made up for it lots on the crime and forensic side, so it cancelled out. I was glad.
- Brian Kinney, so nice to see you :lol: The way the guy`s character was handled in this ep was just great though; honestly there were a few suspects that were smartasses in the best way, which you used to get a lot of on NY (haven`t really lately, though), so I`m glad they`re bringing that back.
- Adam is love. That`s it.
Grade: A-