This episode made the impossible: I want to be part of a forum again
Facts, facts, facts life is made with facts and episodes too
We have an amazing opening sequence (btw i am intrigued if it was on location because the place was really nice) I felt the urgency, the adrenaline when Mac set off in persuit of the guy. Very well done and very well filmed imho (I am just a simple viewer)
Ugly (VERY) free fall and blame me but i thought i was going to see traces of blood from his skull (too much horror movies and specially Friday 13 th:lol
First note:
Mac on a stretcher. But after that fall, where is the orthopedic cervical collar?????He had oxygen but not the collar?

Ms Veaseyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

(definitely it must be an in joke or something!:lol
Mac's home(kudos to Mr Batts. Amazing place full of personality:thumbsup

Poor thing! immobile! But to the rescue Wonder Stell appears Me think it was
late in the morning. He likes oatmeal for his breakfasts but since his movements are limited, I cannot imagine he can't cook so easily or going out so easily to his fav caffeteria for his oatmeal. So she comes just to save him from starvation:lol:
Besides i imagine she had to process all the pile of paperwork before she went to his apartment to enjoy her break and to feed him in the process
Two suggestive lines
"You have no mercy" :drool

ut that line without images and i could have had a stroke, specially when it is connected to Mac and Stella :guffaw:
"All this for tonight" (or something like that):drool:
Yeah, definitely images saved me:lol:
And she knows how much he likes spicy chicken, and she knows BOTH need forks instead of Chinese sticks (well in Mac's case she couldn't help)
And the best of everything: if Mac moved 8 months ago, Stella was incredible connected to his home and his kitchen:drool: She knew where to find EVERYTHING:lol:
Donnie, Lindsay and my lovely Sheldon. Finally two guys who fits better than Danny

Actually i still prefer Sheldon than Don but the banter was funny and nice between Linds and Donnie

(ahhhhh! the story had been so different

Sheldon-Sid, my fav doctors:thumbsup: yeah, conclusion did lead to poison or a gas. I think it was a smart move the fact it was sarin . Didn't Mac say some substances don't leave traces?
I don't think he started spying on his neighbours because he is creepy:lol: I do believe poor Mac was bored of being confined to a seat (with broken ribs you can't dance the conga

) so his detective instincs played a lot on his behaviour
He wasn't spying on his neighbours but he was checking on their records:lol:
It was funnier that watching tv

Something really creepy were his neighbours at least one of them. And of all people in this world Virus Driscoll appeared (welcome home honey!

Mac, did you really expect Peyton had the same mobile phone than 3 years before? well it's possible but still
Poor Birdie
ADAM!:guffaw: 4 words for him: It's a BABY!:guffaw: he is. It's a kiddo, a little boy so fascinated by Mac's stuff (I was fascinated too) and he did the same i had done in his situation. Love looking at libraries and shelves
Love Mac's last line to him "Adam don't touch anything" or something like that when he was going to leave:lol:
V! V! Why are you so stubborn????? why don't you believe to Mac?

At least you are thinking Mac cannot live without you and he is jealous of your killer guy But playing hero when your friend is a suspect is not going to help
Reunion Stell-V I haven't seen anything strange. They had a good relationship before and that's it but for just a sec Stella's face got frozen when she saw Peyton
Darling, Darling (V aka Peyton) why are you asking about Aubrey? You are history and NOT for a minute i thought you left NYC for your family. After all, you already lived years in US. I think yoiu ran away but unfortunately there was an explanation for that
Uy the guy who looked like a bad guy was effectively a...BAD GUY!

a crazy man, like the man from 2.24 (one of my fav episodes ever). Arriving to the builing. For a moment i thought Mac was going to appear driving. Thanks God for continuity on the medical field
What about that liquid on Donnie's eyes?

. I think i have missed something excellent scene!:bolian:
Final scene:
Darlingggggggggg, darling Mac has
Broken ribs. You can't be a monkey on him my dear:lol: continuity payed a visit to insanity here (You are a DOCTOR honey. Check your grade)
Very entertaining episode. It was VERY worth the Mac and Stella scene and having Claire back for just one episode
Also it was evident writers are working hard on Lindsay. She had good interaction with the right characters and she didn't need any demostration:thumbsup:
Au bientôt
Debbie (jusqu'à prochaine season pour moi!)